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Fireheart 1945

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Subject; legal torture · 2:55am Nov 26th, 2016

Now, before we begin; my views on homosexuality and transgenderness have not changed at all. I am still against and will always be against them. I believe we are born who and what we are for a reason. Regardless, I believe that we are human beings, and that we should treat each other with love, mercy, and justice.

The following case shows none of these qualities.

Somewhat over 12 hours ago, user HopeForTheFew made a blog (warning to all who hit the link in the linked webpage; explicit sexual speech and HUGE abuse warning) bringing attention to the situation of a trangender person (A certain "Sisk") being not only wrongfully convicted for a crime they didn't commit, but being put under mass verbal abuse (as part of their legal punishment) as well as physical and sexual abuse of prison inmates as a result. Hope is asking for new of the outrage to be spread.

As stated above, my views on the subjects involved have not changed, but no human being should be put through this by another human being. This torture - it cannot be described as anything else - is evil, wrong, and needs to be taken care of. Not with violence, but with prayer for and support to Sisk and her cause. Again, a warning to those who choose to tap the link provided in HopeForTheFew's blog post; anyone who doesn't like talking about sex or sexual terms should not read the reddit post (and shame on anyone who clicks it for "a good time").

May God help all who suffer such outrages of justice. May His salvation spread.

Comments ( 11 )

I can't agree more. I was in a relationship with a trans person for a year, and in that year...

1, She tried to kill herself over 10 times.
2. I was subjected to many nights of sleeplessness because she would claim she was going to kill herself, then fall asleep and not tell me.
3. She tried to convince me I was trans.
4. Blamed me for all of her problems.
5. Tried to make me believe that all people but trans and lgbt were evil.
6. She starved herself for weeks on end.
7. Blamed me for her problems, then when I had enough, tried to apologize and make me feel sympathy for her.
8. Tried to convert me to paganism, claiming eventually that Satan was a divine 'god'.
9. Helped ruin my relationship with my parents.
10. Gave me fits of anxiety and depression (Still ongoing)
11. Many more things that are too personal to share.

I don't hate trans people at all. But my year with getting to know one really opened my eyes to what I believe is a mental illness. Overall, I believe she wanted attention, and took out her aggression on me. Most trans people I have met act similar to how my old girlfriend acted, leading me to the conclusion that it must be a mental illness. But mostly I became a christian since then and realized she was full of hatred and confusion. The after affects of getting to know this person are ongoing because I still get into fits of anxiety and depression. I've been getting better as I've been growing closer to my real friends, but I still think of her almost every day. I was more than bullied, I was harassed by this person that wanted to call itself a woman. Now I see right through it. She was angry and depressed. She wanted to start over, but It's never that simple. She saw switching genders as a way of escaping herself, and her biological sex. Her religious beliefs infected me, leading me down a dark Satanic road. We did terrible, terrible things with magick and demonic powers that I wish I had not done. God helped me see right through her disguise and mine. I myself, was in a delusion of grandeur and needed Jesus to get me out. Thankfully He showed me what was wrong, now I'm living a very happy life as a born again Christian. Thank you God! But I do believe trans people are confused, and need help. I pray that they find God and become who they REALLY were meant to be. :pinkiesmile:

4317605 My thanks, friend, for your support and understanding :twilightsmile:

I hope your battle with depression and anxiety (I have my own, though probably not as severe) goes well :rainbowdetermined2:

4317617 Hey thanks, I'll be praying for you and your struggles. :twilightsmile:

4317620 Really? :raritystarry:

My thanks... again :twilightsmile:

But really, it's probably not much to worry about, at least for me. Just some mild depression (as ascribed by my doctor, and it's more an ingrained indifferent feeling than what most people would call despression) and some wild goose chases for anxieties (like people dying if I make too loud a noise or getting sick if I breathe too close to their food).

4317634 Hey no problem big or small for guidance from the Lord. I see how that can be a problem, but don't worry... God will help you and show you the way! :twilightsmile:

I appreciate your words mate, and the will to give others a good shot.

Comment posted by 21 Spots deleted Nov 28th, 2016

EXACTLY! And, I think I found a new Christian Brony to follow! ;) :heart: :raritywink:

4400147 Aw man, thanks! But give true and ultimate thanks to God :rainbowdetermined2:

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