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My True Creepy Experiences: A Creepy Deviant Art Encounter · 3:39pm Jan 19th, 2017

My True Creepy Experiences: A Creepy Deviant Art Encounter

About four years ago, one of my longtime friends on Deviant Art sent me an urgent message telling me to check out a profile of a user I’ll call ClownsBeClowning to protect his identity. The creepy thing about this Deviant Art profile was that it was basically a shrine to me.

It had details about my life on it that only people who knew me personally or had been following the journals on my various websites would be aware of. I read through this guy’s personal journal on the profile section of his page and let’s just say there was some disturbing stuff posted on it.

There were hundreds of pictures of me (where he got them, I have no idea as I only let close friends view my pictures on my personal Facebook Page) and underneath the pictures he would list creepy things like ‘I’m always watching you’ and ‘I want to wear your skin’.

He also would post links to my writing, art, and music websites and tell people to watch me because I was an angel, was perfect, and everyone should be like me. I was basically a religion to this guy that he was even going so far as to try to convert people to. It is one of the strangest things I have ever encountered, and I was terrified when I read everything through.

I told my mom about the Deviant Art user and she told me that we should report it to the police so we went to the station to give an official statement. The police turned out to be pretty useless, stating that we should take our issue to the website administrators (basically the Deviant Art staff) and have them resolve the issue from their end. So I contacted one of the admins on Deviant Art who was so freaked out by the profile they literally responded to my message the next day, telling me they had deleted the profile as soon as they saw it. Anyone who uses Deviant Art is aware that the staff usually takes a week or so to get back to you about an issue, so that just gives you an idea of what a freak this user was.

The staff member told me to also report the user to the police, which I said I had with no results. So they took the extra step and banned the user’s IP and even checked to see if he had made any shadow accounts on the site. They deleted everything related to this guy, but I still have a print out of what I took to the police which I keep filed with the police report.

I don’t know who that guy was, but I hope that I will never have to find a creepy page like that on Deviant Art...or any other site for that matter...ever again.

Comments ( 52 )

Jesus, that is really fucking scary.

4388161 Yeah it is definitely one of the creepier things that I've encountered on the internet. I've had some other creepy experiences on the internet too but they were more on the paranormal side of things. For example, one time I had a conversation with an old friend for months who I later found out had died of a genetic illness a year prior to me talking to them; which would have made it impossible for me to talk to them while they were still alive. I know that I wasn't talking to someone who hacked the account either because the person I talked to knew about things that only my friend and I knew about; like experiences hanging out together and so on. I also had a physical experience of hanging out with this friend after talking to them on Facebook (during the period they were supposed to be dead, I kid you not) and we went to this local bookstore. We hung out like it was entirely normal. I didn't get any indication that the people around my friend thought he was a ghost either. Or else they just didn't notice. So that's why when my other friend told me he had passed away a year before, I didn't believe it at first. I told my other friend how I had hung out with Jesse (that was his name) at the bookstore and had been talking to him on Facebook. My other friend kept insisting that he knew he had passed away because he went to his funeral. I had been off Facebook for a long period of time before talking to Jesse again so I didn't notice and activity in the feed talking about his funeral or even the things left on Jesse's page giving his family condolences for him passing away. I just never thought of checking his page while we were talking to one another because, like I said, I had been off of Facebook for a long period of time. I checked it out for myself and had the shock of my life when I realized I had been chatting with and even hanging out with someone who was supposed to be dead. The interesting thing is that after my other friend told me Jesse had passed away, I never heard from his ghost again. It was like Jesse was trying to tell me he had passed away from the grave and help me feel better about his passing since I didn't hear about his funeral or get to see him off in a traditional way. It was a pretty interesting experience and one that will always stick with me.

Well... that is certainly disturbing, very much so. :pinkiegasp:

4388173 It was definitely a very weird experience. My mom and I think that my crazy step dad (who has been after us for a number of years) might have been behind the Deviant Art account in some way (either creating it himself or paying someone else to make it). But we could never confirm this one way or other. I've also had a few stalkers over the years so it could have been made by one of them.

4388178 My thoughts exactly.

Well then, your step-dad sounds like a creeper, Christ.
I'm on DA quite a lot, (Have been for about five years now) So I know a lot of meeting creepers, I have had no stalkers though, I lack the triggers to garner such attention. I do get a fuckton of Llamas though :rainbowderp:

paying someone else to make it

I this dude has money to pay some foo to make a stalker account, shit's sake DX Gimme the money, I can put it to better use... like... for buying food, or shoes that aren't beat up... :pinkiesick: I despise those people...

4388168 Ye Gods above ... all of this is beyond horrifying ...

4388183 My step dad was highly abusive. That's why my mom and I left the house eight years ago. We've been on the run from him ever since. He is highly crazy and mentally unstable. He has either tried to threaten our lives personally or send other people to do it on multiple occasions. It's been a very interesting eight years.

4388186 It definitely made me a lot more cautious about who I add to my social media accounts. There are some crazy people out there and a lot of these nutters have access to the internet.

That is terrifying and I don't understand why people would do that it's really creepy!

4388197 There are a lot of weirdos on the internet, that is for sure. That is why you always have to be careful about the people you add as friends. Because a lot of crazy people use the internet just like everyone else.

4388196 Yeah, sad but true. Hell, I have had my Facebook since 2012 and I have debated deleting it more than a few times.

Christ, I'm pretty sure I would have shot him by now. If anyone, and I mean anyone threatens my life or my family's or friends life, you're done. Simple as that, no way around it.
I know some will disagree, but that's just me... :unsuresweetie: I couldn't go eight years running from some abusive bastard liek that, especially if he's mentally unstable and sends lackies to psychically harm me and family.

4388205 I think just as long as you are smart about who you add as friends online and you block/ report people who are causing trouble, you are typically fine. So I wouldn't worry too much about it. :)

4388206 My mom and I are both good at defending ourselves, which is good. Although my mom isn't always physically able to do so because she has developed Vikings Disease which effects her physical condition. But I myself know how to shoot, I know various martial arts forms (and fighting forms in generals), and can use pretty much any weapon I pick up (like a sword, or whatever nearby object that could potentially be used as a weapon). So if we have any issues, I definitely know how to defend us both.

Holy crud. :rainbowderp:


It was definitely a weird experience. And it made me be more cautious about who I interact with online.

Well its good you know how to defend yourself at least, glad to hear that.
Hope you two can stay safe, legitness. To be a paranoid goob, sleep with a knife under your pillow :pinkiecrazy:

4388280 Thank you for thinking of me, my friend. Just keep my mom and I in your prayers and send positive vibes our way. That always helps a lot. :)

4388361 I have had a lot of paranormal experiences over the years. I have shared a lot in my blog already but I plan on sharing more as well. :)

4388370 I hope your connection to the paranormal rubs off on me.:pinkiehappy:

4388400 I think if you have an open mind, and are willing to seek out knowledge about paranormal subjects, then you will start to see more paranormal/ supernatural stuff in your life. It's true that if you put the energy out to seek something you will most certainly always find it. I wish you success on your journey seeking out and finding paranormal stuff in your own life. :)

4388410 thanks. Hey do you wanna talk on Google Hangouts?? If so my account is Nightshadow Everfree or joemaxwell1978@gmail.com

4388410 if that came off like anything bad, I'm sorry. I just like talking too new people.

4388425 I'm not really on Google hangouts too often. I'm either on the Discord servers I made or the Facebook messenger. :P

Oh we could use messenger if YOU want to. I might actually make a discord thing so ya.

4388433 This is my Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emma.l.downs.56

And these are my Skype and Discord chat servers.

Skype Chat: https://join.skype.com/LuJ4DPlvn1oQ

Discord Chat: https://discord.gg/0wNF6CciQT4LgqrD
Share And Connect: https://discord.gg/dxyEQCc
Art-Tastic Creations: https://discord.gg/HDGEaRn

Feel free to add me and chat on them. :)

You're very welcome, and I will friend! :yay:

4389078 Aww thank you very much. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers as well. :)

I appreciate it! And you're very welcome once again :heart:

Dear god...You had a stalker Lyra :twilightoops:

4389233 You are very welcome as well. :)

4389891 Yep, it was a pretty creepy experience. Fortunately I was able to resolve the issue and I never had a problem with that particular person again.

I have pretty good investigation skills Lyra, but I'm too far away to provide my services. You do have some fame due to your original work, so you maybe dealing with some crazed fan.

I ironically maybe just a minor colleague, or a recent friend. But if you need help and you are around San Juan PR. Don't be afraid to hit me up on Facebook. My email and number are also listed there.

(Sorry if that comes off a creepy, but I can assure you that I'm mostly professional, mostly.)

4390529 Thank you so much for offering your services. That means a lot to me. :) This particular situation was resolved so I am not to worried about it. After Deviant Art deleted his account and banned his IP address, I never heard from the site member again. But if I have any trouble in the future, I will be sure to let you know. :)


I'm glad. I would have been terrified, good thing this was resolved quickly.

4391290 My thoughts exactly. :rainbowderp:

4391736 Yes. I am glad that things were resolved as quickly as well.


Sounds like you've had quite a few close calls Lyra

4394159 I have indeed. But somehow I always managed to make it out of those situations unharmed. Which is something I am truly grateful for.


Indeed. I'm very glad those ended well, they could have gone far worse.

4397975 This is very true. :)


Indeed. I always try and loom at things in a positive light.

4398907 That's a good thing to be in the habit of doing. :)

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