• Member Since 17th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 4th, 2020


A gamer who likes to write stories. My mind is like a mouse who... Whoa! That would be an interesting idea for a story!

More Blog Posts23

  • 354 weeks
    Busy Few Months

    Sorry again for not updating any of my stories for a while. It's been a busy few months. I had to graduate High school, prepare for going to college (Maybe I should have taken a gap year), getting everything ready to go to college, and then finally moving into college. I only just finished moving in earlier today and it's going to be busy for a while. It might be a while before

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  • 379 weeks
    Time Drainer

    Well, I wasted well-spent an entire weekend playing the new Legend of Zelda game on my new Switch. It's just so cool. It reminds me so much of the DS and the Wii and the Gamecube and a bunch of awesome Nintendo stuff. I barely touched my computer all weekend til this blog. I'd still be playing right now if I didn't have to switch off with my brother (we decided to get a Switch as a joint

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  • 379 weeks
    So yeah....another broken bone...

    I broke my big toe. At least I'm pretty sure it's broken, since it looks like Deku's arms after using his power in My Hero Academia (one of my new favorite animes).

    I'm probably not even going to bother getting an x-ray of it as apparently there's nothing doctors can do about a broken toe except wrap it in bandages and wait for it to heal.

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  • 380 weeks
    Delay in Plans

    I know I said I hoped on getting the next chapter of The Cosmic King done by this week, but there has been a delay in plans. I had a four day weekend, which I was planning on using to write, but instead I caught a cold and had to spend this entire weekend resting. It's almost gone, but I probably won't be able to finish the next chapter by this week. I'll try for next week though. I want to try

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  • 381 weeks
    Happy Valentine's Day/Hearts and Hooves Day!

    Happy Valentine's Day/Hearts and Hooves Day to you all! I hope you enjoy today in the company of loved ones and/or ponies, or whatever you choose. I'm not sure what else I should say here... Enjoy chocolate (I know I will).

    And I'll spend the rest of this blog post with a progress update for my stories:

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Cosmic King Connor - His creation and other things. · 5:46am Jan 1st, 2017

So, since I doubt I'd be able to publish the next chapter of The Cosmic King before the end of the year, I decided to write this blog post, talking about the creation of the character, Cosmic King Connor Smitty Ican.

Most of this shouldn't be plot relevant, just me talking about one of my characters. I decided I couldn't wait till the end of the story to write this, so I'm writing this now.

Connor Smitty Ican, as many of you might or might not know, is based off of me. The name isn't the exact same, as I changed the middle and last name to fit the whole Cosmic theme, and Connor Smitty Ican seemed like the best idea. I got the Smitty part from Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen (he was #1).

Though while Connor is based off of me, he changed throughout the story. When the story started, he was basically an average Gary Stu in Equestria with god-like powers and the 7th Element of Harmony, Courage. But as I grew as a writer, I slowly changed him, as the reality of his powers and responsibility fell on his shoulders. He started becoming depressed, moody, tired, and most importantly dark. At the beginning of the story, Connor would have done anything to prevent killing. But as he changed, so to did his beliefs. Now he's an emotionless god who would kill to suit his own goals. Now the only thing connecting the character to me, is the same first name, a similar but drastically altered appearance, and similar personality quirks.

And you may remember that one outfit he got from Rarity at the beginning of the story? The one with the fedora and yellow and purple clothes? The one that was immediately forgotten about? Well, when I wrote that part, I was playing a lot of Super Smash Bros Universe on the 3DS, and took similar features from the outfit of my punchy Mii Fighter (I forget what the class was called. Brawlers?). Now his outfit is more subdued, with a Cosmic Purple vest (he still has his original blood-soaked ripped blue vest stored away somewhere. And the blue vest is an important factor in the story later, just to let you know. Nothing spoilery, just something that is important to remember.), a t-shirt (I'm not quite sure about the color to go with. Just assume he changes t-shirts often), grey cargo shorts, and shoes (don't ask me what kind. They're shoes. The kind that really shoe.)

And maybe I should talk a little about how he looks at this point (Chapter 50). If I remember correctly, he has short spiky brown hair (spiky due to the static electricity from his body), electric yellow irises, and pale-ish skin (not exactly milk-white, but not exactly tanned). And remember, despite being over a million years old, still has the body of a 15 year old. He's kinda skinny and tall (7-8 ft), but has an intimidating aura and posture. He may look like he'd crack under too much physical work, but he has trained his body for years to make himself as strong as he can be. His right arm is currently gone after it was blasted off when crashing into the Everfree as mach speeds shortly after getting his powers. He can regrow it back though (duh), but when comparing a fleshy arm and a cool robotic arm, he chose the 90's and got the robotic appendage. His arm is way to hard to describe as I'm not quite sure what it looks like. But it's definitely a shiny metallic silver color, and has a bunch of various apparatuses on it. His left arm is mostly normal, except his hand is made out of condensed electricity, which he hides under a skin cover to surprise opponents when he wishes. His right leg is mostly normal, and his left leg is robotic halfway down from the shin. I always imagined it looked kinda like Fox McCloud's robot leg from Star Fox. He has a few various robot parts on his body. Most are robot chips in his body, but he has a metal disk in his spine to keep it working, and a few metal skin grafts from larger scars he's obtained.

Speaking of which, his scars. He's been in a lot of battles, and he likes to show it by keeping his scars, though some are more permanent, like ones gotten before getting powers, and ones gotten through Cosmic Energy wounds. Some of the scars you'd first notice looking at him fully clothed would be the large diagonal scar across his face, going from above his left eye to the bottom of his right cheek (caused by the robotic version of him). You'd also see a few smaller lines across his left arm from smaller fights. His right metal arm would appear to have a couple of scars made out of metal mostly around his wrist. These were caused when he had to punch a window back when he was human and the glass cut his hand. He's got a scar on his neck from another fight, this one small, but still noticeable, going from a little below his right ear to the middle of the right side of his neck.

If you were to remove his vest, shirt and shorts, you'd see many more scars. The most prominent being the scars leading from his robot arm. Then you'd might notice the remains of two golden wings on his back, which where torn out by Murphy, when I decided it was stupid for him to have wings. A bunch of scars surround his robotic skin grafts, and a couple larger ones stretch across his chest and back. You'd might also notice a few burn marks on his chest, back and legs, from when he was human and ran into a burning building to save someone trapped.

Enough about the scars, now onto how I created the character...

When I was really young, I loved superheroes, like Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man, and the Hulk. And one day when I was brought to a library with my family, I got a book on how to draw superheroes, and on one page, it suggested for me to create my own superhero. At the time, I was like 'THIS WAS THE BEST IDEA EVER!' So I did create a superhero. Conman. A hero who essentially was the biggest ripoff of other superheroes, ever. He was basically Superman, he came from planet Connon, was weak to Connorite (except yellow version, because I love yellow), and had tons of superpowers. He would save the day, then get paid millions by the president and lived in a tower made of gold where he'd be summoned by his... I forget what it was called, but it was kinda like an omnitrix, because it was designed after it, but didn't do shapeshifting things.

So as I grew up and went through elementary school, I'd write about him in my free time and whenever we'd have a chance to write. I'd make up stories with basically him going through the same plots as Sonic Unleashed and Mario games (things I played a lot of), and he's ripoff more characters. He even had an edgy rival named Edgy McEdgerson The EdgeLord Shadow Connor, who was so evil and all that stuff. and one day something miraculous happened. As I was taking a nap, I had a dream with Shadow Connor in it, one of the first I ever had with these characters. He very much resembled a shadowy figure I saw in Mario and Luigi Partners in Time. But he looked like he was full of stars, like he was pulled straight from space.

As the years passed, Conman and Shadow Connor never faded from my mind. Always in the back, and one day I realized that I didn't see Shadow Connor as an evil villain anymore, but as a comforting presence, protecting me from the monsters in the night.

Flash forward several years and when I started reading stories known as 'Creepy pastas.' This stories gave me dark thoughts. Of characters being murdered and tortured physically and mentally. Then a couple years ago during the summer, I started playing a game series that perhaps is one of my most favorite game series ever. Mass Effect. I loved it so much, and upon seeing one scene in the second game, gave me an idea of what would happen if a Mass Effect fan was shot and killed, then given god powers, and thrown onto Eden Prime to meet Commander Shepard. And when I say thrown, I mean enter the orbit through a portal as mach speeds. Sounds familiar? I wrote like maybe a chapter of this in secret before realizing it's stupid and scrapped it.

This character wasn't quite Connor, was was the last stepping stone between Conman and Connor. I tried to forget about the Mass Effect story idea, until I started getting curious about something different than I've seen before. A cute little franchise called My Little Pony. Now I didn't start watching the episodes right away. Like the weirdo I am, I was introduced through fanfictions into the franchise. Mostly the one called 'Five Score Divided by Four' which will forever have a place in my heart, as I'd isolate myself in my room for hours just reading chapter after chapter. It didn't take long for my curiosity to peak and I began watching, then binge-watching the four seasons of MLPFiM. As I was watching, I imagined myself as a character in it (like I for some reason do with everything I read and watch), and how I'd react. Then I gave myself powers to make myself seem less boring. I started thinking of certain actions in it. Myself crashing into the Everfree forest, losing an arm and getting a robotic arm. Befriending Fluttershy as she healed me. Being at odds with Twilight due to our scientific minds. Then I started thinking in more depth. 'Why do I have these powers?' I was shot, and killed defending someone. 'Why that person?' Because they were my best friend, Distan Calros Orden (a name I made up). 'Where do these powers come from?' The previous holder dying and the powers were transferred by worthiness. 'What are these powers?' The powers of a God. One who can manipulate space, time and reality. A King of the Universe. No... A King of the Multiverse. A King of Cosmos. A Cosmic King. Who's body appeared to be made out of space and stars. Who has the potential to do nearly anything. Who gets thrown from his family and friends, into a strange world. Who has the responsibility of his powers crush him as he tries to keep his humanity and fails. A God of Lightning. A God of Crafting technology. A God who's powers come from references. Beams like Dragonball Z. Hidden blades in the arm like in Assassin's Creed. Arm cannon like Samus. Other arm blade like Edward Elric. I made a character who's powers are built off of others. I made Cosmic King Connor, God of Electricity, God of Crafting, God of References.

This was a lot to get off my chest. I just felt like I should write this for the new year. Let people know. In fact, maybe for upcoming chapters, I'll make bios like these for the other characters. Murphy. Celestia. Luna. Malicious. And even more for future characters, especially when Connor starts dealing with more multiverse stuff like jumping in between universes.

So if you have any questions, just comment and I'll answer. And just for the heck of it, if you have a question for Cosmic King Connor, address it to him and he'll answer in purple text.

So have fun and have the best new year you want!

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