• Member Since 7th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen Nov 8th, 2016


I was a scrub at being a homeless jew and now I'm reinventing myself. No longer am I NTSTS the shitty mod, or (((darf))) the greedy plagiarist, for I am DarfsydePhil, here to save your souls.

More Blog Posts3


I'm already feeling wistful. · 8:50am Nov 7th, 2016

Not related but if you haven't already, read my previous blog post that will likely answer your questions in a maybe true manner.

I've been refollowing all the dips I used to follow, and because I currently keep getting error messages, I'm gonna just talk about something that sucks: Endings.

No, I'm not talking endings like, say, Mass Effect 3 or The Big Lebowski(I never liked that movie, eat my ass). I mean things more like "people's time here ending." When I see a user with their last visit being 20+ weeks ago, it puts a damper on my mood for whatever reason. No matter how big league or small time they were, I legit do feel bad that they had to go.

Could I have talked with them more if I wasn't being a scammer? Sure, but I can't change the past. I may have learned my lesson but it still hurts.

God, I miss so many of you people, wherever you are now. I mean that.

Report DarfsydePhil · 613 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Did you move?

4289454 In real life? Yes I did. I'd prefer not to say where, sorry. If Filthy Frank can be found by his fans, then there's a non-zero chance I can be found too. I don't want that, y'know?

4289663 Understood. Just wondering if it was a better place.

4290021 MUCH better, yeah. I'd prefer to not say anything else about it. but thanks for understanding my concerns.

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