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Forget not that I am a derp.

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Work Report · 9:07pm Jan 7th, 2017

It's been a month since I started my job. As you may have noticed, my Fimfiction activity has actually increased of late, since I can't actually do anything. I finally found out why yesterday: The company isn't licensed to create another GitHub account, so they need to clean out an old one, including any potentially useful tweaks that haven't been pushed to the master branch. The end result is that my ability to live the dream and get paid for reading fanfiction will likely be coming to an end soon. In the meantime, here's some amusing tidbits from what's been going on lately. Be advised that the following is largely nonsense, though there is a fairly major announcement after all the shenanigans.

I talk to myself. More than I should, really. It's especially noticeable on the ride to work. Forty miles each way means I have one heck of an external monologue going when I'm not singing along to something. Here are some highlights, provided free of context:

• If that guy's going to crawl up my ass like a coprophilic weasel, he's welcome to pass me.
• You can not pass. You can not pass! Dark steering will not avail you, wheel of Udûn. You can not pass!
• It's like the automotive equivalent of the Human Centipede.
• This is what THC sounds like.
• Bowie was like a male Bjork, in the sense that both probably came from the realm of Faerie.
• Cutie Mark Crusader Benz Dealers! Yay!
• I wish there were a way to give an apology honk.
• Yes, yes, we're all very impressed by your giant motorized penis.
• You don't deserve a witty insult.

Once I'm actually at the office... Well, the good news is that the company is growing very quickly. The bad news is that there isn't any room in my department for me. As in actual, physical room. There's even one poor guy whose workstation is in the break room. Instead, I'm a floor down, at a desk in an alcove of a hallway. It's actually pretty nice. I'm right next to IT and HR in case of any emergencies or questions, and I even get some sun in the early morning.

Why yes, my mustache does cast its own shadow.

In all seriousness, it's a very nice work environment. Friendly coworkers, sympathetic and helpful boss, generally positive environment. I look forward to being allowed to actually get something done.

As for that major announcement, I'm not usually one for New Year's resolutions, but this year, I have one very specific one in mind:

I am most definitely going to a convention this year.

My first thought was Bronycon. I don't know how many of more of those there will be, and I want to be able to say I was there. Plus it'd be nice to see some of you in the flesh. If you guys have any better suggestions, I'm all ears.

Comments ( 23 )

It's like the automotive equivalent of the Human Centipede.

I need to remember this one.

Your moustache does cast an impressive shadow.

If I ever decided to put the effort into waxing mine, I could get some decent evil villain curl going on.

Majin Syeekoh

I'm going to be at Ponycon Saturday the 28th.

It's in Long Branch, too.

Ponycon Info

Majin Syeekoh

But if you have to choose, definitely be at Bronycon.

Shit gets lit up there, if you can interpret my vernacular.



~Skeeter The Lurker

Congrats on your new gainful roomless tech occupational adventure! May it prove ever fruitful.

Also have you considered Everfree

Because me :pinkiehappy:

Majin Syeekoh

4373154 You guys should drop literally everything to travel to Ponycon in NJ―

Okay I'm gonna stop there because even I think that's insane. No one actually wants to be in NJ for any length of time.

Unquestionably Bronycon, it's miles of fun.

Great to hear that your times have been the good (or at least amusing) kind of interesting.

I dispute that. I write from Edison, NJ, where my grandparents live. I like visiting them.

Majin Syeekoh

4373576 lol it's a joke

I live right around the corner in Westfield.

Alright, in order of the External Monologue:

I now know what 'coprophilic' means.
I had no idea you were Gandalf.
That was a disgusting movie.
Tenet Healthcare Corp?
:pinkiegasp: Dun dun DUUUUUN.
That'd be so cute.
I literally burst out laughing in the middle of a serious conversation my parents were having, thus making them question my sanity :derpytongue2: I regret nothing.
Best insult of all.

You know that you're mustache is impressive when it has its own shadow :twilightsmile:

On a serious note, it's great that you've found a good work environment. I do hope you give Bronycon some thought, though any fan-convention will be full of fun. Here's to New Year's Resolutions!

Cutie Mark Crusader Benz Dealers! Yay!

Story idea, free to a good home:
The FlimFlam brothers invent (or dubiously acquire the plans for) a new & improved horseless carriage! Yes, it's loud and expensive and requires fuel you need to buy from alchemy stores, plus prone to breaking down or at least requiring constant tinkering to run properly... but it's the FUTURE of TRAVEL, obviously! (At least for the landbound pony races.)

Through some confusing coincidences, and a guileless attempt at avoiding Bearer interference by embroiling their kin in the scheme, they hire the Cutie Mark Crusaders as their salesponies in Central Equestria. Possibly complete with a single horseless carriage to drive around as advertisement. (Pray to all the gods you've ever known that Scootaloo won't get her Mark for car racing!)

Bronycon is THE ponycon to go to.

EFNW is the #2.

So pick one of those! You will meet the most of us that way. Bronycon will have 4x as many writers as second place.

Go to Gencon. It's got nothing to do with cartoon horses but it'll probably be awesome and you didn't limit yourself to pony up there.

I may or may not be quietly annoyed every time I can't go to Gencon, which is every time there is a Gencon. I've missed so many chances to have X-Wing expansions before everyone else.

I don't wax mine; I just train it.

That's hilariously close to where I work. Still, probably not going to go; it's a little short-notice for me.

And for the record, I've lived in New Jersey my whole life. Granted, I never really had any choice on the matter...

Erk. Sorry, Bookish. You are a big draw, but Seattle's pretty out of the way for me.


Tenet Healthcare Corp?

Tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient of marijuana. I heard the Beatles' Strawberry Fields Forever for the first time a few weeks ago.

Also, I regret nothing about making your parents question your sanity. :raritywink:

For once, the Flimflams couldn't run fast enough. They'd given their pursuers the tools to outrace them.

I wholly support this convention plan! You'll have fun.

Was going to ask where you are geographically but 4374004 answers that. The reason I ask is that a convention within easy driving distance reduces a lot of the logistical hassle - easier to bail if something goes sideways, much less cost than booking flights, and you can meet people who you might be able to follow up with IRL if you hit it off. Bronycon is a good default con but a backyard con is a really good idea when you're starting out.

If ponycon is really that close, consider swinging in for a day trip! You can get in and out for just the cost of a day pass (no hotel, which along with travel is the biggest expense). It won't give you the full experience, since a lot of the social time comes from the parties and such running late into the night, but you can probably take in some panels and wander the dealer's hall and say hi to a couple of folks you know online. :twilightsmile:

Huh. I didn't even know day trips were an option! I'll definitely have to bear it in mind. Thanks. :twilightsmile:


January 27-29, 2017 • Ocean Place Resort and Spa • Long Branch, NJ

That's one week before Glimmerdark, which is in Princeton. I was thinking about going to that.

Majin Syeekoh

4375645 looks interesting.

Unfortunately I only have enough money saved up for one day at Ponycon, so unfortunately I'll have to pass on that.

Yeah, you can even register on site as a walk-in. The typical con will do a Saturday-only or Sunday-only badge for about 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of full registration. (A few cons just make you pay for the whole weekend anyway, but they tend to be the smaller ones that the reg costs are less to begin with.) So you're out maybe $40 plus gas and driving time, and that gets you access to everything, including panels and event space and the dealer's hall.

I've been working and attending cons in multiple fandoms since the 90s, so even though I don't know the cons in your area I can probably answer any general or specific questions you've got. The systems and organization are extremely similar no matter where you go.

From cursing-to-self while driving to some of your experiences at work already, I know what it's like :derpytongue2:. Three days after you posted this, pretty much all I can think to say is, "I'm so sorry for the nonsense that will inevitably happen to and around you."

I can only hope your comment isn't as prophetic as I fear it will be.

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