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The Pokemon Sun & Moon anime series premiered today on Disney XD... · 12:49am Dec 6th, 2016

Gonna be honest: I don't like it.

It's too different. And it's different in really bad ways.

Report MythrilMoth · 838 views · #pokemon
Comments ( 46 )

pokemon died a little after pokemon go so its understandable

The Pokemon Anime for me died with that disaster of a Kalos League finale, and it only got worse from there. Let's just say that Ash won the Kalos league and he still has his Greninja, that is so much better than that shit we actually got.

I can't believe the anime has gotten so bad that it has to have Ash go to school. Just retire him already, every other anime has had no trouble retiring its main protagonist at points. Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh didn't die when the original cast went away and a new cast was focused on, Pokemon should be no different, especially now.

4330138 actually yu gi oh did with that 5th series it really did die nobody liked that one

4330136 ash greninja i can't believe it's called that lols :rainbowlaugh:

Let's just be glad that they're finally doing something new instead of having him go through all the trouble to win Gym badges then lose in the league. At least this time they're not doing World building in the beginning instead of having him travel all over the place trying to learn the culture only to end up doing something he didn't know about what's wrong.

I was never a huge fan of the Pokémon anime to begin with (In fact, I haven't seen an actual episode or movie in at least 4 years), and from the small things I've heard about this one, I'm kind of glad for that.
In fact, the only time I'll ever watch one of the Pokémon series all the way through is if Ash ever wins a non-filler league. But since that won't happen with this set, it'll be at least another 3 years before that happens.

I just watched it as well! :D Meh...

A. I ALMOSThate the anime now...it used to be my favorite thing in the world besides the MLP anime...

B. SENPAIIII?! What day du 2 u?!

C. Sun and Moon is AWESOME...but they are also terrible...at the SAME time...:'( :raritycry:

this is why i stopped after xy and xyz

4330140 With all respect to your opinion, Yu-Gi-Oh has actually been doing very well recently. Arc-V has actually been called by some to be the best series yet, and I can see why.

4330213 well when it was first thing it was bad i guess over time it became better and arc-v is it's last series or it'll become tiring and overrated i still think zexal and the first yu gi oh and 5D's was beter than GX and arc-v

4330182 smash will take over nintendo now

I don't know what's worse....Ash turning into Badly Animated Man, the stupid high school AU thing, that irritating greeting or the fact that the female lead has an eclair for a backbone....

4330164 i doubt it if he didn't win one yet he won't ever win since pokemon still popular in other countries it'll keep making series

4330228 what you'd expect from a drawn out series that should've ended at x and y but can't because they keep making pokemon games mlp is getting the same way its drawn out

4330229 And that's why I feel comfortable making that promise, because I don't think I'll ever have to do that.
But the Cubs did win the World Series this year, so anything is possible.

4330234 that is true but i think that was a miracle

Meh, thought it was ok. To each their own.

Let's face it, the games have been getting better and better and the shows have been getting worse and worse.

You know, the same thing happened a while back with Captain N...

So what I'm hearing is that they milked the cow dry and tried replacing it with a bull and hoping no one would notice

Give it a few episodes, or watch it subtitled with a little detective work on the net. At least give Team Rocket the chance to show up before writing it off...

Today, I discovered "Late Installment Weirdness." This totally applies.

Pokemon died for me after Misty left.

I think that they killed Pokemon when they got rid of the Gym feature. I don't plan on getting Gen 7 unless there's a Gen 4 remake or a Gale of Darkness remake. Simple as that. If they had just stuck with Gyms, this game could have been great.

Oh wait, we're talking about the anime. If Serena isn't there, and Dawn isn't there, I ain't watching, plain and simple.


I think that they killed Pokemon when they got rid of the Gym feature.

That's funny, most people don't seem to care because Sun and Moon are amazing games. Or are you just that afraid of something slightly different than what you're used to?

(Yes, I do appreciate the irony here, but in the case of the anime, the differences ARE all bad. The differences in the games are almost unilaterally good.)

4330461 I follow the "Ain't broke don't fix it" philosophy. Just a quirk of mine.:pinkiecrazy:

Meh, stopped watching mid Hoenn

4330464 Except it WAS broke, because it'd been done to death and X/Y proved that when everyone bitched about the lack of postgame content.

4330227 Yep! But sadly...I don't think that the creator of Smash witll continue making the awesome games..so it wouldn't be able to take over Nintendo if we tried! Lol It would be nice to see an anime of this! :D

I actually enjoyed it.

4330579 it probably will

4330514 In my opinion, X and Y (and for that matter, ORAS) only problem was the experience share. It took the challenge out of it.

When I was young, I used to eat breakfast on a tray in front of the TV so that I'd have time to watch Pokemon before going to school.

If I had to guess, I don't think I'll enjoy the Pokemon anime as an adult, even though I'm getting back into the games. (The only TV show I liked as a kid that still holds up now is Animaniacs, really.)

4330819 What's wrong with experience share? It seems like mainly a time-saver to me.

4330819 You misspelled "it took the FRUSTRATION out of it".

4330826 The Pokemon anime hasn't endured well for us older fans. XY TRIED and it had actually won me back for a while, but I got bored with it again before it even hit XYZ, and Sun & Moon The Anime is an EPIC fail.

I never really minded grinding. I played Pokemon to get a challenge. Emerald is a perfect difficulty level, so is Diamond. Gen 5 as a whole is a little on the harder side, but not too bad. Gen 6 took the challenge out of it. I'm currently doing a one Pokemon run through it.

4330865 There's grinding and there's masochistic time-wasting. Pre-EXP Share was very much the latter.

4330955 Tomato (toe-mae-toe), Tomato (toe-mah-toh), Still preferred it.
And it has now been twelve hours plus since we first started this conversation. Heh.

Considering I haven't watched it since Black and White I can't really offer an opinion.

Since when did Pokémon become a political debate?

What would I like to see in the Pokemon anime?

Too much to put here without starting to rant about the anime.

4330446 But gyms got boring after the hundred time I had to defeat one of them.
New and inventive is good. The trial-challenges were well-created and new, each different from the other, rather than just being copy-paste with a slightly new design like the gyms.

Hmm... Right, I quit the anime somewhere at Gen 4, mind clue-ing me in?

4331958 Sun & Moon completely changed the art style, has terrible pacing, and just doesn't feel like the Pokemon anime anymore.

Two words: Gag Series.

4330138 Technically the US dub of the third Digimon anime series at least tried to provide some connection with the previous two series. But that wasn't in the original, so what am I talking about.

4331974 I stopped watching when Ash's Pikachu lost to a recently evolved Lucario, that's just nerfing to an absurd level. And apparently I didn't miss much with X and Y, Ash Greeninja seems to have been an attempt at trying to rip off Super Sayian from Dragon Ball Z.

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