• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
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I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.

More Blog Posts1233

  • Saturday
    Special Re-Review: Equestria Girls: Rollercoaster of Friendship

    Season 8's mid season hiatus couldn't have come at a worser time for it, right on the heels of really bad episodes "Marks for Effort" and "The Mean Six", which were so low quality you have to wonder how they didn't get flagged for obvious writing mistakes or plot holes, and just further seemed to make the School of Friendship look like a bad idea that should not have been greenlit. So many people

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  • 1 week
    Episode Re-Review: The Mean Six

    First and foremost, I want to briefly mention that my account for paid commisssions is up and running. It's CSPB2024. If you could all help spread the word about it, that would be appreciated. Now it's on to the episode proper, though I do briefly want to touch on the controversy surrounding the rumor about A.I. voices for "Make Your Mark" and "Tell Your Tale" that were recently debunked. It's

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  • 1 week
    Commissions Account is Up

    I have now established a separate account specifically for any paid commissions or requests. It is FiMFiction user CSPB2024, and contains a link to my Paypal account. Head over to there to find out the rules.

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  • 1 week
    Happy Birthday, Andrew Francis

    Today is Andrew Francis' birthday. Fittingly, with today being Memorial Day, he is the voice of Shining Armor from the character's debut until his final on-screen appearance in Season 9. He was also the voice of Night Light for the character's first (and brief) speaking appearance in "The Crystalling, Part 2", and was the voice of a couple of other characters, including at least one royal guard.

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  • 2 weeks
    Episode Re-Review: Marks for Effort (And Important Update!)

    Before we get into the re-review, I have some important and unfortunate news to share with you all. Don't worry, I'm not leaving this site or deactivating my account if that's what you're thinking. Despite not having any new pony content to indulge on given that "Tell Your Tale" seems to have no interest in building on anything from "Make Your Mark" (Allura and Twitch have done nothing of

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Top Ten Worst Opening Sequences of FiM · 10:43pm Nov 16th, 2016

An opening sequence can make or break your episode, first impressions are very important. And today we're going to take a look at the episode openings that for one reason or another, among the 143 episode openings, missed the mark and started their episodes off on the wrong foot. Like all my lists, this one isn't official by any means so feel to disagree.

10. Spike Bakes A Jewel Cake (Just for Sidekicks: Season 3, Episode 11)
"Just for Sidekicks" had a lot to answer for, for sticking Spike into the sidekick role for the first time, especially considering his previous focus episode had been one of his absolute worst. While this one didn't have him nearly as stupid throughout the entire episode, it didn't start off looking that way when it had Spike eating all the gems he was going to use in his jewel cake before he could even put them in the batter. And it doesn't help that they used the tired "who" joke with Owlowiscious at one point.

9. Rarity's Puppet Theater (Inspiration Manifestation: Season 4, Episode 23)
While "Inspiration Manifestation" may have been a surprisingly good Spike episode and an entertaining Rarity mental breakdown episode, it was noticeably contrived in its set up. Rarity knows she's designing a puppet theater for a fair (and I really don't get why foal is being used to replace colt, foal is gender neutral and refers to a young horse/pony, colt and filly describe the gender as male or female respectively), yet either because the client didn't specify what they wanted, or because Rarity somehow never stopped to think about what a puppet theater is supposed to accomplish, she designs one that while good looking is completely unuseable and because of that one failure she's driven into depression. I'm thinking this is what Corey Powell contributed to the episode before Meghan McCarthy stepped in to her help out following "Rainbow Falls". Season 4 as a whole seemed to have a lot of problems stemming from Meghan being asleep at the wheel for editing, and while this episode wasn't as noticeable or even major in terms of a problem, it's still one that I'm having a hard time seeing how an editor wouldn't at least be asking a few questions with the set up written as it is.

8. Applejack, Rarity, and Bloomberg (Over A Barrel: Season 1, Episode 21)
"Over A Barrel" sure got off to a weird start, and in many ways that sense of weirdness would ultimately plague it badly by giving the feel of a stoner comedy, and I just don't see the appeal of those (if I have to be high to find something funny, what's the point of writing a joke? It should make sense and be funny without that prerequirement). Rarity's reaction probably sums up everyone's reaction to what goes on in this opening sequence that ends up being way too weird and out there to be funny for more than a few minutes. The political reference in the form of Bloomberg is clever, but it doesn't make up for how out of left field it is for Applejack to treat a tree like a child.

7. Pinkie and Twilight's Exposition (Trade Ya!: Season 4, Episode 19)
Pretty much everything that Pinkie and Twilight say in this opening sequence is basically "As you know" moments without the "As you know". Normally those don't work, because if the show characters know what it's being mentioned or referred to, the audience should as well. "As you know" assumes the character has forgotten something they should remember, and just because you don't say it outright doesn't mean those moments don't still exist. Exposition in recent seasons seems to have become a reoccurring problem for the show, it often just feels clunky and rushed out so the writers don't have to worry about it, and there has to be a way for the exposition to be written believably. Not in the way it's presented here.

6. "It" Has Returned (Crystal Empire Part 1: Season 3, Episode 1)
This opening sequence can probably be used as a demonstration against using the pronoun game too often. The pronoun game is basically using a random pronoun like he, she, they, or it out of context in a sentence, while assuming the one you're speaking to knows who or what you're referring to. However, since we have no idea what "It" means in this context, we are unable to tell what the guard is trying to tell Princess Celestia and her reaction isn't justified. This could be solved if she asked for clarification as to what the guard means by "It" but she just instantly assumes he's talking about the Crystal Empire and sends guards to find Cadence and Shining Armor. LittleshyFiM's Cinemare Sins video on this episode pointed out the flaw with this poorly made decision to play the pronoun game.

5. Applejack and Rarity in The Park (Look Before You Sleep: Season 1, Episode 8)
The longest opening sequence in the entire show to date, and probably for a good reason. This one unfortunately faces one big problem that would go on to plague the episode it was part of, Rarity's presence is never explained or justified here, she's just there because the plot says she has to be there, and then it goes to great lengths to show why she shouldn't be there. It doesn't help that she and Applejack then start acting completely like little kids, to an insulting level considering they're the most mature of the mane six in terms of personality (age is up for debate). Perhaps the only adult thing they do here, is agree to disagree and go their seperate ways before one of them says or does something they'll regret.

4. No Cider for Rainbow Dash (The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000: Season 2, Episode 15)
Okay, so let me see if I understand the logic here. Rainbow Dash is in the wrong because she wants cider and Pinkie Pie never lets her get any because she's always first in line on the first day, and so for once Rainbow Dash decides to beat Pinkie to the punch only to end up robbed of the chance to get the cider she wants and apparently getting a little too carried away with the idea of showing Pinkie how it feels to be denied something year after year? Sorry, sounds to me like Rainbow Dash is almost perfectly in the right here and Pinkie is in the wrong. Heck, this opening already demonstrates that the Apples have terrible business practices if they let this keep happening year after year. And the little bit with Fluttershy blushing, maybe the joke would work under different circumstances or context, but ponies don't normally wear clothes so the joke falls flat.

3. Rainbow Dash Scares Fluttershy (28 Pranks Later: Season 6, Episode 16)
Talk about painting a mean spirited tone right from the get go. Remember all the way back in Season 1 when Rainbow Dash was warned not to prank Fluttershy because she was so sensitive? And remember how obnoxious Rainbow Dash was in Season 2 for pranking ponies without restraint and sabotaging a peace effort between Princess Luna and Pinkie Pie? Well, it seems like this episode decided to ignore all of that and Rainbow Dash scare Fluttershy for no good reason. Even "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well" didn't start off by undeniably painting Rainbow in a negative light and making it so that she was the antagonist, so how is that when you're trying to correct the mistakes of a bad episode, you end up doing something the original never did but in the worst way possible? This was also Fluttershy's weakest potrayal in Season 6, being scared out of her wits just from Rainbow Dash saying boo right in front of her (and this is after she's already in Harry's arms and Rainbow Dash has revealed herself). You know how that "boo!" jump scare works? It works because the victim isn't expecting anyone, and they react because of that. It doesn't work if the one trying to scare you is standing right in front of you and you know it's coming!

2. Scaredy Cat Fluttershy Returns (Scare Master: Season 5, Episode 15)
Definitely one of the worst ways to start off any episode, especially since prior to this Fluttershy had been on a role throughout Season 5, really standing up for herself and not being afraid to do what was necessary. But here, she's reduced to once again being a scared little pony like she was in early Season 1, and by now there's just no excuse for it. Like with the opening to "Look Before You Sleep" it's not funny seeing one of our main characters act like a little kid! You actually make us root for Angel for making Fluttershy have to go out and face what she refuses to deal with, Angel of all characters is who we're rooting for! I am so glad we never once saw Season 6 Fluttershy revert back to this level, because it's not cute at all, it's pathetic and very immature!

1. Fluttershy Says No (Dragon Quest: Season 2, Episode 21)
So putting someone in the right to make them wrong equals comedy? I don't think so. With Rainbow Dash and Twilight trying to drag Fluttershy to a dragon migration when she clearly doesn't want to do so, they first have no right at all! It's the equivalent of dragging someone onto a roller coaster even when they say they don't want to ride it and they keep fighting and screaming! Forcing someone into something against their will can be right, but it has to be justified and it's usually supposed to be as a last resort if that someone won't take any steps to conquer their fear on their own. Then when we learn Fluttershy owes Rainbow Dash for the latter watching a butterfly migration, the episode still treats Fluttershy like she's in the right, and that is wrong! If a friend does something with you that they didn't really enjoy and then they ask you to do the same, if it's not illegal or harmful you owe them. But instead of relenting and accepting that Rainbow Dash has a point, Fluttershy snaps, stomps on Rainbow Dash, and takes off! So the wrong character gets punished just because she expected to be compensated for doing something with a friend that she really didn't like, and the character in the wrong gets away with their behavior? Now how is any of that funny or good friendship?!

And there you have it. Come back tomorrow when we take a look at the Top Five Weakest Writers of FiM.

Comments ( 3 )

I completely agree.

Just for Sidekicks and 28 Pranks Later for very bad in my opinion.

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