• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen May 17th

Pearple Prose

"A cheeky idiot tweedling around the moors." ~ Aragon || Avatar by Aragon and Mousse

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Hello everyone · 8:36pm Jan 12th, 2017

So, uh, hey.

Recently I've been feeling a lot of nostalgia for the halcyon days of "actually being able to write and publish things and feeling good about it" so I ended up taking a look around Fimfic at my old stories and checking if certain stories had updated in my absence. I don't feel like I'm that interested in actually writing about magical horses anymore, but I really wish, for my own sake, that I could get back into writing as a hobby.

Does anyone know of a good place to write and publish original fiction? Or alternatively, if I were to post stuff on this blog now and then (or even make like a tumblr blog or something for them, that's what cool dudes do right?) would there be an audience for that? Recently Tor closed its borders to unsolicited to fiction submissions, so that's one possible avenue closed off indefinitely.

Also: How are you guys doing? Feature box still filled with trash?

Stay classy,

Comments ( 12 )

Could always go for the "Archive Of Our Own" for original.

I wouldn't mind a post or two on such stories, either.

And yeah, it's trash, but honestly what did you expect?

~Skeeter The Lurker

Good to hear from you again. Fiction press and archive of our own are worth looking at. Drop a line if you do. Your prose is brilliant and I miss it.

I would read it.

(Also go to Discord, you asshat).

GenFic is supposed to pop up at some moment, so that's a thing where you can write stuff. There's also the original writeoff entries, tho that's not as much 'an audience' as it's people contesting you, but that's sorta it.

Other than that, there's a lot of places where you can try to sell original fiction. I don't know how many of these still work, but it's a pretty thorough list, if I remember correctly. Some sweet deals, a la Tor, in there.

Also shit like AO3 if you wanna post for free, but I'm not all that well-versed on that. Shame, really. I should look into it at some point.


I took a quick look at Archive and it seems like it's intended exclusively for fanfiction? I dunno, I couldn't find an "original fiction" category in any case. Fiction Press looks exactly like fanfiction.net so I'm immediately disinclined. Hmm.

Also, thanks for commenting you guys. I honestly really wanted to reach out to the old fellas on fimfic again which is partly why i made this blog.

I'd read stuff on your blogs, and there's always FictionPress to post to.

My vote is just post blogs with bits of fic as I know I've missed your lovely wordsmithery.

You're alive, or spirt blogging from the afterlife, so either way it's a good sign. As long as your original stories can be pony-fied by replacing "hand" with "hoof" then in advance I'll call them readable.

I'd read your word stories, also yeah featured box is crap as ever.

(Didn't you imply we were immature as you left? Hey, welcome back, f*ck you too I guess?)

Knight made a Discord thing and so did everyone really, character tags updated, and Rainbow Dash/Twilight/Sunset/romance/comedy generally takes the front page still.


Yeah, I kinda did, and it was a dumb thing for me to say. To be fair, though, the vast majority of fimfiction is immature, but the people that are going to pay attention to this blog are probably going to be cool people and I should have been aware of that.

Sorry. Fimfiction can be really awesome sometimes but a lot of the time it's just kind of exasperating. Part of why I don't do stuff here anymore.

Heh~ It's fine, I was ribbing back mostly.

Welcome back dude.

The Writeoffs have original fiction competitions every six weeks now.

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