• Member Since 17th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 18th, 2017


Fuck this fandom.

More Blog Posts306

  • 372 weeks
    Most hated admin of TWG

    Apparently doing my "job" is wrong.

    13 comments · 1,037 views
  • 372 weeks
    TWG's Discord Server!

    SFW Discord Server: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/50/the-writers-group/thread/313959/the-writers-group-discord-server

    Got a music bot working in it. Not that it takes a rocket scientist. Join if you like! I'll be in there (admin and such).

    1 comments · 419 views
  • 374 weeks
    Bam. Updated Word Count!

    Got to update the word count. Killing it recently, and I think with about six or so more chapters, I'll be ready to release this bad boy.

    [relatively half-way done]

    2 comments · 436 views
  • 374 weeks
    Upside Down Smile

    He's back, and thanks to my some odd weird mood swing, I'm now happier than a normal person should be.

    And that bio isn't serious, I swear. I joke about my own death to make me not do it fyi.

    Love you, night folks. I'm going to go crash in bed.

    Oh, and join Norris's group, because we need some semi-decent shitposters who will give him some consensual McLovin'.

    Read More

    10 comments · 414 views
  • 376 weeks

    I have been meme'd directly.

    Thanks to TheTimeSword for making this.

    I am not insane I swear.

    0 comments · 455 views

Support Groups - Opinion Post · 10:51pm Nov 26th, 2016

DISCLAIMER: Do not go and attack these individuals mentioned in the blog. If you do, it's on your own behalf, not mine. This is an opinion post using these people as examples to give evidence to my reasoning. Others who respond on this blog are discussing the matter. That is all.

Opinion posts are back for a short while. Probably because I need to get this out there, since I have been seeing these prop up now and again.

In fact, there's a whole stockpile of them. See the damn group names...

...and even the one that is currently trending in the groups section.

Now, to be fair, not all support groups are bad. Self-doubting has a huge following that collects the works of people who doubt their writing abilities. I was in there once, and I left without feeling a doubt in my writing abilities! Why? Because I'm still improving. So yeah, criticism is necessary for me to improve. You know, the written kind, that's more visible than a downvote icon. But I digress, I can't force you to give me criticism, that would be bullshit.

Besides, our topic is about the other support groups. You know, the ones that support a specific human being behind a screen because they're depressed about life and need our help.

I may sound like a bit of a cunt when saying this, but... who cares? People follow each other because they have a genuine liking for their work, or because they like the person, or because they want to see what they think--there are many reasons to follow people as you can tell. But, if you look at the title of this blog, in my opinion, following out of pity is downright wrong.

"They're vulnerable and need a safe space, so I'll follow them to support them in anything that they do!"

Wow, make them feel less like a human being and more like a social outcast, eh?

How about some real examples?

Taken from Cookie Crumbles Support Group (current trending):

"If you're not here to bring warmth and light to her in this dark, cold time, then leave the group and take your bullshit with you. It's rotten eggs like this that make sure the world turns to hell. We made this group to show her how many people love her and care about her. If you're not one of these people, then GET THE FUCK OUT!!!"

Yeah, because complete strangers on the Internet know her so well. I also have another point to make here, but I'll make it as a more finalized solution to this issue. So, keep this in mind, I'll refer to this post at the end of this blog.

Taken from Vanilla Mocha Support Group:

"A group dedicated to the support of one Vanilla Mocha, Equestria's coffee mare!"

Uh... so is her OC having problems or is she having problems?

Vanilla has been dealing with depression, anxiety, and a lot other things. She's extremely nice, and she needs all the support she can get!"

I'm assuming it's her, not the OC. We really need to cut down on this RP stuff on the site. You're not a horse, mare, or whatever, you're a human female (in this case). Let's get that straight.

Anyway, wow, that sucks, dealing with depression, anxiety, and a lot of other things! A lot of people have depression, anxiety, and other stressors in their lives! I don't wave my depression flag in your face, do I? Nope, I only wave it on my blog, and that's a rarity. If it's hitting me hard, I let you know not because I want your sympathy, but just as an update, telling you how depressed I am.

You know, I probably shouldn't do that. I guess I'll update you guys and gals when I actually write something. Depression blogs no longer! Instead, I will post writing updates and opinion posts. How's that?

Oh, also, holy shit, a lot of people are nice. That doesn't give me a reason to go and hug the living crap out of her. I'm sorry that you're feeling bad, but here's the catch: talk to your friends, get some help, and maybe even do something different. If you don't like how things are going, make a stance. Do something about it. When there's a will, there's a way.

And... last example!

Taken from the Chocolate Pony Support Group:

Be sure to go follow her, and give her some words of encouragement. She is currently going through some tough times, so we need to show her the magic of friendship and make her smile!

Wow, totally not a follow group, staff! Wonder why this one missed the report button? Also everyone goes through rough patches, don't know why it makes you so special.

So remember that point that I was going to make earlier about the recent trending support group? Well, they mentioned that those who are against helping this "mare" out should "get the fuck out". You know, if you actually used the group system properly and made your group private/invite-only, this wouldn't be an issue. But, of course, these groups need random strangers to support them into the trending boxes, otherwise there aren't so many people that care about this one individual. You know, trending a support group because we feel bad for them...

Egad, what a horrible thing to be known for. Being pitied.


It almost sounds like they're begging for attention. Should we call them attention groups now?

Welp, there you have it. Support groups are problematic, because they belittle the person with their weaknesses instead of pointing out why I should care about this individual. I'm not looking for any benefits, I'm looking for reasons. That's all.


P.S. Before you post, I want to let you all know that I missed my Turkey Day post! Oh well. Happy Turkey Day! Hope you all ate well.

Comments ( 17 )

This blog post triggered me, everyone should totes join my new support group that I made and give me a follow too so I feel less triggered.

In all seriousness I have to agree with you though.

The triggering hast begun! Prepare for Trigger Happiness.

When's the group being posted?

4318374 Never, too much effort for just a joke.

True, although that would make the joke more permanent...

I do wounder why not a lot of people try and change their life for the better.

Soaring follow support group when?

I don't know why ponies join groups like this. :ponyshrug:

Yeah, most of these are probably non-productive hugboxes that don't help anypony grow as a writer or pony. But, if ponies wanna hang out together and be strangely pro-something-I've-never-heard-of, that's fine. It's like, up to them, and it isn't my job to psychoanalyze them. There are probably dozens of different reasons ponies join those groups, to be honest. I just don't know.

I could get behind a support group for actual real-world issues, like depression support, or disability support, or discussion of gender or orientation or something like that. Those have a legitimate function as friendly discussion groups that can help ponies, and they can relate to fiction on the site as well.

If it's the opposite, like, hate-groups toward an author or group of ponies, I can't support that. I guess hate-groups toward a fictional character or pairing are fine within limits—as long as it's directed toward fiction and not toward other authors or fans.

What about groups where everybody calls you a 'faget?'

Those are fine.

Faget. <3

4318411 Because it is easier to blame the world for being wrong, not themselves. You want to make a world better? Start from yourself.

4318468 Who is that guy in the first picture?

4318657 omg i love those groups

You know, I really like this post. Support groups as the ones I highlighted are different from ones that support an author. As you highlighted, they tend to be hug-boxes, or safe spaces that only people who care about the person jump in. They're almost like fan clubs, but instead of being fans because they like the person, it seems, from a distance, that they also are in it to pity the person that is being supported. With the evidence I compiled, it's pretty evident it's a pity-session with a slight bit of hug-boxing.


If it's the opposite, like, hate-groups toward an author or group of ponies, I can't support that. I guess hate-groups toward a fictional character or pairing are fine within limits—as long as it's directed toward fiction and not toward other authors or fans.

This is a great point. When you make a hate group that goes against an author, it's borderline abuse. I wouldn't say bullying if it's a first offence, since bullying has to be repeated and well, lucrative, so that group would have to stay up for a long time for it to procure any sort of bullying status.

In terms of hate groups for characters or pairings, it depends. I see many hate groups that literally wish that the character would have their body parts cut off, or wish them to be hung. Those groups are not worth joining, considering it's a hate fest on specifically one character (Rainbow Dash is a common "victim" of this). If you don't like the character, why make a whole group saying why you don't like him or her? Seems rather pointless. :applejackunsure:

For any people who will be commenting in the future, be forewarned that my word is not the golden standard. Providing reasoning and evidence for why you follow support groups gives insight on the issue. If you do not believe me, check this blog out. Be kind to any users on this blog. Say your points civilly and you will be responded in kind. If any users do not respond in kind, welp, that's going to be quite an issue. I'm not going to say blocking is the solution, since that's censorship, but if it comes down to it, then so be it.

4319107 Yup, that's what I did.

4319568 Really? :pinkiehappy: I thought it was

Deez Nuts

HA! GOT 'EM! GOT 'EM! HAH HAH hah...! Aaaaah we neeed more emojis boiiiiiii

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