• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
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Wise Cracker

Just some guy, riding out his time.

More Blog Posts300

  • 9 weeks
    Season's greetings and resolutions: Spring

    Okay, first 13 weeks of the year have passed. How're those resolutions holding up?

    Drop the unhealthy habits affecting my sleep and thought patterns.

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    4 comments · 67 views
  • 24 weeks
    Early New Year's resolutions, and Old Year's conclusions

    Well, another year's come and gone. How did the resolutions go? Half and half in my case. Managed to partially accomplish what I set out to do, moving from wondering how to do things to figuring out what to do. I believe I've successfully identified the habits that are hampering or even harmful to me, so that's progress.

    Resolutions for the new year?

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    3 comments · 74 views
  • 48 weeks
    Summer update 2: What's Sticking to the Wall?

    Quick update on future plans.

    Still working on the original stuff, I think I'm down to the last rewrite of what I wanted to do, only question is what to change in terms of details. Art's had some progress, but work responsibilities and sweet, sweet sleeping problems have caused disruptions.

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  • 54 weeks
    Summer update: what next?

    Honestly? Not sure. I never publish anything that's not complete, so I'm not breaking any promises there. Thing is, I haven't started on anything new yet, and hadn't lined anything up before the previous one.

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    2 comments · 128 views
  • 63 weeks
    Spring update: Changeling Beauty Contest, and other stuff.

    Been a while since I did one of these. Story stuff first.

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Well, that was a bust, ish. NaNoWriMo news and upcoming fic. · 4:21pm Nov 28th, 2016

Okay, so I have indeed still not been very active in the community, and gone back to my little corner of not watching the new episodes, even though the Season is already well done. I'll see when I get the time to watch it on the Blu-Ray (yes, I finally figured out how to go from laptop to Blu-Ray. No more hogging the lappy around for this cracker.) But still, I want you all to stay updated, so those who are waiting patiently aren't just going to up and leave. That's not the kind of author I am, fanfic or serious.

First off, NaNoWriMo. You may recall my New Year's resolution of getting one of my novels ready for publishing. Well, that's been kind of a bust, I guess, partially because I'm doing a series and hadn't planned as far ahead as I needed to, partly because other things kept popping up over the year. I did write part two of the series this month, but it clocks in at 'only' 35 k words, and even at that it's even wonkier than part one. I've learned now that National Novel Writing Month, while a good initiative, isn't fit for everyone. The trap of focusing on word counts over everything else is real, and as such I don't even feel that bad about failing. December will involve re-writing part one and getting some more detailed character sheets for my... characters. Part two involves my main unicorn character getting sick, sort of like the Quorum Sensing sequel, but with an added twist. So that resolution, sadly, is mostly a fail. I'll get back to you in December regarding the other ones. There's one resolution that's kind of important, possibly for you as well.

But now, the pony stuff. I've had to re-think and re-do the ending for Ponyville's First Warrior Meet, kind of settled on something that's at least passable, so currently I'm aiming for December 5th to publish the first chapter.

At the moment, I'm working on cover art for it. I have a title card sort of set up in Inkscape, possibly in need of colour tweaking, but I don't know if it'll work in Synfig. The Boy in Alicorn Armour has a profile and front view, I'm only using the front view for cover art purposes. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon were already done, I still need to import Sweetie Belle. After that, it's posing, facial expressions, some effects, maybe. Either way, it'll be the most complicated cover art I've made yet. So it'll probably suck :twilightsheepish: But here's hoping y'all like it. Whether the story takes off or bombs, it's been quite the experience writing it. Just a few more tweaks here and there, and it'll be ready. Since I'm emulating Naruto, updates will be weekly, most likely on Saturday mornings. That gives me ample time to edit the stuff way at the end without worrying too much about continuity, if such concerns should arise past the deadline. Hope y'all are looking forward to Cutie Mark Crusader ninja training and the return of Doldrum Whimper.

Keep an eye out in December,

Cracker out.

(Me right now)

Comments ( 2 )

Great to hear! I actually just finished reading Bullhead last week and it's really good stuff.

Err, as embarrassing as this is, Saint Nick's is on the 6th of December, not the 5th. I derped on the date, sorry. So it'll be the prologue with Whimper on Tuesday (which is something that was up in a blog years ago) instead of Monday, then on Saturday the 10th it'll be the regular story with the CMC as the main focus, and the arrival of Hurricane Hue (again, which was blogged ages ago, but has since been edited.)

Really sorry to get the date that wrong. Promotion and hyping are still points to work on :twilightblush:

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