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Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 11 Live Reaction · 10:52pm Jan 1st, 2017

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 11 – Who Is The Black Kamen Rider Live Reaction

The episode begins by setting up Christmas...that's kinda interesting, normally Christmas episodes just kinda happen.

We also find out Emu's intern ship is nearly done. We also see one of his patients being discharged, Shuuhei. Despite being out of the hospital before Christmas, Shuuhei isn't happy and hates Christmas!...He's the Victim of the Week, huh?

Also, something ironic about Japan is while Christmas is celebrated, their version of New Years is more comparable to what we in the West consider Christmas proper. Not in the episode, just an irony in real life...You learn things.

Meanwhile, Kuroto and Pallad are in the office were Kuruto is working on a Gashat Pallad says is a key to the next stage of their evil plan. And this particular Gashat requires very specific data to be completed: namely, the data of death. Pallad comments that is an inconvenient thing about real life: that you only have one life while in games you just hit continue. Well, there's such a thing as Rogue-Likes...which the Riders are kinda playing.

Shuuhei's mother states that she'll have to go back to work...yep, there's our problem. Shuuhei is also infected by the Bugster and this triggers its take over, causing him to run off.

Something I wonder? Who exactly is SPREADING the Bugster virus now, since before that was Graphite's job and he just got killed off.

Regardless, the Bugster separates, and it's Salty, the Bugster from episode one. I mean that completely literally: he's LITERALLY the same one come back to life. Okay, so the Bugsters have extra lives. Interesting. Apparently Salty ALSO leveled up as well, and got a nice new hat out of it. Interesting way to reuse the old monster suits and save money in a way that makes sense. Though I wonder if there's a way to permanently kill them. Does this mean Graphite might come back?

Emu jumps instantly to Level 3...and unfortunately for Salty, while HE leveled up, so did Emu and he's getting squashed until Genmu shows up.

Emu, despite the issues, jumps to Level 5 and overpowers Genmu...until the reason using that form alone show up and he goes out of control. And into a building, allowing them to escape.

Afterward, while being treated, Shuuhei reveals he doesn't see a POINT in going home, so he doesn't mind being back in the hospital. Emu promises to make him smile, and wisely goes to ask his mother for what he likes to get him a gift to cheer him up, in this case cake with lots of cream...but someone calls him before he can go get it.

Again, I really like Emu. He feels like the child's doctor he is. Making children happy and getting a connection to them comes WITH that job.

Meanwhile, Kujo is currently meeting with Kuroto and asking about the possibility Emu had the compatibility surgery as a child....and tells Kuroto that once he's done with that, he's next...dude, you know just who this guy is, it probably isn't a good idea to taunt him!

Before Kujo can leave, the other three Riders all show up, having been summoned by Kuroto. Kuroto explains that nine of the games have been cleared, leaving only Genmu's level 3 Gashat, Shakariki Sports, remains. And tells a half truth: that Genmu is the one spreading the infection and thus must be stopped to end it. Of course this is true, but only one person in the room is AWARE he's Genmu, and no one believes him. He tells them to defeat Genmu...what's he up to?

He also diverts suspicion to the Ministry of Health based on Kujo's statements, but Emu doesn't buy it. When Kujo naturally asks what Kuroto is up to, Kuroto replies the same thing as them.

Kujo still doesn't trust things, namely talking to a nurse involved in the surgery, and the only thing that comes to her mind that was usual was the game Kyotaro gave Emu, and everyone loves Kyotaro.

After a lot of effort, Emu manages to get Shuuhei a cake...but upon seeing it he yells and says he hates cake...which makes him naturally feel a bit down because he wants to live up to him, so they should meet alone.

Kuroto calls and asks them to transport Shuuhei, claiming he has proof that the Ministry is involved...and for some reason tells his office 'goodbye' upon leaving...this totally isn't a trap.

Guess what? It's a trap and Genmu instantly shows up and states he wants to get the 'data of Death from him'. Emu gets ticked off and goes straight to Level 5 and demands an explanation, which Genmu claims is that Kyotaro gave him orders and tries to break him down emotionally, which works until Drago Knight Hunter begins going out of control, which nearly gets him killed...but Kujo tackles him out of the way and tells him if he's so set on trusting someone, not to give it up that easily, which manages to snap him out of the rampaging and back to normal. Kugo tells Emu he'll believe in him too...Aww.

Kujo isn't a bad guy really, he just needs that heart opened up.

Taiga and Hiiro show up as well, naturally all for differing reasons, and agree to help defeat Genmu, resulting in Emu giving them their Virtual Gashats for Level 5.

And given how well he fairs against Level 3s, four Level 5s is way too much for him and he's overpowered, the Shakariki Sports Gashat being knocked out of him and his life bar being nearly depleted.

That was awesome. Teamwork is always such fun to watch!

However, Genmu isn't done and grabs Shakariki Sports and prepares it's Critical Strike (not transforming to Level 3 by the way, that's an interesting concept, and trying to kill Shuuhei with it...forcing Emu to intervene and tail whip him (yes, his part of the Drago Knight Hunter armor can do that), completely depleting his health gauge, and clearing Shakariki Sports as well...

But Genmu STABS HIMSELF with the Bugvisor (the weapon he and Graphite used) loaded with the Gashat he was using, somehow stopping himself from dying. It doesn't refill his life gauge, it's still empty, he just...didn't die. That's honestly pretty creepy.

Stating hiding his identity no longer matters, he reveals his Rider name and his true identity...also he's bleeding from the mouth...

The group minus Kujo are naturally shocked to learn this, and Kuroto explains that they were just test players he was using to develop the 'ultimate game'...and explains the Bugster Virus is now infecting people all over the city, and that the Riders are the only ones who can decide whether or not humanity dies before escaping.

Kuroto meets up with Pallad somewhere, and is looking worse for the wear...and the game he made completes to reveal its true name: Dangerous Zombie. He also explains he was going to die ANYWAY from using the Proto Mighty Action X Gashat, so it was all or nothing.

...MAN this was an intense episode, and we learned quite a bit...on top of the Big Bad (well, one of them) not dying and surviving what should have been his death, and Kujo being proven right and more or less finally earning Emu's trust genuinely.

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