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Average brony obsessing over the main cast with an unhealthy desire to see them in a dark fantasy setting.

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Relationships, Ramblings, and Random Thoughts · 4:36pm Jan 1st, 2017

:ajsmug: Happy New Year

:derpytongue2: You thought it was going to be about Applejack, but it was, I DIOBLOOM! [southern ZA WARUDO] That's right, today's chapter is one part Applejack and everything else Applebloom, who has been mentioned several times in the past, and used as a vehicle to get Applejack and Rarity introduced to each other, but next to nothing outside of that. Well, if you've been wondering what she's been up to this whole time, here it is.
The first day, the second day, and then every day up till this point in the story from there. It's funny to think that I've been writing this thing since May, yet in the actual story, only nine/ten days have passed if you count the little bit at the beginning of this chapter. From Applebloom, outside of her complaints and daily life, we get a little more lore on the history of the world, a look at a war Equestria has been in that Celestia specifically participated in, and a little more on the atmosphere and dynamic in the family's apartment.
I've always had the mindset that Applebloom would be really interesting to watch as a teenager because of how sarcastic and sassy she is at like 10-13 in the show, so when I started writing this, I went in with that in mind for her diary entries. I may or may not have injected a lot of my personality in high school into her here, but over all, I'm pretty happy with how it came out. I find that I enjoy writing characters that are more or less versions of myself at different periods of my life, Applebloom being the younger me and Applejack being closer to who I am now, or who I was in the summer. In case you didn't know, their personalities are heavily taken from my own, almost even more than from the show, by the way.
I used text lingo in the beginning of the chapter. I don't know how often I'm going to do that, but Applejack has a phone now so it might come up in the future. Still not sure how I feel about it. If you've never been to the mlp subreddit, there is a table of emotes, or ponymotes, on the sidebar and I have been using those things in conversation for about five years now, so text emoticons are almost foreign to me. Let me know if you think I should ditch the acronyms for clarity's sake. A question you might have is that why would Twilight text Applejack instead of just talking to her directly via the brand, and the answer to that is because: it doesn't take any effort to text other than to type on a device, she doesn't have to speak out loud, and she doesn't have to focus on and activate the magic required to use the link. I'll explain more on that later in the story for... reasons, but that's why for now.
Next time, we'll have the day of September 3rd and the anniversary of Caballo day (get it?), also known as the day Celestia put a valley sized crater in the Equestrian desert. See what happens when Applejack and Rainbow meet for the 'first' time, Star Slate for the first time in twelve years, and a little bit of the heroine's family as a unit. Not necessarily in that order.

:applejackconfused: Not gonna lie, I got pretty trashed Friday night. We decided that would be the best day to have my 21st birthday party and we went pretty hard. Drunken Mario kart was really difficult by the end, Drunken Sm4sh was a lot of fun, and I drank a lot. As not sober as I was, my thoughts were still pretty clear and I had good control over myself, but I was definitely not the introvert I normally am that night. The booze total came down to: 6 Jello Shots, 5 Beers, and 4 Shots of Whiskey (One Jack Daniel's No.7 and three JD's Tenessee Fire).
The No.7 is what marked the middle of my night and it very much was what pushed me on the floor. I'd already had half my jello shots, two regular shots and almost four beers by that point, but there was no going back after ingesting that fucking GermX. I swear, the shit tastes like rubbing alcohol. At somewhere near midnight, we all went to bed, and because I'm me, I was back up and awake at 4 AM. Didn't go to sleep again till 3PM that day and slept till 8:30PM. I get like, the recommended 8 hours or whatever every day, I just sleep twice a day at odd times. It's been like this ever since I started college, and me actually sleeping all the way through the night is rare.
Another thing I wanted to say is that I have realized what the undertaking I'm going for with a comic version of this will actually cost me time and work wise, and I am not up to the task just yet. My skills are okay as an artist, but I am not Pencils just yet. I'd love to get as good as he is, but that will take time, and let's be honest, my art is still shit.
...said shit art that I did last... I'm still really proud of this one

:applejackunsure: I think I've gone on just about enough for now since I'll write another one of these Wednesday anyways, so here's the summary.
TL:DR I am 21 now, Next chapter should be fun, I got fucking smashed on Friday, and I'm not good enough to make this a comic yet.
Until Next Time~

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