• Member Since 28th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2018


time to get off this furry boat

More Blog Posts71

  • 333 weeks
    action is coming

    new story soon

    i have seen de wae

    6 comments · 731 views
  • 348 weeks

    people are wierd

    life is wierd

    shits just wack

    someone wake me up from this fucking dream

    11 comments · 584 views
  • 356 weeks
    i will write! ...tomorrow

    imma gunna do it

    i mean it this time

    fo real


    ...in other news, dreadnought is pretty tits

    the betas been pretty enjoyable despite lacking a campaign

    piloting battleships is pretty neat eh

    Read More

    3 comments · 557 views
  • 368 weeks
    to be lazy or not be lazy

    one of these days ill actually get back to writing

    just probably not today

    or this week

    actually this month is bad for me

    next year sounds good


    5 comments · 509 views
  • 373 weeks
    im being oppressed


    the mods

    they're coming for me

    hide me pls

    12 comments · 664 views

i did it u fuckers · 7:02am Dec 15th, 2016

i wrote some shit

non mlp shit

its not that great

wanna read that shit?

words ahead

tell me why its shit

They say time began with but a single whisper. A small, insignificant word the shook the endless void of darkness, awakening something that had long since lain dormant until that day.

A stirring occurred and in moments, what was nothing became everything.

Like a flower in the season of growth, the land was awakened, and life bloomed. Plants began to stretch and flourish. The seas became full to the brim with exotic creatures and unknown life. The first stars began to appear in the sky, and the sun secured its dominance in the day, later the moon holding its own right over the night.

It is debated exactly what existed during this new, unstable period, whether the old ones were born in this age, or simply held dominion over its birth, but it is agreed upon that the old ones were the first to step foot onto this new world.

There is also the idea that they were responsible for its very creation, but that is a widely unpopular thought.

In this time, the time before the dawn of man and the age of strife, the old ones shaped the land how they saw fit, changing the very earth itself into their own ideas of paradise.

Great seas swallowed entire mountains and valleys, forming their own impenetrable passes. Canyons split grasslands and forests, separating the land from itself. Icy winters covered mountains and hills, forming thick walled fortresses of snow. Deserts swept across entire swatches of earth, turning it into impossible stretches of hostile territory.

The old ones, powerful creatures as they were, brought great calamity to the world, drunk on their hubris and left alone to frolic unchecked.

However, their destruction and chaos brought the beginnings of distaste, soon leaving a bitter taste in the mouths of the few that they were, and then, it was decided that they would pull away from interfering with the land.

There is a saying that time heals all wounds.

The old ones were the first to experience this.

For an age unknown to us, they simmered silently in their own dislike of themselves, witnessing first hand the pain they inflicted upon the earth. Like children scolded, they were ashamed of their actions and sought to pull their powers away, allowing the land to heal.

The process would take quite some time. Lifetimes of man stacked upon each other would still be nothing compared to the swath of time in which the old ones sat dormant, awaiting the day when the world could once again breathe with new life.

When it did, they were cautious to intrude upon this new garden, their actions from the before time still fresh in their memories. Instead, they watched from above, witnessing life take hold.

Animals began to roam the land and the seas, even taking to the skies that impressed and awed the old ones. Forests arose to become great shelters from the plants and insects that thrived within its protection. Seas spilt the land, though unlike before, it was with a gentle ease, allowing the flow of new life through rivers and streams that gave water to the numerous creatures that relied upon it. Mountains rose into the clouds, and the first drops of rain impacted their slopes, turning the raised earth into a lush landscape.

While they came before many, the old ones were far from all knowing, and this show of activity and energy astounded them unlike anything before.

Like the first time a child gazes upon the pale moon illuminating the night sky, they too were filled with wonder.

Some descended unto the land to explore what they could not see from above, while the others sought to remain isolated, allowing nature to take its course.

It during this period that an idea began to snake its way through the heads of the old ones, from those who roamed the land to those who sat above it. An itching, a yearning to influence the land as they did before swept across them, combated only by their memories of their intervention before.

Then one day, a single thought brought the greatest change the earth had yet to witness.

The old ones created their own children to bestow onto the earth, walking along the world as they once did, shaping the land in their place.

This became known as the age of rebirth.

It is unclear how many races where born from this movement and perhaps that knowledge has been lost to the depths of time. However, what is clear is that three races rose to prominence in the time they old ones were breathing life into them, shaping them in their own image.

Or so it is told.

The Spirits, creatures of pure life energy, the very energy that traced back to the time before nothing, sought to heal the scars that still haunted the land. They acted as caretakers, protecting and guarding the life that had been born upon the earth. The spirits found homes across forests and hills, mountains and grasslands, congregating around the life that bloomed there. Fickle things, spirits often cared little about their form or where too indecisive to choose, usually appearing as small bright orbs of life.

The Daemons, once referred to as life incarnate, much to the incense of their spirit brethren, were an interesting batch of mish-mashed shapes and forms. Each daemon was unique in their own right, often having very few similarities between individuals. Unlike the old one that created the spirits, the one to create the daemons seemed to find inspiration from the animals that roamed the land and the plants that bloomed, seeming to improve upon what was already there.

Daemons often carried many of the strengths from the creatures and flora they were forged from, almost having very few weaknesses to exploit, making them incredibly powerful beings.

The old ones were incensed by their brethren for its creations, as the daemons quickly began to fight and war with the animals that had already existed before them, pushing the creatures born on earth toward the brink of survival. The Spirits, in a panic, began to attack the daemons, while desperately trying to defend their charges that they were meant to protect.

In order to sooth boiling tensions, the old one that forged the Daemons gave them the gift of thought, curbing their instinctual tendencies to survive, and with time, the aggression of the daemons began to slowly subside.

In addition, the daemons also received new codes of law, powerful forces of will that commanded them to not attack the spirits, as they had done so before following the spirits rapid defense. They were instead encouraged to help their fellow race, healing the land and restoring order onto the world.

It was then that the last old one, who had watched silently as its equals added their own creations to the world, decided to boldly do the unthinkable.

They removed a small part of their own being, tearing apart a piece of themselves to mold into the shape they desired. This old one had long grown tired of the endless struggle and strife that seemed to plague their brethren, often times the problems originating from their own creations.

This old one wanted more. Something, fulfilling. For the first time, the idea of a purpose entered the mind of the old ones, starting with the lone one to grab hold of it. With finality, the old one decided to give birth to its children, not creations, but children, each formed from a small fragment of the old one.

Its children stepped onto the land, the last of their fellow races, and began to slowly settle across the earth.

Learning from the past mistakes of its fellow kind, the old one bestowed upon this new race the gift of thought and knowledge immediately. It cast out the idea of instinct for a time, but soon relented, giving its children the necessary qualities to survive in the harsh world. It gave its children a unique form, one which was meant with interest and disinterest alike from its fellows. And finally, it gave its children a name.

A name to be called by.

A name to know themselves by.

The old one named their children, the race of Man.

This would set the world into its next stage of history.

The age of man had begun.

It would forever change the course of the land.

Truthfully, man had been created not out of the need to heal the world or redeem the misdeeds that the old ones had created. Rather, man had been created flawed. They were created not as guardians, or caretakers, or helpers.

They were created so that the old one could dote on something, to care for something in ways that it could never fathom.

The old one gave man not strength, not speed, power, nor ferocity. The old one gave man but the tools to survive and more importantly, the knowledge of how to use them wisely. Once more, while daemons warred internally between their new ability to think, man thrived upon its birthright, and the knowledge the new race carried spearheaded them forward.

For a time, the old ones sat back. They watched the earth from above as their creations took hold and forged their own paths, bringing about a new wave of activity across the land. Ages passed, and the races slowly but steadily began to grow in number and strength, spreading their territories further across the land.

The first whispers of suspicion between the old ones began as each noted the progress of the other’s children, the word of ‘creation’ long since thrown out following their brethren’s example.

The Spirits had done well. Growing in number, they continued to spread healing across the earth, repairing damage to nature both natural and unnatural, and shepherding animals to healthy levels of population.

The Daemons, no longer controlled by their instinct alone, now somewhat joined their fellow race in soothing the world’s pain, easing the aches that plagued the land. The daemons spread outward, their numbers vast but disbanded to the point that it was rare to find more than one or two within the same area. In addition, they no longer sought to fight with their animal counterparts, though the need to feed was much the same.
However, what caused concern among the old ones, was the state of which the race of man had grown.

Man, aided in part by their old one’s doting, was expanding to new heights.

They did not roam the land like the other creatures did. They chose to amass in large areas, increasing their population tenfold.

They did not simply eat to survive as other creatures did. They ate to thrive.

They did not just think in the simplistic ways as daemons did. They thought and thought and thought. Soon, they learned.

They did not heal the land or care for the animals as spirits did. They used the land and animals as they saw fit, regardless of consequence.

While these deeds spawned unspoken thoughts of discontent among the old ones, many concluded the offenses could be overlooked, and so things became quiet among the great beings once again.

It would not last.

In time, underlining tensions would soon push the old ones to the brink of war. The breaking point would occur when Man would do something none of the old ones could possibly have expected.

Man would kill a Daemon.

It did not occur without warning. Man had long since ages passed slowly but surely edged their way toward lands occupied by daemon and spirit alike, in a march that many of the old ones found outrageous, as they often wiped out large populations of animals in their wake. Still, the land held fast, and man’s damage was minimal.

Then one day, the race of man would push into a forest that had long since been a refuge for daemons and a gathering ground for spirit alike.

As man entered the forest, the spirits, ever the steadfast shepherds, rushed to greet these new creatures, unseen before. These pale skinned, two legged beings were nothing they had seen before and curiosity allowed for a meeting between the two.

Man’s reaction would be found amusing by many of the old ones.

Man fled in a panic, the creatures nearly tripping over themselves to flee from the harmless brethren that had come to greet them.

The suspicions and doubts of man lost value that day in the minds of the great beings, instead replaced with mirth at the creator of the man.

Their laughter would not last.

For years, man would not return to the forest, and their expansion would halt in that direction for many moons.

But man did end up returning to the forest.

The old ones had gathered amused as the first of the creatures passed underneath the foliage of the forest, ever awaiting the show that garnered such laughter from age old beings like themselves.

The spirits, ever watchful, rushed to greet the creatures.

What happened next would shatter the old ones bond forever.

The race of man had harnessed life energy. What little was left from across the land; they used its very force against the spirits. Wielding husks of trees long dead, man fired orbs of magicks at the spirits, the untamed and undirected energy damaging the spirits, shattering their own fragile balance.

The spirits quickly fled the area, while above, the old ones warred with words.

Outraged, the old one that had created the spirits demanded their radical counterpart take into account the actions of its race.

The creator of man refused. Infuriated, the old one of the spirits threatened retaliation in the form of their own powers. The creator of man threatened the same in return. Words, accusations, and threats were hurled between these two, all the while the others watched on.

However, man’s encounter with the other races would not end with the spirits. As the spirits fled and the old ones argued, a daemon in the same area had seen the spirits flee, and quickly approached the group of creatures.

Man once again struck, but the weak magicks that had been sufficient in dealing with the spirits could not hope to best the power of the daemon. With a spiked armored hide, the blasts of energy harmlessly struck the daemon, who swiped at man with razor like claws.

The daemon quickly made short work of the creatures, his hide making him invulnerable to man’s magicks while his teeth and claws tore through the soft flesh of the intruders.

High above, the creator of the daemons was amused by this turn of events found the situation resolved as the bickering duo had looked on in surprise and shock. While secretly resentful of his fellow old one due to improving on the flaws of his own children, the creator of the daemons took no small pride that one of his children had resolved the matter entirely.

Tensions simmered down that day, though no longer were the old ones ignorant of man’s capabilities. Wary, suspicion and distrust began to circulate among them, as the creator of man moved away from its rivals.

Then, man once again returned to the forest.

The group of creatures advanced into the forest, tracking the same daemon that had cut down the others of their kind.

The creator of the daemons expected a similar result.

It would not get it.

Man did not attack with weak magicks this time. Man did not attack with wooden pointed poles. Man did not attack the armored hide of the daemon nor get close enough to where they could be clawed or bit.

Man had learned from its mistakes.

And Man had adapted accordingly.

No longer did they use wooden poles, but forged metal blades. No longer did they use imprecise magicks, rather their attacks showed excellent promise.

No longer did they fight against the daemon’s protective hide, but instead struck at its weaker, softer underbelly.

The daemon could not protect itself from the numerous group of man, and soon, was struck down, falling to the forest floor, lifeless.

The old one of the daemons watched its child die, stunned into submission. The rest mused quietly among each other, unsure of the next action.

Man would ultimately decide it however, after following a victorious yell, burned the daemon’s corpse. Shocked silence turned into anger beyond compare as the old one in a fit of rage struck down the creatures that had killed its child.

The creator of man was infuriated past reason and demanded reconciliation for this slight.

The creator of daemons demanded this of its counterpart as well.

The spirits and their creator alike found horror at the events.

The burning of the daemon’s corpse was an insult to the spirits very being, the element of fire a bane against the natural way of life. However, the swift destruction of man also brought about more sadness and distraught from the beings. Each life was very much equal to another, and the death of many against the death of one simply did not make a right.

Their creator, equally horrified at the actions of its fellows, now saw what the rage and unrestraint of its equals could have on the created life.

It had long since forgiven its brethren over its slight against the spirits, and now could not see the reason in the vengeance of one’s children.

That day, skies darkened and torrents of rain poured across the land as the seas grew angry and restless.

That day, the old ones warred.

The creator of man and the creator of daemons battle was endless. They held nothing from each other as pointed barbs and cutting words were exchanged for powerful blows and releases of extraordinary energy.

The two fell to the earth in their fighting, shattering the land and in turn setting about a new age.

The age of strife.

The old ones’ war could not last however, their power so equal to each other that it infuriated them to no end. Their battle soon reached a standstill, but their war with each other did not end.

Each chose to rally their children to their cause.

To settle the matter once and for all.

The first old one, revealed themselves to Man, and claimed dominion over their race. They were later named Gaia, after Man’s language, the word meaning ‘creator’. Gaia, honored by this title, in turn blessed Man with three things. Man was no longer used to describe her children as a whole; instead, the name would be given to males, while the name of ‘woman’ would belong to the females of her children. Because of this, Gaia adopted a female form of her children, as the females created the children of their own, so too did she create man.

And finally, man received a new name.

Gaia blessed her children with the name ‘human’ and told them that as a whole, they were to be called humanity.

The meaning of the word before its reusing by Gaia had long since disappeared with time, though it is believed the word stood for ‘unyielding’ in her tongue.

The newly crowned ‘Mother Gaia’ told her children of the impending attacks of the daemons, nearly biting her tongue as she mislead them to a war she herself couldn’t finish. It mattered little however, and while her inner thoughts ate away at her, she continued to prepare humanity for battle.

She would defend her children, even if it meant the loss of some to protect the rest.

She could handle that.

The sentiment was shared among the new lord of the daemons, the old one accepting the name of ‘Feris’. It is unclear where he came to find this word, as it meant nothing in human tongue and daemons had yet to create a language, but regardless, the old one stated this as his new title. Feris also chose to claim the gender of male, if nothing but to spite its brethren’s new form of Gaia.

Feris’ mocking of Gaia did not end there however.

In choosing the form to meet his children with, Feris chose to take what he knew of Man’s image and combine it with aspects of animals from across the land, much as he did to create his own kin.

He loved the idea of perverting Gaia’s image of her children and so he did with absolute pleasure.

Taking the body of what a human male would look like, Feris went to work fashioning his new form.

He increased his size till trees could barely reach his knees. He found the idea of man’s weak hide and unsharpened claws to be foolish, instead giving his new body a rich black armor plated hide, in addition to changing the stubby ends of the body into devastating razor tips of bone. He took the spiral horns of a ram and merged them unto his head, rolling out the spirals forward until his horns were raised and jagged pieces, ready for battle.

Finally, in a somewhat act of remorse and the promise of vengeance, Feris gave his new form to attributes from the child he lost to the Man so long ago.

His back erupted with a massive central spike of bone, bathed in color similar to his hide as smaller but nearly identical spikes erupted around it, giving his back an impenetrable and deadly deterrent. As that occurred, a tail joined in emerging from his body, the spikes along his back following this new appendage as it flowed out from him, ending with nearly the same length as his actual form.

Daemons from across the land, once scattered and isolated, now gathered at the spot in which their lord had arrived, a massive gouge in the earth where Feris stood, resting. With his children gathered around him, Feris rose to his full height and looked out at the expanse of daemons that stood before him. It was an endless sea of his children, gathered around him in strength. Grating massive razor edged teeth; Feris raised his head to the sky and roared that day.

The roar, heard across the land, which shook the mountains themselves and at once, let all know what it signaled.

To the daemons, their father had arrived.

To Man, his vengeance was upon them.

To Gaia, a call for battle.

To all others, war.

The battles between the two sides devastated the earth in ways only matched by the old ones’ hubris in the time long before. Gaia and Feris always led their children into battle, each there to prevent the other reeking havoc upon their kind. Despite Feris’ size easily dwarfing Gaia’s, the smaller god matched Feris blow for blow, again leaving themselves in a stalemate.

However, this did not mean that their children had such issues.

The humans had long since learned the skill of combat and tactics and as such, formed large armies to assist their mother in battle. Metal armored soldiers marched into battle in tight formations, ready to do battle with their daemon counterparts.

The daemons, now organized as they were, lacked much of the thought and planning the humans had against them. However, while the humans stood high in terms of skill, daemons easily outclassed them in raw power.

With size and strength usually on their side, daemons often smashed through the human lines, easily decimating the smaller creatures.

In the beginning days of the war, the humans lost.


The territory they original held before the arrival Gaia and Feris had been extensive, their control spreading nearly across half the world. In the weeks following the start of the first battles, that control had diminished by half.

Within a month, it was a quarter. There was great loss across both sides, each battle being a bitter hard fought victory. What territory that was gained by the daemons was often devastated and barren, the life striped away due to the battles between the leaders of both sides.

Without remorse, Feris pushed his forces deeper and deeper into human territory, reveling in the loss of Gaia’s children and refueling his own burning desire for vengeance with every death of his own.

Gaia likewise, found nothing driving her more than the need to end Feris and his ilk once and for all, despite the grievous losses her kind was suffering. She knew, or forced herself to believe she would win.

Meanwhile, the land suffered. The battlefields of the warring races were left as barren landscapes devoid of all life, with deep gouges in the earth across massive expanses. Both flora and fauna alike were not spared from the wrath of the two armies. Animals were quickly herded to feed the endless forces on both sides, decimating populations wherever the rival forces clashed.

During this time, the spirits mourned.

They mourned the loss of the daemons. They mourned the loss of the humans. They mourned the loss of the animal and plant life alike. They tried to heal the earth, but found to their great sorrow, it could not be saved. The spirits, charged caretakers of life itself, found to their great agony that they could not protect it.

They cried out to their creator, begging for an end to this madness.

The old one that created the spirits was asking for much of the same.

The newly named Feris and Gaia’s war had not been bound to the earth. In the heavens, the old ones were rapidly taking sides in the conflict. Many were already beginning to come to blows with each other, and challenges of immediately joining the fray were meant with similar remarks.

The creator of the spirits was desperately trying to remain neutral in the matter, more concerned over the land itself and the damage being done to life than which side was right in their ways.

They knew that the conflict was rapidly approaching the point of no return and they could not fathom this possibility.

Forced to act and desperate for a solution, the creator of the spirits fell from the sky.

The rest of the old ones quickly followed.

Gaia and Feris soon found their ranks swelled and bolstered by their newly allied brethren and they soon set about ending the conflict once and for all.

As the humans and daemons clashed with renewed vigor, the leader of the spirits, the newly named Fel, sought to bring about an end to the conflict. It would not lead to victory for Gaia.

And it would not lead to a victory for Feris.

Fel communed with its children, and together, they searched deeply for an answer to the conflict. Time was against them as the two sides continued to battle across the land, bringing endless waves of destruction and death. The humans, invigorated by their new allies and the unshakable strength their mother possessed, used their knowledge to the greatest effect against the daemon hordes.

Waves of powerful machines, human creations of metal and wood, roared into battle alongside the soldiers of humanity. The daemons, which had remained unchallenged in the skies since the beginning, quickly found the humans to be powerful enemies in their machines.

Battles intensified as the humans began to slowly but surely push back against the daemons, reclaiming their lost territory.

What little it was.

Or what little was left.

Blinded by their own pride and anger, Gaia and Feris did not realize their war brought them closer and closer to destruction with each passing day, only focused on the victory that awaited them in the end.

Because of this, they learned too late that their brother, Fel, had already begun a motion to end the fighting.

Once and for all.

Fel had long since been noted moving about away from the battles, both the warring leaders easily keeping track of their fellow old one. However, with their hands full and thoughts occupied, Fel was worth little attention.

That was until all the spirits from across the land condensed together in a single, focal point. The pulse of life energy that radiated from this area was easily felt across the old ones, and many took note of its sudden occurrence.

Gaia and Feris especially.

Each realized that the other could have a potential new ally in their war, with Fel being long neutral in the conflict.

It then came as a great shock that Gaia was visited by a distraught spirit, the orb of light zooming through her forces to address her directly. The spirit claimed that its leader had gone mad with grief at the loss around them, and had made a plan to end it all.


Gaia and the allied old ones learned to their horror that Fel was gathering the spirits for one purpose, to use their energy to once again bring about a new wave of life across the world.

And in doing so, destroying all that already existed.

Needless to say, they refused to allow this to occur.

Gaia begrudgingly picked up her people and marched away from their lands, abandoning territory her children had died terribly for. She swore they would reclaim those lands in time, but knew that if Fel and his mad plan were not stopped, there would be nothing to reclaim.

In the final days of the age of strife, Gaia and her fellow old ones reached their destination.

Surrounded by an endless lush forest, in a desert of all places, a stone gate rose from one side of the forest, a massive construction that arched lazily into the sky before coming to rest on the exact opposite side of the woodland.

And resting in the opposite side of the desert from where she approached, laid Feris and his children, seemingly equally surprised with them being there as well.

Outraged, Gaia knew she had been betrayed. Fel had purposefully led her into a trap, likely making her easy prey for Feris.

She would have none of it.

With a final thought to end Fel after this was all over, Gaia and her children charged at Feris and his own with everything they had.

This would be the final battle.

It would end here.

And so it did.

As the battle around the gate grew into an endless melee, the forest being ravaged and burned asunder, Fel activated his trap.

Truth be told, the spirit that had visited Gaia to inform her of her mad brother’s plan had been sent purposefully by none other than himself.

The same could be said of the spirit that had visited Feris in turn.

Fel knew a way to end the war.

He, and his kind, needed to be destroyed.

The old ones had to die.

In a last ditch effort of sacrifice, many a spirit combined their energy to fuel the earthen gate that the others battled around. Fel himself gave all his being to help complete the process.

The gate activated with a boom of energy, blasting across the landscape and sending human and daemon alike flying.

A wave of fiery blue energy formed from the edges of the arches, rapidly condensing into a wall of life energy that made it impossible to see the landscape that had just been on the other side.

Silence reigned for a moment as each race looked on in confusion, with the old ones watching warily in alarm.

Then, in an instant, the blue energy vanished, replaced instead by a black void.

Somehow, the old ones knew what would happen next.

With a force unlike anything ever experienced, the gate sucked everything into its endless maw. Sand, human, daemon, and old one alike were unable to pull away from its reach, the closest ones being devoured almost immediately.

Fel couldn’t have known his plan would work.

But he knew this, that life continued on its own. With or without them.

And to him and his children, that’s all that mattered.

In seconds, the desert was stripped bare to nothing but cracked rock, leaving only Gaia and Feris hanging onto the land, refusing to be pulled into the gate. Their forces had long since fled or been consumed by the gate, and their brethren had been especially unable to avoid its pull, their energy seemingly demanded by the void.
Feris and Gaia knew they could not hold on forever.

And in this realization, came another.

Gaia realized her battles had been for nothing. The children she had created and doted on, led into battle and fought for, were most likely dead. The reason she had created them was for purpose.

Now she had none.

With tears, Gaia realized her worthlessness, and let go, embracing the void and what fate awaited her.

Feris, similarly, saw all his deeds and battles were for naught. It would bring him no small amount of rage to know that this was possibly the end for him and his children. Feris knew his rage could never bring back his children, but he could make those that made them suffer, suffer in turn.

With a roar, Feris abandoned his grip on the land, falling into the void with a rage filled heart.

The two opposing leaders collided into the gate from opposite sides simultaneously, the black void suddenly collapsing in a near silent whisper.

Then, the energy that had bore its creation, detonated.

A massive wall of blue energy swept across the earth, surpassing the height of mountains and stretching onto the horizon. The lands that had been scarred by the war had new life breathed into them as this wave of life force passed. Forests grew once more, grasslands returned; mountains were rebuilt, all as if the battle between the gods had never occurred.

In a single day, the age of strife ended.

In a single day, the time of the old ones had ended.

In a single day, life once again claimed its own right to exist.

And so, the land once again started over, never to be interfered with by the gods again.

For those that survived its rough beginnings, this time would be known as a time of great change.

A time, of hope.

Comments ( 12 )

10/10 would create a race of living beings to fight for me again.

Isn't world-building fucking fun, though?

tell me why its shit

They say time began

They say

time began

It's like you're trying to be wedgy.





This would be the final battle.
It would end here.
And so it did.


4340998 I guess, I just wish I wasn't shit at descriptions.

4341099 Give it to me straight Ikio, can I be saved?

4341110 Maybe, with a little bit of kindness, time, and a dick in your butt a bit of careful attention. It makes for an intriguing sci-fi read at least, although a very simple plot.

4341110 Instead of using 'they say' (because who the fuck is left to tell the story after an un-creation bomb?) use something like "the winds still whisper of a conflict long past" or some other faggoty nature shit like that. Shit, maybe the trees remember, that Lorax is a fucking nosy sonuvabitch, I'll tell you what.

Cool story.

Don't get me wrong, I follow you for your shitposting but this is nice as well.

4341318 lel, good idea

4342005 Thankies


a dick in your butt

go to ur room young man


...Huh, I was expecting a dick joke at the end there.

4341115 Oh, there it is. :rainbowwild:

Anyways, while this is definitely not what I expect from you, it was legitimately good in an experimental mythological worldbuilding sort of way so I'm definitely not complaining.

4344365 Nu.
4345072 I'm happy to oblige. Life would be a sore disappointment otherwise.

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