• Member Since 1st Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 6th, 2020


Humanity has spent thousands of years perfecting the indoors, so why would we want to go outside?

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  • 328 weeks
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I Have a Question · 2:33am Dec 7th, 2016

How do I rekindle my faith in humanity? Sometimes I look at the state of humanity today as a society and I realise why some people have completely lost all cares for societal problems. No care for politics, no care for religious and social movements, no care for sexism or racism. And I feel like I'm going the same way. I want to care about our society, I want to help and contribute. But when that society is full of things that just make me angry well before I can even think about anything, I feel like just letting it go, I feel like caring about other people problems just creates more problems.

You wanna' post your opinion and learn about why other people think differently? Too bad, 'SJW's' and 'Third Wave Feminists' think any opinion that isn't theirs is bad by default. Refer to a non-binary by their sex without knowing they're non-binary and get accused of assuming their gender, all of a sudden you're the bad guy now. Call out a politician's obvious hypocritical statements and un-realistic plans, then get harrassed by ignorant idiots who have no interest in what's true and false.

Say your name is 'Hugh Mungus' as joke and get accused of rape and sexual assualt. Try to reason with them and you're a sexist for arguing against a woman. You're a black man? Apparently, according to this woman (Link) you're a tool to white men in order to oppress black women into submitting to a rape culture which doesn't exist.

Of course all of those last points refer to a dead meme, but they highlight an issue with society.

If this keeps going then straight white guys will be sex slaves from birth by the end of the century. Or maybe not. Probably not.

I didn't ask to be born, nobody did. No-one asked to be here, no-one wanted to be here, no-one gets to choose who they're born to. No-one gets to choose wether they're born rich or poor, black or white, male or female. I could go on... but I think you get the point.

It seems everyone is so absorbed in themselves nowadays that they forget everyone else has problems too. Life is too short to waste it bringing others down guys and gals. The nice guy might never get noticed, but at least he can slip through the noise unharmed. Enjoy it while you can.

"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna' die. Come watch TV." Morty, Rick and Morty.

Comments ( 4 )

See, the way to restore your faith in humanity is to ignore the assholes, and embrace the "everyone else" in your life. The assholes in your life don't matter, and they can only get to you if you let them.

If you stick to these lines then you're less likely to become an asshole yourself.

Pardon the language, but that's the gist of it, and there's no more effective way to convey what I'm trying to say without righting an essay.

No need to apologise for bad language, I'm not exactly the most clean tongued person myself.

Thing is I'm not angry about this. Sure, If I talk about it for long enough I get ranty but Just thinking about it normally usually doesn't phase me. It does however worry me, and a lot too. Though I see where you're coming from. Try to argue with the arseholes and you just become the other side of the same coin I guess.

4331400 Thank you. And exactly.

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