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You'll find, my friend, that in the gutters of this floating world, much of the trash consists of fallen flowers.

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COMICS, PART 1: Katie Cook & Andy Price · 12:41pm Nov 14th, 2016

If you want in-depth reviews of every individual issue of IDW's Pony comics, I suggest Silver Quill's articles on EQD. I'm not gonna do that, though I tried. Even just a few paragraphs on each story arc became too much text, piled up in boring lists.

Instead, I'll approach these by focusing on one writer at a time, to trace the patterns in their work. And then I'll bundle each post with one of the artists, because they alternate just as much. It's hard to get a sense of the comics as a whole when they vary so much, but the individual creators have certain styles.

But most importantly, I'll look at them from the same angle as with Berrow's books. What can I learn from this? I'll focus on interesting examples, good and bad, so I'll skip a lot of issues that I don't have much to say about. Not going to go too in-depth on story and art critique, just the ideas on characterization and storytelling that I found useful.

"Useful" meaning how do they compare with the show and our world of fanfiction we've created here? And of course, how do they work as comics?

There's the monthly series of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" comics which is such a unique name that I'll nickname them the Main Series instead. Parallel to that is the Micro Series (one-character focus), which lasted 10 issues and was then rebooted as the Friends Forever series (two-character focus). There was another parallel series starring the villains, called FIENDship is Magic, and the Annuals which were holiday bonus one-shots.

For some reason, the few threads of continuity criss-cross between them all, making certain arcs confusing if you don't read everything in the original publishing order. But it's not really worth it, since absolutely none of these are acknowledged as canon on the show. Except for that reference to "Oubliettes & Ogres".

Since Katie Cook and Andy Price started the whole thing, it's only fitting that I begin with them. They work almost exclusively with each other, so it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. Normally the artist would be in a seperate section, but this is a special case. I get the impression they're so strongly on the same wavelength, planning out every detail together. There's a real sense of harmony between the two. Cook is also an artist herself, so my theory is that she knows how to direct Price, while trusting him to make his own decisions.

From reading their comics, they have this atmosphere of being huge fans themselves, in the best possible way. They make the comics they want to read themselves, and pour all of their passion into the work. They're lively and ambitious, and perhaps a little over-enthusiastic at times. They're not perfect, but it's obvious they're the best at IDW. You can criticize them for occasional sloppiness, but you can't accuse them of not caring.

What makes these so fun is that so much happens in them. For example, Rarity and Applejack go on a road trip (Friends Forever #8) that was so densely packed, at the end I couldn't believe it was only 22 pages. It really did feel like a huge adventure, and other IDW writers would need over 50 pages to do the same. Price is skilled enough to draw a huge variety of characters and expressions, and put them in tons of beautiful environments. The story can freely shift between humor and action, because Price can exaggerate his art style to make them distinct. It's many small scenes connected together by logic. Even if all the logic doesn't quite work, it flows well and is very entertaining.

The 2-part "Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair" (Main Series #9-10) has a similar dense pacing, and it's easily their best storyline. It's like an alternate universe version of what ep 100 should've been. It's full of background characters, silly references, and even some hints of shipping. Yet it works wonderfully because Big Mac is the eye of the storm, stoically deflecting away all of Ponyville's zaniness as it crashes into him. Unlike Larson's episode it's actually a story, and not just throwing ideas at a wall until it implodes under its own gravity. :raritydespair:

Overall, what they create doesn't quite fit into the style of show episodes, unlike Berrow's books. What they're trying to do is create something similar with its own identity, a comic series that can stand on its own instead of being compared as a weak imitation of the show. For example, Price's style of drawing ponies has this flexibility to it, where I don't feel like it was derived from the show's vectors. I suspect that he instead looked back at the source, Faust's concept sketches, and fleshed those out into his own style. Their comics may not fit perfectly in canon, but they'll borrow the spirit. If that means it sometimes feels like a fanfic, so be it.

Speaking of fanfic, I wanted to look at some of their more flawed stories. "Neigh Anything" (Main Series #11-12) is that backstory of how Cadance and Shining Armor beame a couple... in a stereotypical high school. This really doesn't fit in canon at all, and seems like a vehicle for endless 80s references, but it's still a cute romantic-comedy. If you can shut down certain parts of your brain and pretend it's a fanfic, it kinda works. :duck:

Eighties High School aside, straying from canon might've made this even better than it otherwise would've been. There's this problem (for me) where Shining Armor and Cadance are the most boring characters on the show. Cook and Price give them loads of fun personality! Maybe not original ideas (awkward geek and smart prom queen), but at least I started caring about them. Berrow tried to be show-faithful in her Cadance book, which didn't do much for me. It wasn't a bad story, but I was more interested in the quirky OCs than the unmemorable canon characters. It might be too late for the show to develop this royal couple, but I wouldn't mind reading about their comics versions.

Thinking about this, I realized something Price/Cook were doing with Celestia and Luna. "The Day Shift" (Micro Series #10) is a great issue, where Luna tries to take over Celestia's duties for one day. Luna here acts a bit more playful and eccentric... like she knows she's a thousand years out of touch, but won't let that stop her. I like this more than her angsty show version, but that one's alright too. Celestia uses her day off to sneak away to a private underground spa. Even though they spend the entire issue away from each other, it gives a nice sense of their sisterly relationship.

I kept noticing Celestia appearing in many Cook/Price comics, even if she does nothing important at all. In the Chrysalis arc (Main Series #1-4), Celestia and Spike fly in at the very end, both covered in scratches and bandages from their off-screen adventure together. In the Rarity story (Micro Series #3), she's enjoying a bath with the beauty products Rarity helped to sell. In Luna's story, she's away getting pampered in a spa. This Celestia is actually fun and interesting, instead of remaining completely distant and mysterious through 6 seasons of the show.

Many fans demand a Celestia episode. She should get one, but I fear that it may be too late. She keeps appearing less and less, and I predict they'll try to make up for it all at once with one grand episode, trying to be as epic as possible. Yet I think we don't need to see Celestia be powerful or useful or wise, as if having to prove that she deserves her princess title.

Like any character, she just needs to appear now and then, even when she's not the star. They did this back in season 1, remember when she tried to talk casually at that tea party? Fans latched on to those moments where she wasn't the enigmatic divine alicorn. From season 2 onwards, we've had nothing new. I think the show runners were too afraid to use her, as if they'd smear dirt on their mint-condition action figure once taken out of the plastic packaging. The problem with keeping her so perfect and mysterious is that we never learned anything about her over time. If we ever get that Celestia episode, it'll be a huge shock. No build-up or foreshadowing.

Cook and Price knew they could work Celestia in similarly, while giving her a little more colorful personality. It's not strictly canon, and it's similar to how many fanfics use her, but I can't consider it a flaw. I think this is a case where the show did it wrong, and this canon is useless. They never planned on a Celestia episode, and they closed off any paths they could've taken to build up to one.

Katie Cook DID build up to a Celestia storyline, the "Reflections" arc (Main Series #17-20). Oh boy, what a controversial one it was. As a "alternate mirrorverse" story, it completely falls apart. The rules aren't established, leading to a rushed climax that's just a series of pulling magical solutions out of nowhere. The Mane 6 don't really do anything important, and we never get the Evil Mane 6 like we were expecting. Evil Celestia & Luna are like Wicked Witches of Oz, except less interesting.

It would be a terrible adventure story, but it didn't really focus on that. The real story here was Young Celestia's forbidden romance with the Good Sombra, which is genuinely wonderful. Her irresponsibility ruins her friendship with Star Swirl, and they both make mistakes that never fully heal. All this set against the present-day Twilight Sparkle, anxious over her new princess status. She fears she can't live up to her perfect image of both her role models, Celestia and Star Swirl.... the very same ponies we're seeing as equally confused and flawed in these flashbacks.

Cook couldn't juggle all the pieces of her concept, and much of the potential gets wasted. But I respect the ambition, and fell in love with the half that did work, the tragic love story. This is a heartbreaking conflict where there are no clear answers. And it's centered around the princess that the show is most afraid of using. This is quite a gem among all the MLP episodes and comics and books. A cracked gem, but unique.

There's more little things I wanted to talk about, but I can save them for later. I can use them to compare to the other writers, as an example of how these guys did things better. And worse, in a few rare cases! :trollestia:

I recommend picking up just any of the issues they made together. EXCEPT for "The Root of the Problem" which starts off with magical forest Tolkienesque elves deer, then becomes a Captain Planet episode. that's the one Linkara reviewed if you're curious. also avoid "The Good The Bad and the Ponies" which promises to be an exciting homage to Seven Samurai, but devolves into baffling Looney Toons slapstick instead. it's still pretty good slapstick, but what a bait & switch. :rainbowhuh:

Report hazeyhooves · 552 views · #comics #price #cook
Comments ( 10 )

I really should go back and read that Reflections arc. People keep citing it. That was around the time I stopped collecting the comics, and I've only got one of the four. I have e-copies though from the Humble Bundle they did.

Despite the glaring flaws, you'd probably still enjoy it.
It's the 2nd best Celestia romance story I've read!

I'm probably setting myself up here, but I feel obligated to ask what the first is.

I'd link it, but it's not on fimfic yet...

Super Blog Catchup Time! (again)

Instead, I'll approach these by focusing on one writer at a time, to trace the patterns in their work.

I think that's a good approach.

It's like an alternate universe version of what ep 100 should've been

What did you think of ep 100, btw?

Unlike Larson's episode it's actually a story, and not just throwing ideas at a wall until it implodes under its own gravity.

Ah. Nevermind! ^.^

There's a real sense of harmony between the two.

Cook and Price are great. Not perfect, but still the best, pretty much (so far, anyway). I may be a little biased, because they do so much with the princesses and that's a huge selling point for me and an open highway to my heart.

that backstory of how Cadance and Shining Armor beame a couple... in a stereotypical high school. This really doesn't fit in canon at all, and seems like a vehicle for endless 80s references, but it's still a cute romantic-comedy. If you can shut down certain parts of your brain and pretend it's a fanfic, it kinda works.

Yeah, I had mixed feelings on this one too. I really kinda despise the high school trope, and it had an extra bitter taste for me thanks to EQG (which I loathe on an existential basis). I remember in a Bronycon panel Price talked about it, and mentioned how he's always seen Shining as a huge closet nerd, and he was happy he got to use this arc to do that. Which...I guess? I can respect his interpretation of Shining, but it doesn't really justify the high school trope. I'm not completely sold on this version of Shining and Cadance (my headcanon's simply different), but like you said, it's miles ahead of what the show supplies.

I like this more than her angsty show version, but that one's alright too.

Oh? You're not a big fan of canon Luna's personality?
Do tell.

This Celestia is actually fun and interesting, instead of remaining completely distant and mysterious through 6 seasons of the show


Many fans demand a Celestia episode. She should get one, but I fear that it may be too late. She keeps appearing less and less, and I predict they'll try to make up for it all at once with one grand episode, trying to be as epic as possible. Yet I think we don't need to see Celestia be powerful or useful or wise, as if having to prove that she deserves her princess title.

Yes, I agree :(

Like any character, she just needs to appear now and then, even when she's not the star.


Cook and Price knew they could work Celestia in similarly, while giving her a little more colorful personality.

This is what I love and appreciate them for most.

The real story here was Young Celestia's forbidden romance with the Good Sombra, which is genuinely wonderful. Her irresponsibility ruins her friendship with Star Swirl, and they both make mistakes that never fully heal.

I agree wholeheartedly. This is why I like this arc despite all the issues people have with it. It let's Celestia have some CONFLICT--some real emotion, real desire, and real pain. The arc let's her be an interesting character. That's rare, even in the realm of fanfiction. As big a fan of Celestia as I am, I don't automatically enjoy her in any fic. Quite the opposite, most fail to give me what I look for with her. Most make her pretty boring.

It sucks.


What did you think of ep 100, btw?

um.... complicated!
the good: it was fast and entertaining! just once they were allowed to break out of the mold and do whatever they wanted. it would've been annoying if it was a recurring thing. I'm glad we got it, one time only.
the bad: like I said above, it's too random and not a coherent story. it feels like every step of the animation process wanted to add in their own jokes, making it too saturated and cluttered to comprehend.
the ugly: I strongly feel that fans should NOT think of it as canon. it was DHX's tribute to US, and even Larson felt like they shouldn't step on our toes by insisting THIS is how Lyra or Vinyl is like. it's their fan-episode interpretation of what our fandom looks like. it should have no higher status or authority than any random fanfic, because these were OUR characters.

Oh? You're not a big fan of canon Luna's personality?
Do tell.

She's... okay. I just think fans came up with better ideas for her, making her more playful and interesting. The canon Luna did get a personality, but I think it could've been deeper. Relied too much on the same theme over and over (I used to be baaaad) (Just noticed now that Luna's forgiven herself, we get Starlight Glimmer constantly guilt-tripping herself over how she used to be evil. WE KNOW, WE KNOW.)


the ugly: I strongly feel that fans should NOT think of it as canon. it was DHX's tribute to US, and even Larson felt like they shouldn't step on our toes by insisting THIS is how Lyra or Vinyl is like. it's their fan-episode interpretation of what our fandom looks like. it should have no higher status or authority than any random fanfic, because these were OUR characters.

I never really had a problem with considering it canon, if only loosely, but I accept your argument against it.

She's... okay. I just think fans came up with better ideas for her, making her more playful and interesting. The canon Luna did get a personality, but I think it could've been deeper. Relied too much on the same theme over and over

I suppose part of the problem is her limited focus in the show. There wasn't room to do much. In a way, she's like Celestia: both have been shoved into these sort of superficial, unchanging character molds. Though I would say Celestia has gotten the worst of that.

On the other hand, in season one they managed to give Celestia lots of personality, so maybe there really isn't an excuse for Luna here.

Luna feels like she has a deep characterization, but I wonder if this isn't a trick: she's got a good backstory, but it informs nearly her entire character, and as you've mentioned, we've not seen much personality outside of this, at least since Nightmare Night in season 2. Also, I think there's a tendency in our culture nowadays to view "dark, brooding, and angsty" as inherently more deep than the opposite. I suppose because there's internal conflict in that? But whose to say there isn't inherently any in the cheerful personality?

we get Starlight Glimmer constantly guilt-tripping herself over how she used to be evil. WE KNOW, WE KNOW.)

Yeah, it's pretty annoying.
People love characters who guilt trip themselves, because it's essentially a pity party, and who doesn't love those?

The biggest difference is that fanon (and comic) Luna gets to interact a lot with Celestia, and the show didn't get to do that. Could've been a great way to flesh out and develop Luna.



That's a good point too. Their relationship is a huge element, and everyone is super interested, and the most we've gotten is a handful of lines and that scene in ep 100. Sooooo nothing basically.

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