• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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It's Here! Colony is Now Available For Pre-Order! · 11:59pm Oct 29th, 2016


A corporate investigator who doesn't trust his employer.
A mercenary gun-for-hire with a talent for violence and a willingness to shoot first.
And a white-hat hacker who doesn't know when to quit.

Three independent contractors brought together for one unusual job. Five years ago, master programmer Carlos Rodriguez retired. Now his old employer wants him back.


It'd be a lot easier if he hadn't left Earth.

A Sci-Fi Epic Adventure of 333,000 words, or roughly 1100 pages.

You can order Colony today by clicking the cover, or just hit this link to get your copy the day it comes out! Which, in case you were wondering, is November 11th, 2016!

Comments ( 10 )

Preordered, looking forward to reading it :twilightsmile:

I don't have a kindle. I assume if I buy this I will be able to read it on non-kindle devices? Will my Android phone with Play Books do the job?

Not Play books, but there's a Kindle reader app for everything: Phones, Laptops, Tablets ... Free too.
Thank you!

Looks great!

Congrats man. how much of the money will you get from the order on say amazon?


Book royalties through Amazon are 70%.

Preordered :twilightsmile:

You are most welcome. Can't wait to be able to really talk about it with a friend once it is finally out and I don't have to keep the plot under wraps anymore. :pinkiehappy:

Book royalties through Amazon are 70%.

Not bad and nice to know, and you just saved me a little time. I was actually needing to look that figure up for a book project in the works here where most of the proceeds will be going to a charity, and was wondering what the royalties from amazon were like. Now I just need to look up the heardcopy stats since it's going to be a heavily photography based book. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you! I hope you enjoy it!

Hahaha, yeah, that's the hard part about reading/watching/playing something before anyone else is able to see it, especially with a story that has a bunch of twists or surprises to it.

You can leave a rating or a review on goodreads, though!

70% is for digital, hard copy is a little different (it's basically based on "What's the cost of printing and shipping?" VS "How much do you want to charge?"). For digital, 70% is also only if it's kept exclusive. Moving it to other stores bumps you to 30% (though there have been reports showing that with Amazon being the largest story by a significant amount, the lost royalty by going multi-store will lose you money even with more sales on percentage).

Digging the cover art. Colony is on my list of things to buy once NaNoWriMo is over (or 50k is reached). I can't afford the temptation of getting sucked into a new book that sounds like a good read.

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