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Hello Fluttercord Fans and shipper fans alike! My name is MissKoiFishPony, but you can call me Miss Koi or Missy:) I love My Little Pony, I love to write, I love Fluttercord.

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Missy's Weird "What If?" For Discord · 1:33am Nov 13th, 2016

What if Eddie Murphy voiced Discord, instead of our beloved John de Lancie?

Now, I can already imagine all of your faces:

"Missy has lost it. It's official you guys."

I do have a reason and a root to this madness, I promise. Just the other day, I was listening to the song "Stepping to the Bad Side" from the movie "Dream Girls":

I was thinking to myself, especially when we gets to Eddie Murphy's part in the song (2:56-4:56), "Hmm, this would be a really good song for Reformed Discord when he's getting all chaotic just acting so good for so long. Especially towards the end of the episode Make New Friends but Keep Discord when Discord just snaps at Treehugger for taking Fluttershy away from him;) We could also have it for when Discord decides to join Tirek in the S4 finale".

But then, this got me to realize: "Gasp!:o What if Eddie Murphy voiced Discord?!:o"

Now, stay with me folks. Why do I think this is a good idea? Before I explain, please realize that I'm not saying that Eddie Murphy is a better voice for Discord than John De Lancie. I love John De Lancie's voice for Discord and his interpretation to Discord's character. I love Discord's character the way it is. It's just that...I'm so fascinated by the possible different interpretation to Discord's character if Eddie Murphy voiced him and what would Eddie Murphy bring to the show:D

Think about it: Mr. Murphy has voiced crazy, eccentric, fun characters in the past

And he has such a flare in making them rememberable (not that John De Lancie's Discord isn't rememberable, believe me, it is.) I guess what I'm saying is...is it such a stretch to see Eddie Murphy play a chaotic character like Discord.

(Dawww, little ole me? Causing chaos? Never;))

Anyway, I can imagine Eddie Murphy bringing an energy and enthusiasm into Discord's character like he does with all his cartoon characters (not that John De Lancie doesn't bring energy into Discord's character. Oh boy, I'm just asking for an angry mob of Discord fan girls to go after me with pitch forks:/) I can also see Eddie Murphy really wanting to play this character if Hasbro offered the job to him, especially if he is giving free range to improv, at the approriate G rating of course;) I heard that Eddie Murphy likes to improv, especially at voice over sessions:) And I think improv can add an edge and even more fun to Discord's unpredictable yet wonderful character:)

So what would this Eddie Murphy Discord be like? Well, for starters, I think this Discord would have a new look to match in a sense Eddie Murphy and his personality. Just like Hasbro did with Discord's design and John De Lancie's overall appearance.

(This is not exactly what I have in mind for Eddie Murphy's Discord, but something along these basics with some smoothing out.)
Now I can imagine Eddie Murphy's Discord to have a bit of Donkey in him, a bit of Mushu in him, a bit of smooth con man in him, and a whole lot of Eddie Murphy crazyiness;) Lol! Of course, there's that classic Eddie Murphy laugh to seal the deal for Discord's evil laughter;)

I can also see this Discord being more musical since Eddie Murphy is such a great singer and started his career as a singer and just overall loves to sing:) And our man Daniel Ingram and Hasbro would definitely utilize Eddie Murphy's talent in singing to make alot of great and rememberable songs (not that our dear John De Lancie isn't a wonderful singer and that a "Glass of Water" song wasn't rememberable. Oh boy, I need to stop now:?)
Anyway, I can see Daniel Ingram having fun with making jazzy, James Brown, R&B musical numbers for this over top Discord:D

I can also see this Discord having just as a fun and quirky romance/friendship with Fluttershy, as displayed through our usual Fluttercord shengians;)

I can see Eddie Murphy's Discord acting in the same manner as our Discord does with Fluttershy, but perhaps add of bit of Eddie Murphy's smooth flirting and also Eddie Murphy's dorkiness when he gets nervous around his beloved:3 LOL!XD Gah so cute! I can also see some duets between the two, and this Discord singing love songs to Fluttershy<3

Overall, a fun new intrepretation on Fluttercord and bringing an overall zing to the dynamic:) I mean, we're talking about interaction between Eddie Murphy and FluttershyXD

Anyway, I have a feeling that having Eddie Murphy as Discord would have added a whole new edge to the show and take it to a level that nobody (not even the fans) would ever expect. It would really make MLP a remake that nobody would predict and add a new fun tone that has appeal and definitely gets people talking;) XD And this idea stirring in my mind has made me really miss Eddie Murphy's voice work in animated features. I sincerely hopes he returns to them, and what better way to do it then to kick it off on MLP!:D I'm so interested to see how Eddie Murphy would do in a tv cartoon format and I would absolutely love to see him play a cartoon villian:D Or just any kind of character really, but mostly a villian since he's good at playing jerky characters;)

What do you guys think of my crazy idea? Please leave some comments down below so that I don't sound like a crazy person just rambling to myselfXD

Comments ( 12 )

I LOVE THE IDEA!!! Not that I don't love JDL's voice, but I've seen Shrek and Mulan movies and everytime I see Donkey or Mushu, i remember DIscord!!!! I would like to imagine Discord with tat voice, and if he sings to Fluttershy like EM, she would pass out, because he sings so AWESOME!!!!

Great idea of the new voice!!!

Daww yay I'm so glad that you like my idea/what if:)
D'oh my gosh, Fluttershy would totally fan girl and pass out if Discord sang like Eddie MurphyXD And this Discord would be happy to catch her;) Lol!

4299985 Obviously, because E.M has a WONDEFUL (and hot) voice!!!!

You can watch a spoof of Shrek called "Simba" on YouTube. Discord is cast as Donkey, so that should give you an idea of how he would sound in Eddie Murphy's voice.

Bwhaha lol! Duke Weaselton as Gepetto, Olaf as Pinnichio, Cruella DeVil as Donkey's former owner, oh my gosh this is too much!XD Thanks for sending this to me kid:D

This is an absolutely brilliant idea! It would be amazing, are there any PMVs with Discord in them with Eddie Murphy singing? If not then why not? Eddie Murphy would make a fantastic villain on MLP and it needs to happen! He would be so smooth! EM Discord flirting with Fluttershy? I would die of the feels! I need this in my life dear Jay Zeus.


This is an absolutely brilliant idea!

Oh well, thank you:D So glad that you liked the idea:D

It would be amazing, are there any PMVs with Discord in them with Eddie Murphy singing? If not then why not?

I don't think so, but you're right, it needs to happen so why not?:) Especially with all these EM Dreamgirl songs;)

Eddie Murphy would make a fantastic villain on MLP and it needs to happen!

Hmm you know it girl;) That's why I'm sayin;):duck:

He would be so smooth! EM Discord flirting with Fluttershy? I would die of the feels! I need this in my life dear Jay Zeus

I know right?!XD It's just so dang hilarious and wonderful that I can't take itXD

4301197 You're welcome!:twilightsmile:

Sorry it took me so long to comment on this post, I've been pretty busy the past several days, and by the time I pop onto Fimfiction my brain has been too tired to string sentences together.
But enough excuses, onto my thoughts regarding your "Weird 'What if?'."

After reading through your reasoning, I'm, shall we say, kind of split on the idea. If I wasn't so used to hearing John de Lancie's voice coming out of Discord's mouth, maybe I could see Eddie Murphy's voice working for that kind of character, but as it is...

Actually this just reminded me of this Hank the Cowdog movie trailer I saw a while back.
Note: That is not John R. Erickson voicing Hank's narration in this video.

If that trailer was my first exposure to Hank the Cowdog, I could probably see that voice working for him, but after all the Hank audiobooks I've listened to all my brain can think is: That's not Hank. That's not Hank. That's not how Hank sounds.

Hank is supposed to sound like this:

(With some bonus Drover voicing-over as well, because Mr. Erickson is made of awesome.)

So, yeah, back to your "What if?", while I don't think Eddie Murphy would necessarily be a bad choice, I've already got a set idea of how Discord is "supposed to sound" and it's hard for me to really get around that.

not that our dear John De Lancie isn't a wonderful singer and that a "Glass of Water" song wasn't rememberable. Oh boy, I need to stop now:?

*Chuckles* I disagree. I think Mr. de Lancie is living proof that just because you have a lovely speaking voice, does not mean you can sing. I will give Mr. Murphy a point there at least, he would probably do a better job singing.


Sorry it took me so long to comment on this post, I've been pretty busy the past several days, and by the time I pop onto Fimfiction my brain has been too tired to string sentences together.

I know what you mean, especially in the beginning of December lately for me. But now, I'm officially free and catch up on all the stuff I've been putting off:) Yay!:D

After reading through your reasoning, I'm, shall we say, kind of split on the idea. If I wasn't so used to hearing John de Lancie's voice coming out of Discord's mouth, maybe I could see Eddie Murphy's voice working for that kind of character, but as it is...Actually this just reminded me of this Hank the Cowdog movie trailer I saw a while back.

If that trailer was my first exposure to Hank the Cowdog, I could probably see that voice working for him, but after all the Hank audiobooks I've listened to all my brain can think is: That's not Hank. That's not Hank. That's not how Hank sounds.

So, yeah, back to your "What if?", while I don't think Eddie Murphy would necessarily be a bad choice, I've already got a set idea of how Discord is "supposed to sound" and it's hard for me to really get around that.

I totally get what you mean, I mean, if Ariel from the Little Mermaid in a next animated Little Mermaid movie was not voiced by Jodi Benson, Ariel would just sound so wrong to me and it just wouldn't be right cause I grew up with Jodi Benson voicing and singing as Ariel. If I wasn't exposed to Jodi Benson as Ariel, I would have been easily influenced to accept another voice. So, trust me, I know where you're coming from:) Side note: Huh, didn't know that your audio book series got a movie remake:) Was it good? Did you see it?

*Chuckles* I disagree. I think Mr. de Lancie is living proof that just because you have a lovely speaking voice, does not mean you can sing. I will give Mr. Murphy a point there at least, he would probably do a better job singing.

Haha lol you're probably the first Discord fan to say that Discord's singing voice wasn't the hottest out thereXD But yeah,I agree, Mr. Lancie is certainly not a classically trained singer and it shows;) I like his singing voice because it expresses character and personality and fun and can be fast when needed to be and that is pretty impressive in my book:) But in comparison with Eddie Murphy, Eddie Murphy wins in this singing competition;)


I know what you mean, especially in the beginning of December lately for me. But now, I'm officially free and catch up on all the stuff I've been putting off:) Yay!:D

*Chuckles* I kind of had the reverse happen to me. December came along and I just seemed to get swamped with a ton of things I needed to do. Oh well, that's life.

Side note: Huh, didn't know that your audio book series got a movie remake:) Was it good? Did you see it?

*Shrugs* I haven't really seen anything about it apart from that one trailer, so I don't really know how good it might be or not.

But whether or not I see it, I should probably try tracking down the audiobooks since it's been a while since I've listened to them. (It doesn't hurt that I picture Screwjob's voice sounding like Hank's in the audio-version. Did I mention that before? I don't remember.) *Chuckles* Considering Mr. Erickson not only does all the voices but also includes music and sound effects, you could say he was doing audio dramas before it became an MLP thing.

Haha lol you're probably the first Discord fan to say that Discord's singing voice wasn't the hottest out thereXD

*Laughs and shrugs* Yeah, I like the guy but I wasn't exactly clamoring for an encore after hearing his big musical number. But there's no shame in being a bad singer. I can think of a couple other characters I like from various other cartoons who are also lousy singers.


*Chuckles* Considering Mr. Erickson not only does all the voices but also includes music and sound effects, you could say he was doing audio dramas before it became an MLP thing.

Haha lol very true, along with the other audio books out there and heck radio plays on Youtube before MLP radio plays;)

*Laughs and shrugs* Yeah, I like the guy but I wasn't exactly clamoring for an encore after hearing his big musical number.

Haha lolXD!

But there's no shame in being a bad singer. I can think of a couple other characters I like from various other cartoons who are also lousy singers.

Haha true, very true;) For example:

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