• Member Since 22nd May, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2023


Pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space, because there's bugger-all down here on Earth.

More Blog Posts426

  • 23 weeks
    Random Ramblings CDXXVI

    I meant to post while it was still Christmas (CST) but as usual I’m late. I hope my few remaining readers had a lovely holiday! Here’s a song that’s been in my head lately.

    Chuu is one of those who, according to her coworkers, really is just a ball of sunshine. Follow me past the jump.

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  • 31 weeks
    Random Ramblings CDXXV

    No, really. I haven’t been by my local burrito place in a long time, partly due to my mother, so I haven’t been able to get good inspiration for another Burritoverse story. Sorry. For now, enjoy my favorite J-Pop group NiziU.

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  • 50 weeks
    Random Ramblings CDXXIV

    Hey, y’all. Been a few months. Whoever reads this, just wanted to show I’m not dead yet. Do you know NMIXX? You should.

    Right. Now, where was I? Oh, I’m sure I’ll figure it out below the jump.

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  • 72 weeks
    Random Rambling CDXXIII

    So… Turns out it's been a full year (!) since my last story. I promised a couple stories in between but failed to finish them. But at least I got my annual Mayor Mare story in. Have some Twice as penance.

    More past the jump, if you're willing.

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  • 81 weeks
    Random Ramblings CDXXII

    Hi. Been awhile. Not sure who's left to read this. I just now realized I accidentally added an "L" on my last 3 posts. Oops. Well, enjoy Sir Elton.

    So, after fixing my screw-up, let's get to the meat of why I'm writing, if you'll pass the jump with me.

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Random Ramblings CIII · 8:58pm Dec 6th, 2016

As promised, I have posted the latest chapter of Mayor's Break Time after sleeping on it for a night. I wasn't planning on writing any author's notes for this, but I realized stuff could use some explanation. So follow me past the jump for… I don't know what, but it's there.

It's a good thing I did sleep on MBT, because when I went to reread and edit the chapter this morning after having slept, I caught a 'yuge continuity error – originally, Raven stated that Donald Trump Orangeglow was part of Canterlot's Nobility (as is Twilight), but then just four paragraphs later she said he was not Nobility. It was a little chore to fix that error and keep the word count the same, but I think it worked out for the better.

What is correct? Orangeglow is NOT Nobility (though he is rich), and he's never been accepted into Canterlot's high society, which has left him with a pretty damn huge chip on his shoulder. There's also a racial angle, as Orangeglow is a Unicorn just like the rest of the Canterlot poobahs but his magical powers are nonexistent, so there's another reason they don't consider him one of their own. This is of course swiped directly from Donald Trump's real beef with the New York elite that he's longed to join all his life but will never accept him.

Why, you might now be wondering, is Orangeglow not from Manehattan? IRL, The Donald is New York City (its worst qualities) distilled into a single fat form. Mostly it's because I was tired and didn't care about maintaining any parallels beyond the elite jealousy thing. When I write a more thorough story about Orangeglow next month, this time explained by the Mayor herself, I'll probably fix most of the inconsistencies about his character, including that one.

Also, Manehattan in my mind is an Earth-pony majority city, including its elite. Canterlot really has more in common with NYC high society than it does with DC. USA's capital is definitely stodgy – all work, little culture – but there's very little Old Money there. In that sense, Canterlot is probably most like London or pre-WWI Vienna or St.Petersburg.

Orangeglow's counterpart in the humanoid universe has the same name, but it really doesn't matter because he's dead, because Aria fucking murdered him by pissing him off so hard that his brain literally exploded – a joke I stole from Episode 9 of DBZ Abridged. I'm tempted to bring EQG Orangeglow back to life just so I can kill him again. Can ya tell I don't like the guy? (well, my family has been acquainted with the Clintons since the 70's, so I'm definitely biased)

And yes, The Donald's pony name comes from that cleaning product Billy Mays hawked back in the day.

I feel like I should apologize for Mayor Mare not even appearing in this latest chapter. But I realized that showing her would not have been amusing, nor would it have been fun to write. Also, as I'm already planning a story where Orangeglow DOES become Prime Minister and the Mayor bitches about it, it would have been retroactively redundant. Sometimes things are better for what you don't see.

Or maybe my latest chapter is just shit.

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