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[Poll] Choose your Starter! · 2:42am Nov 18th, 2016

Tell me in the comments below who your starter is going to be tomorrow! Even if you don't know Pokemon, choose the starter you like the most! I look forward to your answers!

I'm choosing Rowlet, of course. :rainbowkiss:

Comments ( 11 )

I'm getting Popplio for one game. Haven't decided on the second one, but it'll probably be Rowlet. Fingers crossed that I'll have some way to get Litten with little trouble in the future.

Well since I will buy both games and I have at least two 3DS at hand I'll have all three for both games. Though story wise it will be Popplio.

My favorite is when the sun and moon shipped at the same time. 2.bp.blogspot.com/-UJy5WSZ1znA/TsHPoWgnDQI/AAAAAAAABsA/OU6ZThH_1oo/s1600/84917+-+artist+taskidog+celestia+egg+luna+sIsTeRhOoVeS_sOcIaL+sisters.png

Oh, I'm not gonna get to play it, but I'd go with the cat in the center. I like cats.

I'd choose the cat. I've always loved fire types (every pokemon game I get, I never catch fire types outside of legendaries, I just get the starter fire type and play the whole game with it)

Definitely Rowlet. I love owls :rainbowkiss::heart:

Rowlet ftw.

You know I'm going with Litten. I like cats, and for those not in the know, Inceniroar looks like T-Bone from Swat Kats.

Don't know what starter I'm going to choose. Can't even really mess with my game right now as it is . went for the midnight release, got a digital copy at nine, had to wait three hours so that a friend could get their physical copy and then went over to one of the only buildings on my schools campus that has the Wi-Fi required for me to access the Internet on a 3ds.

Well I forgot to take my power cord and the device and a blinking red as I was in the middle of downloading so I rushed outside the building over to my dorm room which is not too far away and get my cord and when I tried to get back into the building is locked so I had to go over to the police station to try and get it unlocked.

But just as they were about to dispatch somebody some dumbass was caught Doing donuts in the grass near the library. So yeah it's now 4 AM missing my 3DS my iPhone charger my laptop and all my games and then I have to grab them in the morning all because some dumbass. I swear to God idiots shouldn't be allowed to breed

Update: Well I got all my stuff from the building took me about an hour but I had a game downloaded but now I have a report that I have to submit so yeah life happens. But I guess it's just proper motivation to actually get the assignment done. still don't think idiots should be allowed to breed though

I usually pick water-types
But now I've been picking fire-types

The dark fire-type litten is the one that I would choose for my starter Pokemon in Sun and moon

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