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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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  • 1 week
    OOOHH!! This Project! (Haven't slept well)

    (Day 32)

    On May 3rd, after I posted the Finale of TT Idol Season 16...

    I began a really big and really daring project...

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  • 2 weeks
    Poor Tara Strong (RIP Reese)

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    Twilight Sparkle TROPE (Friendship is Failure)

    The Determinator: She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her. She gets as far as saving someone from suicide, even if she gets shamed for it afterwards.

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  • 6 weeks
    What is YOUR Definition...

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    "Try better yourself"

    "Grow up"


    They say all that, but they don't provide actual definitions or explanations of what they mean by all that. It's like I'm supposed to guess what they want.

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  • 8 weeks
    Twilight Sparkle Improving Lives? (Friendship is Failure)

    People sure love to complain...

    She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her.

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I'm True to Myself #2 (My way of Writing 2) · 2:36am Nov 6th, 2016

I write fics MY WAY, a WAY I PREFER, and envision, with my OWN set of rules for plot, characters, ect, ect... here's a few using Starfleet Magic (Note: These are just MY OWN OPINIONS, FEELINGS, and MADE FOR ME TO FOLLOW)


Since most fanfics i make are for TV SHOWS and things like that, they are WRITTEN in the STYLE of TV SHOWS/MOVIES

The chapters are EPISODES/ACTS Therefore when written, it is supposed to be portrayed as IMAGINING you are actually watching it in contrast to reading a story (It is written almost exactly as it would be portrayed if you were watching it)


Rainbow had the target in her sights, and Twilight gasped--knowing fully well what was about to happen-- and ducked into the trench as Rainbow came crashing down hard!! KAPOW!! A bright explosion followed by colored smoke. The very ground shook on impact

In fact, at he end of each ep, your even supposed to picture a credit role and closing theme...

My Reason for it:

Because I'll take TV/Movies over original books anyway. I don't like to read very much like that. (When I read fanfics, I always pictured myself ACTUALLY watching it, which made it 10x easier since it was ALREADY a show. Even HARRY POTTER... I saw the films FIRST, and then read a couple books cuz it was easier FOR ME!


As most fics are written in the style of TV/MOVIES, I like to keep their episodes/acts at EQUAL LENGTHS (The ammount of text must be equivalent to that of the exact timing) If you were actually watching it, it should only take THAT LONG.

-A singular 22 minute or so ep... must have at least 4000-6000 words. (Movie acts must be 2000-5000--Proluges and Epilouges are the only execptions.)

-If the entire singular ep is just one whole fanfic, then it must have at least 1,000-1500 words, as long as the combined amount of all chapters keep within the 4000-6000 limit.

-However, for normal Starfleet series, since each chapter is a singular half hour or so episode (26 episodes per Season) Each episode MUST be at least 4000 words long, but no higher than 6000. If you exceed 6000, break it down and get rid of unnecessary plotting. If it STILL exceeds 6000... cut it off and make it into a PART 1 PART 2 and so on... (Since the series has installment eps as well)

My Reason for it:

I actually tested this by writing an entire half hour or so long episode in story format, summarizing long scenes down to size, and it amounted to 4000-6000 words (6000 or more lasts at least an hour long or so episode)

I also said that I like to keep the CHAPTERS AT EQUAL LENGTHS, so some are not HUGER/SMALLER than others (this chapter is 15 pages... this chapter is 9 pages) I don't buy that. KEEP IT LEVEL!!


That is the MAIN reason why I do not add trials, or petty things like ponies at their jobs or big parts of their normal lives into the plot (THERE'S NOT ENOUGH ROOM without exceeding the word-limit) Besides, trials are usually unnecessary and would be overly EXACT repetitive scenes, and the normals lives just play SMALL ROLES in Starfleet. (More than HALF the episode is supposed to be centered around BATTLES/POWER RANGER LIKE STUFF)

RULE 3: Character Traits and Depth:

There are certain ways I want the characters I invest in to behave, and acts they may do that I find intollerable and therefore lose any and all respect for them (It only takes ONE rotten apple to spoil a bushel with me)

I don't like it when characters suddenly act one way and then POW a whole new persona (Unless of course it's one that I approve of)

Twilight Sparkle and her mane cast are WAY TOO overdeveloped, and have so many traits and flaws that CONTRADICT one another, it makes my head spin. Are they happy, or are they sad? Are they on the level or are they just CRAZY?

That is how I do it. I don't like SOMETIMES YOU ARE and sometimes you AREN'T. You pick one and stand by it 90% of the time. You are allowed a few outbursts here and there... but THIS is your character... STAY WITH IT!!

I like my space ponies to be strong, wise, level-headed, not prone to furious outbreaks.

They can act like this...

(A little grumpy)

But NO getting super hyperactively exicted that they go like this...

(That's for Pinkie Pie ONLY)

When my Space ponies get sad, they are not permitted to act melancholic or have tantrums like this

(On;y RARITY may act like that, no one else)

they're allowed to cry, but not like this...

Nor like this (How Pinkie cries)

My space ponies are supposed to be serious soldiers usually IN PAIN when sad, they are supposed act like... When they cry, it is usually silent soft sobs Like this...


Or even just stand where they are with sad expressions and a tear roles down their eyes

Like how Batman is with this one...

Point is, I want my space ponies as cool/level-headed, seldom-nonsensical, wise, stronger, powerful as I can make them... without making them have unwanted/unnecessary traits that will clash with my demands/expectations.

As for the mane 6 and their friendship ways. Although their friendship ways are fine SOMETIMES... I still don't want to buy it. I like them portrayed as thinking they are always right in all things, but are usually proven to be sadly mistaken.

-Rarity is shallow and Vain (Far from GENEROUS in my view)
-Pinkie Pie is a hyperactive party crazed animal (Straight Jacket insane to me)
-Rainbow Dash is a loudmouthed, pompous, showoff
-Fluttershy is meek and scared of her own Shadow (Very weak)
-Twlight (The list is long but...) She has way too many traits (Many of which I don't like) namely her overbearing optimism.

...There you have your basics of main rules I HAVE, there are others. But that is how I Do things... so when you supposedly try to help me... remember this...

There are... things that I do not want, do not need, and will not approve of if they CLASH with my demands/expectations.

All it takes is ONE rotten apple to spoil the bushel!

Comments ( 12 )

This just proves how corrupted and ill-mannered many of the people on this site really are, and many of you wonder why I am the way I am... take a good look in the mirror!

Oh really? Let's put that little claim to the test, shall we?

Many people I've seen are very rude and unpleasant. They don't care about fics or characters, just quick laughs at other people's expenses

And many others have a reason for hating the steaming pile you call a fanfic. Most if not all of us who criticize it have read it and pointed out just how much of a broken mess of a fic it is.

It also appears that IGNORANCE is very high as well…

Hello pot, name’s kettle.

As for the characters, while you may find them likable I find them 95% detestable and in serious need of a tune-down before I can even remotely give them a chance.

HA! That's rich!

While they have their negative attributes that in no way makes them horrible characters. And you ONE to talk considering you can't be bothered to TRY and make them interesting in-story. Oh but wait, that would mean your unlikable cardboard cutout “heroes” would be upstaged and we can't have that!

Oh, and you have no fucking right to criticize them if you're going to steal the exact same character design and just tint her color! Yes, I'm talking about that little shit Starla Shine! For show you claim to hate so much you sure steal a lot from it!

-the Space alicorns treat Equestrians like Dirt (they most certainly DO NOT... therefore... NOT sexism/racism)

Let's see… a group of male alien characters constantly acting superior to the all-female Equestrians and barely acknowledging them as equals? Not mention they're seen questioning the morality of everything except their own actions, that and they have no problem calling others out on how inferior they are to them because they live on the ground alone.


-I hate third options that give too much hope, and besides... Sometimes in life THERE ARE NO THIRD OPTIONS.

Um, last I checked One of the many aesops given out by the Grand Ruler can be summed up as "There are different ways to solve problems." ...which is another broken aesop, considering that throughout the fanfic, the Unicornicopians are portrayed as always being right and those who have different solutions are always wrong.

...The only one who is being truly prejudice is YOU, for not accepting someone else views or desires from this series.

Oh… I'm gonna have FUN with this one…

The so-called series always states that the MLP cast’s personalities are pathetic, cutie marks are stupid, individuality is wrong unless you're the leader, it's okay to shun and belittle others who are not the same as you and that dissenters should be locked up and/or brainwashed. Said brainwashing is carried out by the heroes and is meant to be seen as a good thing.

Congratulations, you're pre-reformation Starlight Glimmer!

And let's not forget the in My Brave Pony: Star Fleet Magic II, when the Grand Ruler actually makes Twilight believe she is responsible for an entire family getting hurt, just so he can teach her that she should always follow his orders blindly. And the fifth chapter of My Brave Pony: Star Fleet Magic III, that shows that anyone who doesn't like you should be arrested, sent to an insane asylum, and brainwashed. And then in My Brave Pony: Star Fleet Humans. After Lightning sings and dances while in the middle of the road Principal Celestia is driving on, the story shoehorns all the blame towards her. And then Principal Celestia kicks Starla out of the play due to photographic evidence of her trashing the props and costumes, Lightning barges into her office, insults her and even states that it's a good thing her pet horse is dead. This causes Celestia to attack him but the Grand Ruler finds Celestia at fault and fires her. REALLY?!

Then there's the fact that you killed off Twilight Sparkle just because you hate her, make Cadence kill her own brother, suffer horrific nightmares, miscarry, get beaten up by your self-insert and have the NERVE TO IMPLY IT’S HER FAULT.

Not to mention you introduce characters like Ace Ray and Brass Bolt who are obviously strawmen for your critics and yet they raise valid points to the point where you need to make them villains just so the “heroes” look good.

And you AUDACITY, and the NERVE to call me prejudice?!

...that about wraps this session, and perhaps you all need a bigger attitude adjustment than I do.

Oh really? This coming from the guy who harassing bronies on youtube and wishing them to die if they dare to criticize his work.

And the one who claimed one of his haters, a teenage girl, deserved to be raped!?


You sir are nothing but a deluded, egotistic, condescending, narccistic, hypocrite.

And if you hate MLP so much then YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ON THIS SITE.


I told you to stop being Rude!

Oh really? Let's put that little claim to the test, shall we?

I can already see it cuz you're being ruder than ever.

And many others have a reason for hating the steaming pile you call a fanfic. Most if not all of us who criticize it have read it and pointed out just how much of a broken mess of a fic it is.

If you don't like it, don't read it instead of going nuclear on me.

HA! That's rich!

While they have their negative attributes that in no way makes them horrible characters.

Then I guess you have no right to act the way you are now towards MY characters, but you do anyway. So there!

And you ONE to talk considering you can't be bothered to TRY and make them interesting in-story. Oh but wait, that would mean your unlikable cardboard cutout “heroes” would be upstaged and we can't have that!

Big deal, you tell me to get over it, now you have to do likewise, or do you think you even CAN...?!

Oh, and you have no fucking right to criticize them if you're going to steal the exact same character design and just tint her color! Yes, I'm talking about that little shit Starla Shine! For show you claim to hate so much you sure steal a lot from it!

Blah, blah, blah... you're just proving me more right with your rude attitude.

Let's see… a group of male alien characters constantly acting superior to the all-female Equestrians and barely acknowledging them as equals? Not mention they're seen questioning the morality of everything except their own actions, that and they have no problem calling others out on how inferior they are to them because they live on the ground alone.

They are superior by FACT, not boast! All you're doing is being ruder and prejudice as well as very ignorant. I'd explain to you why, but given your poor attitude, not to mention your overbearing ignorance... what's the point?

-I hate third options that give too much hope, and besides... Sometimes in life THERE ARE NO THIRD OPTIONS.

Um, last I checked One of the many aesops given out by the Grand Ruler can be summed up as "There are different ways to solve problems." ...which is another broken aesop, considering that throughout the fanfic, the Unicornicopians are portrayed as always being right and those who have different solutions are always wrong.
...The only one who is being truly prejudice is YOU, for not accepting someone else views or desires from this series.

Proof that you're an ignorant brat: I said right up there "SOMETIMES there are no options"

As for respect... it goes both way you prejudice prick!

The so-called series always states that the MLP cast’s personalities are pathetic, cutie marks are stupid, individuality is wrong unless you're the leader, it's okay to shun and belittle others who are not the same as you and that dissenters should be locked up and/or brainwashed. Said brainwashing is carried out by the heroes and is meant to be seen as a good thing.

Wow, you really are like Mayor Windy Bag, thinking everyone is brainwashed, or enslaved, or belittled, when clearly that is NOT the case (But then again, the fact you just proved all your ignorance and brashness... there's no point in explaining to a puss like you, but I'll try anyway.)

And let's not forget the in My Brave Pony: Star Fleet Magic II, when the Grand Ruler actually makes Twilight believe she is responsible for an entire family getting hurt, just so he can teach her that she should always follow his orders blindly.

Well what's YOUR solution? She won't listen, and think she's right and she's done nothing wrong. She has to realize that "Sometimes the OBVIOUS choice, is the WRONG choice"

And the fifth chapter of My Brave Pony: Star Fleet Magic III, that shows that anyone who doesn't like you should be arrested, sent to an insane asylum, and brainwashed. And then in My Brave Pony: Star Fleet Humans.

-Wow, ignorance level peaks again... I rewrote that chapter so Ace never gets any help, cuz it seems you don't want him to, and again... Ace was not arrested for his simple mockery (Though insulting the crowned heads is a crime) He was arrested for assault, battery, public rage, ect, ect... and the fact that you can't realize/acknowledge and keep whining about "Not agreeing with you" that... maybe you need your head examined.

He's allowed not to agree with Starfleet, but he IS not permitted to cause trouble or commit crimes!!

And also, the fact that you think he was brainwashed? That's not being brainwashed, it's being SHOWN the TRUTH, since he refuses to cooperate, just like you do. But the fact you don't like it... fine... I rewrote it. He gets no such thing and is left to rot for the rest of his miserable and insane life because EVEN you don't want him to get him.

After Lightning sings and dances while in the middle of the road Principal Celestia is driving on, the story shoehorns all the blame towards her. And then Principal Celestia kicks Starla out of the play due to photographic evidence of her trashing the props and costumes, Lightning barges into her office, insults her and even states that it's a good thing her pet horse is dead. This causes Celestia to attack him but the Grand Ruler finds Celestia at fault and fires her. REALLY?!

Did Celestia... or did she NOT throw the first PUNCH in the fight? She had no right to do so, DESPITE Lightning's ranting on her. Still, they were BOTH at fault, and therefore were both punished.

Then there's the fact that you killed off Twilight Sparkle just because you hate her, make Cadence kill her own brother, suffer horrific nightmares, miscarry, get beaten up by your self-insert and have the NERVE TO IMPLY IT’S HER FAULT.

Wah-Wah-Wah, I've heard and battled these idiocies before. IT IS more her fault that she died! True, RAVEN (Who isn't my Self-Insert) killed Twilight, but she never would have if Twilight had just obeyed orders and NOT tried to fight her.

Not to mention you introduce characters like Ace Ray and Brass Bolt who are obviously strawmen for your critics and yet they raise valid points to the point where you need to make them villains just so the “heroes” look good.
And you AUDACITY, and the NERVE to call me prejudice?!

Puh, serves you right, and besides you longed to see characters like that... in other words you did ASK for it!

This coming from the guy who harassing bronies on youtube and wishing them to die if they dare to criticize his work.

There is a difference between criticizing, and just plain being a flaming jerkwad which is exactly what you're doing now.

And the one who claimed one of his haters, a teenage girl, deserved to be raped!?


You sir are nothing but a deluded, egotistic, condescending, narccistic, hypocrite.
And if you hate MLP so much then YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ON THIS SITE.

Wow, the fact you follow E.D (A place built for trolls and run by trolls who twist and turn facts for amusement) fully proves that you're the real... deluded, egotistic, condescending, narccistic, hypocrite, and when you combine all that with the hostility and unnecessary attitude you've just shown... I can't help but feel sorry for anyone who comes into contact with someone as weak as you

Maybe if you people didn't make sock accounts of me, wrongfully attack me, or pass lies about me, maybe I wouldn't have to be here to set you straight, but you'd rather go nuclear... that's what you're gonna get.

Now SCRAM until you learn better mannerisms!

4295037 Well then stop being a self-entitled hypocrite!

Seriously, you have no respect for MLP in general or it's fans. Your story has no right to even be called a parody of MLP. Hell even parodies have at least some semblance of respect for the source material it is clear that you have none.

You are on a site made for and by bronies, and as an anti-brony you have no place here.


You're no brony, and practualy 90% of this site is trolls and riffers (Very rude and ignorant ones)... (Especially with your attitude) BTW I'm replying to your idiocy... so standby...

It's NOT a parody, it's an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE (A world that I LIKE better than what MLP is)

and maybe if you people stopped attacking me, passing LIES about me, or making sock accounts of me, I wouldn't have to come here and SET YOU STRAIGHT

I have respect for RESPECTABLE Fans of the show (I respect they like it, they respect I don't like it) you are the furthest thing from. I act hostile to those who are hostile to ME first (Like you)

My beef is with the show itself, not the makers, not the veiwers, not the fans... even Tara Strong doesn't mind that I don't like the show and do all this, I'm not causing any harm (I even told her I killed off Twilight and don't like her)

You are on a site made for and by bronies, and as an anti-brony you have no place here.

Well if there's enough room for a chowder-head like you, there's more than enough room for me

Comment posted by VampDash deleted Nov 11th, 2016

Mykan, why are you even on this site if it's apparently so full of trolls and haters? A quick look at the feature box or in fact most other places on this site will show you just how wrong that position is. The one common factor in all your problems is you.

Please stop insulting people and stirring up drama with these repetitive blogs calling everybody at fault except yourself. It's really getting tiresome. Ordinarily I don't really care if people insult their own audience because you're only possibly hurting yourself in the long run, but come on.


4296170 Also, this kind of stuff isn't cool, either. You don't gotta call people names like that, man. A lot of Mykan's problems are self-imposed, true, that doesn't mean it's alright to say stuff like this.


Then don't message me the first time


Please stop insulting people and stirring up drama with these repetitive blogs calling everybody at fault except yourself. It's really getting tiresome. Ordinarily I don't really care if people insult their own audience because you're only possibly hurting yourself in the long run, but come on.

Maybe THEY shouldn't have done all that to me first

-Insulting me
-stealing my stuff
-Posing as me (Making false accounts)
-Lying about me to other people...

THAT is why, I'm here...


Those guys impersonated me, and have been stalking me round the net trying to get people to believe false things about me

-"He wished Rape on a 16 year old"
-"He wants to kill Tara Strong"
-"He wished misscarriage on someone"
-"He believes violence is the key to all things"
-"He supports sexism/racism genocide/homicide"

...No, I'm not gonna have it. Ignoring just isn't enough. someone's gotta take a stand against such horrid people, and stop people from believing in those horrible things and thinking the wrong things about me. But it doesn't seem to to matter...

People don't seem to care about listening to BOTH SIDES, and prefer to just stick to the trolls and haters so it ends up...

Me/Shrek: "...They judge me before they even know me."

the only reason I posted this blog was becuas eI innocently asked a couple of questions with no harm intended, and no insulted, but I got poor responses, and though I was rudely asked questions, I couldn't answer them or say my piece to get people to realize what they think about me is WRONG.


Now do you get why I'm here? I'm sick of being attacked, impersonated, insulted, stolen from, and lied about...

I DID try civil and calmly to explain things, but all I get is nuclear. I'm not TRYING to cause war, but you can't expect me to just sit and do nothing and let people hit me. Would you?


4297559 The people who are just antagonizing you to get a rise out of you are only made bolder by stuff like this. The more you fight back, the more they'll laugh at you and make jokes. You cannot win against them this way.

And the people who are actually reasonable see stuff like this and go "wow, this guy's nuts."

Either way you're hurting yourself and I really wish you'd stop sounding like a broken record and actually do something besides freak out and create drama all the time.


Do you want me to take the blog off (Change it... cuz I was thinking of posting a RANT about Twilight and why I don't like her or MLP... to tell people why I don't like the show)

And can I please talk with you about this

Either way you're hurting yourself and I really wish you'd stop sounding like a broken record and actually do something besides freak out and create drama all the time.

in a PRIVATE way?

I really want to explain a few things PROPERLY without you jumping to conclusions and IN case I misunderstood, and vice versa.

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