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No New 7DSJ for the Next Few Weeks, as Well as a Statement · 8:50pm Jan 20th, 2017

Folks, I've been so busy getting ready for the inauguration (disclosure: I work for the government, and like everyone else who works in DC, it's been hell) and I've been exhausted enough and busy that I haven't had time to write 7DSJ, much less anything else. And now I need to get ready for Katsucon, where I volunteer. I should have a chapter ready to go by then, but I need a break - I'm fried.

That being said, over the past few days, I've put up with a lot of shit over the phone and I rarely wax political on Fimfic. But in the past few days, I've seen the absolute dregs of humanity over what should be a peaceful transfer of power. Both sides are acting like political circus performers, and I won't even get into details (some of it is bad, so much so the first thing I did when I got home was dive for a stiff drink - and I almost never touch alcohol.) I don't care what anyone's political opinions are - the moment you cross a line of decency, your beliefs are moot.

"But the Trump administration is racist!" So entitled little shits rioting in the streets is going to make things all better? "So why not bust all the protesters?" Because some are doing so peacefully; i know, because of my friends are there doing so with a peaceful group.

Trump's in office for the next four years, and people had better hope he succeeds, because otherwise there will be trouble across the world. You don't have to like him (I don't and I didn't vote for him.) You don't have to like his policies (I don't care for many of them at all.) But everyone best hope he succeeds (where success can be defined as the world being a better place overall, regardless of how he did it.)

Because if he fails? Those riots I linked? Prepare to see them everywhere.

Report Shinzakura · 373 views ·
Comments ( 19 )

Shit's a mess down there. You have my sympathies. While I'm hopeful everything will turn out okay, I hate to say I'm not terribly optimistic. As a Torontonian, much of what's happening now seems all too familiar

Yeah it's bad enough I released a podcast episode today because of it all.

I don't even really know what to say right now, I just, I really hope things are better, than worse.

If you work for the government, I say take good long vacation somewhere to recharge becuase I fully believe that the next few years will be one heck of a roller coaster. There is just too much hatred on both sides for my tastes and I see nothing but people going for revenge on both sides of the aisle after how the election went.

Are you kidding? It already started as of this week. Most of the week we were fielding calls from giddy conservative trolls who were taunting us about how we were going to be out of jobs and we losers deserved to be fired. One colorful individual went so far as to tell me that my wife "takes it in the ass while you're at work". Needless to say I was livid enough that my boss insisted I take a long lunch that day.

And it's not just red state trolls, either. I had liberal trolls who told us on the phone that we needed to be prosecuted for "not protecting nature from the GOP", or that we were sellouts for working for the president (no, I work for the government, not the president, there's a difference). One caller was a six year old girl who told one of our people if that now that Trump was going to be president, her mother said that he would kill their pet kitten because we didn't do our job to protect said kitten - she called because she wanted to "protest" (obviously mom put her up to this) Trump. Seriously, using your child to be a troll? That's a new low

Everyone at work agrees that it's going to be this way for at least the next couple of weeks before shit dies down to the point that we go back to the mere loathing that seems to be recent US politics.


Well I hope it dies down, for your sake and that of your co-workers. I have stopped watching most TV after 10:35pm and had dodged all media all day to get away from all the politically skewed news. I am sick and tired of how childish both sides are.

Oh, my dear Shin. My sincerest sympathies for what you and your fellow government co-workers are going through, my friend.*hugs*
Stay strong, dear friend. My thought and prayers are with you, your family and your co-workers.

4389772 Me, I've been watching YouTube vids most of the day, and that's what I'm doing now.

Probably will til tomorrow.


So have I. Some of the old Jib Jab ones where pretty good, like What We Call The News.

I didn't know that you work for the government aside from your tenure in the military, but I didn't know that the protesting was going to worsen that much. Also, I wouldn't know any political stuff, but if it's driving you up the wall, well here's hoping times get better, if only for a short time.

4389791 Oh, I haven't been watching stuff like that. I've been watching some of my fave John Romer documentaries, various other similar documentaries, some MLP stuff and some music videos; etc.

I don't watch news stuff unless I just absolutely HAVE to.

4389727 Though I don't work a job in our government, I do hope things can at least settle down for you. This whole political clusterfuck is getting old, real quickly.

It wouldn't be as bad if people dodn't lose their shit whenever the littlest detail is not how they want it.

(Also: To hell with 'news' channels. Lying bastards just aim to make things worse . . . )


That short video is a "satirical" review of the "news" networks in the mid to late 2000's. I need a good laugh all day.

Give us NEW AAG or we riot and cry for free stuff nOW!:raritydespair::flutterrage:

Because the best way to demonstrate that "Love Trumps Hate" is to allow your (officially) disavowed minions to commit Riot, Arson, Aggravated Assault, and Vandalism... Not-so- Peaceful Protesters

Sometimes, children, the best thing you cando is stay out of the argument.

4389950 Ah, okay.

And I can totally understand that.

For all the vitriol and bile aimed at Trump supporters--some of whom really are the utter cunts they're accused of being--I'm pretty damn sure that they wouldn't carrying on like this if it was Hillary being sworn in. Protests against her? Probably a few. But nothing on this scale. And there certainly weren't people carrying on like this when Obama was elected, not the first time or the second.

Well, enough of that out of me. Be safe, don't let the fuckers--from either side--harsh your mellow, and stay sane!

I am not american so I dont know how valid my views on this are but I'll say something anyway.

I lean to the left on issues such as lgbt rights and such, though I wont ask about your view on them because I dont want to start any unnecessary conflict here in the comments. Despite my views I dont really consider myself on the side of either the left party (Labour) or the right party (Conservatives) in the country I live in, this is mainly because they are both incompetent to a massive degree and because I am generally tired of political warfare and strife after experiencing it for the last couple of years.

Regardless of your political affiliation, you are also a human being just doing your job and you deserve to be respected. There can be arseholes on both sides of the political spectrum (You may consider me to be one of the very arseholes I am talking about, for which I apologize if I come across as much) , dont worry about them and you be yourself. Eventually things will calm down and return to normal again, it just might take a bit longer than it normally does is all.

Stay safe,

- Phantomboss

P.S I am enjoying AAG immensely and look forward to more if you plan to continue writing it.

Here in Mexico, the Nash feels like getting very, very drunk on the fact that recent local financial news are pointing at big Yank companies withdrawing their investments simply out PR reasons, or fearing for losing their capitals if their country turns isolationist. And Gosh: the hub of modern imperialism is returning to 16th century colonialism. And now, the Man-Child of Wall Street the White House has called the Mexican president like he was his boss; and the President of Mexico, a man who cheated his way through law school, is going to that meeting with intentions of "appeasement". As soon as that meeting is through, I'm sure I'll want to get super, hyper drunk. So drunk that I would even drink a third beer.
(And yes, I'm a lightweight.)

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