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Average brony obsessing over the main cast with an unhealthy desire to see them in a dark fantasy setting.

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Invisible ties · 5:49pm Dec 14th, 2016

:ajsmug:Morning Everyone

:derpytongue2: Well, I did it! Here's your first of what may end up being four chapters released on Wednesday. This chapter, we figure out a few things, one being that Luna has been trying to hide whatever it is for almost a decade now. Out of sheer spite, our protagonist decides to go ahead with the interrogation and decides to talk to Goose. Goose gives us... A story... at first, but then relevant information about what the mirror does and where he got it. A new danger shows up as the face of the unknown and what further lies ahead is a schedule looming closer carrying an unknown cargo. The port of south eastern Manehattan may become a battleground again, and in the event it does, only five days remain.
Next time, it's about time our team learned to work together. Some of them need more work then others, and Applejack has a plan to put everypony to work. If we take our time, and stick together. Everything we do, will go our way. And if we try, now and forever. No matter what comes next, We'll be okay.

:pinkiecrazy: Holy shit, the sickness just never goes away. I can't tell if I'm even getting better or not because every time I do feel better, I immediately feel awful the next day. I don't know if I can even keep taking the medicine that's 'fixing' me because It's dried my nose out so bad that the simple act of blowing it causes a nose bleed half the time. I hate being in this fucking undead state. Bleh.
I've been drawing lately with the Pokemon dub in the background as noise to just keep me focused. The first picture I did without the stabilizer (more because I didn't know where it was) and just tried to do lines on my own. Didn't go well. I did learn how to color, and I played with painting her hair. While cool, it doesn't really work with my style. It makes sense because I followed someone else's tutorial to do it, but all the same I think I've got an Idea of how I want to do hair now. The Second one Is when I found the stabilizer and with some advice, I figured out how to do cleaner lines. they're not perfect and I still need to practice with it, but It's better where I wanted to improve. I played with color some more and still tried to do her hair about the same way, but I liked the first one better, but that's probably because it's not in sections like Rainbow's. I gave her lips probably a little too much human to them and I will not be doing that again in the future because it looks weird. The last one I did had less of me playing with color and more just trying to get my lines better. while doing so however, I forgot a few things, so Pinkie doesn't have eyelids or brows. On the plus side, I like the hair this way because it's relatively easy to do and not much different than how I normally do hair, but I'll probably play with that more with the next one.
Guys, the pokemon dub is literally the cheesiest thing I've ever listened to in my life. It has aged, and it has not aged well. The animation is sub par to almost terrible at times, the writing is bad, and it has no merit other than nostalgia for the people who watched it as a kid. Does that mean I am going to stop watching it though? Nope. My goal is to watch all of it (movies + all ~800 episodes) and catch up to Sun and Moon by 2018. It shall be a long and arduous task with many steep mountains of shit to climb (Not looking forward to BW), but I want to do it, if nothing but to have the ability to say I did. There are better things out there, and there likely won't be a point when I'm watching pokemon and I am not doing something else at the same time, but it will all be completed. My only complaint so far is that thjey didn't handle the japanese jokes well. The whole thing with Ash in the cow costume in the viridian forest is funny in japanese because 牛(Ushi) is one letter off of 虫(Mushi) and because I'm a MASSIVE FUCKING WEEABOO, I knew that. I know it gets better, but X&Y starts around the 620 mark and that is a lot of shit to suffer through. We'll see how my mental state is after I reach the 100 mark.

:pinkiehappy: That's all I've got for today. Look forward to the next chapter on Sunday
TL;DR This chapter is literally just dialogue between Marevelous and Goose for the most part. The next chapter will be more light hearted and action heavy, and the chapter after that is going to focus on a different character entirely. I have essentially three more chapters to do before our five days come to an end.
Until Next Time~

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