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Random thoughts on Resident Evil · 1:10am Jan 27th, 2017

Well, since Resident Evil 7 came out I've found myself thinking back to the series out of nostalgia.

These games were my bread and butter growing up, and I played everyone of them up to five, stopped, and I'm thinking of picking it up again for 7.

I mean, when you think about it, a lot of the series is interesting because there is a definite history behind everything with a lot of different characters with different motivations. Well, before 5-6, anyway which had Wesker babble.

This has also made me realize that just studying the history of the world itself would be both an interesting and terrifying reality.

I mean...the U.S. has suffered terrorist attacks and 9/11 killed so many, caused lasting harm to others, and left a scar on so many people's psyche and instigated a war. It was a great and terrible tragedy, and one I don't think will be forgotten for a long time to come.

In the RE verse, the U.S. didn't just have a terrorist attack. An entire city-Raccoon City-was lost.

Home to a population of over a 100,00000 the entire city was first ravaged by the T-Virus, and once the outbreak was deemed too dangerous to properly quarantine, it was leveled with a series of missiles.

Now this did lead to the destruction of Umbrella, but think about this for a minute.

An entire city with that size a population utterly destroyed. I'm having trouble imagining the ramifications of that happening in the real world, but it's the RE reality.

Furthermore, I imagine the numerous viruses developed by Umbrella or split offs and other B.O.W. have changed that world entirely.

I mean, the basic T-Virus is probably considered a weapon of mass destruction due to its interactivity and the fact that everyone it infects comes back to literally eat the uninfected alive. This is not even getting started with the fact that other viruses or parasites are even worse.

Hell, this isn't even a one off thing. The las plagas has no connection to Umbrella, but was a thing centuries ago. Who's to say other such things aren't lurking around in the world?

This is not even to say how the military and battlefied might be like. With Umbrella being dissolved, a lot of people just took samples or products and ran with them and sell them on the black market.

Warlords may have nearly bullet proof monsters that just come back from near death stronger, or maybe even a full on tyrant which take heavy explosives to kill. Imagine using those to "police" unruly villages who don't fall in line?

I grew up in a small town where everyone had firearms. Were zombies to show up, I'd say we'd be more than armed to fight them. But, something like a tyrant? Even 12 gauge won't do jack squat to that monster.

Moving on, RE 7 also introduces..wait a second. Spoiler alert.

Basically, another company unaffiliated with Umbrella has developed...something in the shape of a little girl that can secrete mold that causes people to be under her control and can mutate them into horrifying, durable, and highly regenerative monsters. So, it's not even Umbrella that has a monopoly on this horrifying stuff-everyone's in on it.

So...yeah. This world is interesting, but utterly horrifying. I mean, how many have nightmares nightly about something like Raccoon City happening to them? Images of monsters on websites have to be a common thing, and for many fear of being eaten alive by a nigh unavailable monsters of one variation or another is a daily reality.

So, yeah. Just some thoughts on RE in general.

Report HiddenMaster · 273 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

I freaking love Resident Evil, played the Nemesis Demo, both Outbreak files, 4 (didn't beat it) 5 and 6 (beat em both) And I love the universe. And yeah I see where you're coming from.

I live out in the middle of the rural countryside, everyone around here has a gun, hell my neighbor (Who I helped with doing some housework a few months or so ago) He told me he has like 15 or 16 guns in his house. My grandma has a 22. And that's not to say th fuckton of rednecks who all live around here who I am positive have a stockpile of firearms. I'd say we'd be pretty prepared, especially if I'm at the helm.

But if we ended up facing a Tyrant? Yeah... no... we'd be utterly fucked.

Seeing those things on the battlefield? Christ, the terrifying look they have, coupled with their near invincibility would devastate some troops. Not to mention the other BOWs like Lickers, Hunters, and so on. Like, we could take on a few of them no sweat, the survivors in Outbreak were just regular civilians and they managed to kill several dozen of the Lickers and Hunters with just standard firearms, they have their weaknesses.

Tyrant? Not so much.

God forbid we end up in a world with this kinda shit happens XD And that's just the T-Virus, there's a whoe slew of other viruses that make other monsters... The T-Abyss, Veronica, and so on.

4398136 Fortunately, the T-Veronica virus needs a very long incubation time to really be effective. The others? Yeah...scary.

Something on hunters is that some were actually commercially developed. In code Veronica, Wesker used some to hunt down targets and harass Chris Redfield, and here's the damn thing; they did it. Granted he used a small robotic thing that first targeted people and then emitted an ultrasonic frequency that ordered the hunters to attack, but for crying out loud they worked.

This wasn't some uncontrollable monster like most of Umbrella's stuff, this was a fast, bullet sponge of a predator that could rip a human to shreds, had excellent night vision, and could follow orders and utilize doors and the like.

Then we have the T-1003's...long story short? Mass produced tyrants that actually follow damn orders. How intelligent they are is debatable, but one was sent to retrieve the G Virus in 2 and it acted on its own, so it's at least intelligent enough to track and and search an entire facility for a single sample.

Also, strong enough to shove a mother freaking train car back fast enough to kill someone if they're in the way.

True, very true. Still deadly though.

They're easy to make too, crossing... I think reptile DNA into a human embryo? I believe, so they're easy to make and mass produce, and hella hard to kill unless you know where to shoot that is. There only weakness is their stomach, cause their back is hardened like a shell.

Sweet fuck ahoy, one can only imagine a few dozen of those types of Loyal Tyrants on the battlefield... Jesus Christ.

Can you imagine if they managed to perfect the other abominations?

4398197 Jesus that would be horrifying. Tyrants being a regular sight on the battlefield...

I mean, they're not impossible to defeat-you have a tank you can probably blow one up, explosives work to, but in urban areas where these things can have cover...

I guess eventually this would just become something you deal with "Enemy has deployed three Beta class Tyrants, do not engage unless absolutely necessary or have explosive weaponry" sort of thing.

Yeah it would be, shit. Just driving along in your tank or humvee, then seeing one of those fuckers drop down out of nowhere. Whew!

It took some doing for the tank in Damnation to kill it, and they needed a headshot... then again this was after it went super so it may be different for a regular tyrant of course.

Probably most likely.

4398216 I think it's a trade off. Regular tyrants aren't quite so durable or strong (that's very relative here-in Damnation if I recall one smashes through solid marble pillars with ease), but the trade off is they seem to become extremely violent and hostile towards anything that moves rather than targets, and seem to loose some or most of their intelligence.

4398216 Something else and one reason I like Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 is because, besides being a sorely underrated game that was a little ahead of its time, it really got the tragedy down.

I mean, in the RPD scenario you actually see a bunch of officers coming up with an escape plan, executing it, and fighting to defend the RPD. They're doing their bloody best as the last officers in one of the safest last locations in Raccoon City.

Then the girl officer comes back with a swat vehicle, ready to load up all her remaining friends and coworkers and...everyone but one or two people is dead.

All those other officers you pass through the game? Died to zombies or zombified animals. Hell one guy, the trainer for the K9 unit, went to get the dogs because he wasn't going to leave them behind.


They mauled him.

I mean, sure it's a zombie outbreak and people die. But in the RE games it seems rare to see a large group try so hard, do pretty damn well and then just not many make it out at all.

Sounds like a decent trade off... unless they somehow figure out how to tame the super tyrants, jeez.

That was pretty sad to witness, going all around there and seeing them, talking to them and hearing what they want to do and how they're getting out. And they try so hard, and in the end... only a couple survive, is tragic really. And damn, I would very much like to see them appear in a new game.

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