• Member Since 4th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 20th, 2019


I'm a beginner writer and I hope being here will help improve my writing skills.

More Blog Posts26

  • 546 weeks
    Merry Christmas/ Hearth's Warming Eve Everybody!

    Well, here we are at the end of the year almost and during a, hopefully, special time. I obviously wish you all a merry Christmas and I hope that it's one of your best. Remember, as cliche as it is, this is a time for giving, family, and friends. So enjoy each other's company even if you can barely stand to be with other people. I wish you all the best Christmas ever, so far in your life that is.

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  • 546 weeks
    Merry Christmas/ Hearth

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  • 549 weeks
    A Question For All of You

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    5 comments · 481 views
  • 550 weeks
    Happy Thanksgiving and all that Jazz

    I know a million other people have done this already but happy Thanksgiving everyone/pony. I hope you all had a great time today and that you grew a bit closer to your families. Unless of course you and your family are already so close you can't get any closer than you already are unless you wanted to break the laws of physics and the space time continuum itself.

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  • 568 weeks
    I have 100 followers?! O_O

    I have a hundred followers... I honestly have no idea what to say but thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU! All of you, I cannot express my happiness!!! I appreciate all of you sticking with me, enjoying what I write and just being awesome. Thank you all so, very very very much. I just... I don't know anything better to say. And I can't spell supercalafragalisvjri, that term they used in Mary Poppins.

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    2 comments · 430 views

I have a question for all of the people who are following (watching) me! · 10:40pm Sep 17th, 2012

Okay, well I might as well give you all a reason as to why I'm about to ask this. Today I had off of school, YAY! However, being the procrastinator (can't spell) that I am I spent the whole day working on homework that should have been done on Friday. Well, my mom got really annoyed at me and told me in a calm voice tha she was dissapointed in me. It hit me harder than I thought it would. I actually cried for reasons unkown to me. I know she has every right to be disappointed and mad at me for this because she wants the best for me and I appreciate that! I really do. However, from that sadness came inspuration! But I need other opinions on this before I can finish writing this story that came from this sadness (unfoutunately it's not a pony story sorry! Well at least not yet!). Here is my question to all of you and I am just asking as a friend, you don't need to answer it, obviously.

What is life to you? What does it mean to live?

I'll be waiting for your respones! And so this wasn't a total waste of your time I have FINALLY started working on the third chapter to A Special Night!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great day or night everyone!

Report Zonfic · 511 views ·
Comments ( 44 )

Damn man, that a real philosophical question there.
Erm, my opinion on what life means changes daily.
Some days I think the point of life is to be happy and spread joy, find love (yada yada yada)
Other days I think life is our time here to leave behind a lasting memory, a legacy if you will. To be remembered for a long, long time.
Then there are days where I'm very glum and say "Life's purpose is to have babies and die"
And then, I have those really crap days when I say we're all going to die anyways, what's the point of doing anything...

I'm a very conflicted person when it comes to life and death. I try to not think about it.

Thanks and sorry if brought up a sore spot.:twilightblush:

Comedic answer:
Random Philosopher, in a thinking pose: reads blog - stands up in realization "That's it! The reason to life! I MUST TELL THE WORLD . . . !! " runs off into the distance

Real answer:
I speak from a religious perspective, and I say to please God and worship (I think the more appropriate word is "fear") him, and to do the things he commands us to do from the Bible.
But then again, I'm an Unamended Christadelphian - and not many people share the same beliefs that I do.

Still, thank you for the answer! :twilightsmile:

Thanks and where do you get those pics? The clapping ones, this one, those ones? Wow this sentence is screwed up! :facehoof:

Life? Herm.... I'm probably not the best person to ask. Sorry :unsuresweetie:
As for story, yay I can't wait to pre-read! :twilightsmile:

It's for all opinions no matter how crazy! :pinkiecrazy: :twilightblush:

Thats deep! Thank you very much! :twilightsmile:

Life, huh? Heh. To me, there is no one reason or answer to life. I don't know why I am here, nir do I care. I survive, I spread joy, I learn and vocalize my opinions. I cause hate and resentment. I amuse myself at anothers expense, and I try to amuse and give others a laugh. I could go on and on and ramble. But, If I had to give an answer it would be 42. :trollestia:

No, in all seriousness... There is no one reason to live. Reality is supjective to your perception. There is no finite view on it. And the same with life. A drug addict lives for his next high. A womanizer lives for the next quick romance. Some people only live for love, religion, power. Ect. But, if I had to give an answer and was being forced to not try and fail at sounding wise, and philisopical... I live for two things. To learn and grow, and to use what I know to entertain and cause someone to laugh or smile. To have someone tell me, in pure honesty, that story I wrote, was amazing, or hear them even sbicker at a comment fills me with joy. I hope that makes sense.

Tl;dr The answer to life is 42.

Also, yey new chapter. You deserve a hug. Now do yo' homwerk.

Thanks! :twilightsmile: And I will hopefully ge better at not procratiating...:twilightblush:


Your welcome. And I recommend it, or else Celestia may send you to the moon.

366008 actually, the answer to the universe, life and everything is friendship. this is why. 42 is Twilight Sparkle(her cuttie mark has forty two points on it, and he number in the Running of the Leaves was 42.) Twilight is the element of Magic, and Magic is Friendship. that is the answer to your question. and May the Force be with you.(my religous belief)

tl;dr The answer is still 42. :trollestia:

Holy, it all makes sense now! :derpyderp2:

Hmm. There is no god, there is no meaning, there is no grand purpose. All there is, is survival.

You might think that's a bit depressing, but it's not. I think it's the opposite. I really like the quote from Portal, "We do what we must because we can." I look at all the discoveries that have been made in all fields of science, at the technology we have today, and I am amazed. That's why I'm at uni studying to be an engineer instead wasting my life doing drugs in a back alley, because I want to contribute something to that. Also, engineers make a lot of money! :rainbowdetermined2:

Noted down and thanks! :twilightsmile: <--- BronyDerp117 is gonna kill me for this one day! :twilightoops:

I pretty much feel the same as Drunk Ragdoll.

Life, to me, is the pursuit of maximized happiness, whatever that may be. Essentially, to live your life in such a way as to experience as much joy as is possible during the time you're alive. From a religious perspective, this would pretty much be something between Rational Self-Interest and Satanism.

A lot of people assume selfishness means "acquire whatever you desire through any means necessary", and while that may be true to some degree, your desire for happiness should be far-reaching. Ergo, doing something that will make you happy now, but will result in greater unhappiness later, isn't selfish, because you're hurting yourself. True selfishness is the pursuit of that maximization of joy.

Thus, one's pursuit of maximized happiness would take into account the repercussions of one's actions, and their decisions would be based around the long-term as well as short-term. It's pretty convoluted and whatever that word is that means that something is so vague that anything can be made to fit it, but it makes sense to me.

What life means to me isn't something I really know, now. It is easy not just want to give up on every thing with school and stress and just shut yourself inside a box. But there is still a sense of accomplishment that comes with life, that helps you through. Just little things. It is so duanting and just downright terrifying if you take everything too seriously, and while it is important to make sure to do things on time to make it easier for yourself in the future, it's okay to take it easy and day-by-day, or else life is just too intimidating.

Thank you very much! I am loving these responses! :twilightsmile:

Thank you! This is helping me out alot!:twilightsmile:

Thank you all so much!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: This is really helping me with my story and I have decided to make this a pony story! :twilightsmile: Again thank you all so much! And BronyDerp117, pls don't be mad about this next part! :trollestia:
:twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile: A twilight smile for all of you!!! And an interesting music video!

Ummm.... :twilightblush:
I honestly don't know! :pinkiehappy:
I have two options. The first is an oc and the second is a role playing story where you make the choices. My brain is still debating.:derpytongue2:

Okay, start out human or no?
YOUR CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

I loathe fics with humans in them.
I take it you haven't read my bio?:trixieshiftright:

Oh I did. Interesting to say the least. :rainbowderp:

Is that good or bad?

Ohgawd. Plz no humans. :facehoof:

I vote for a choose your own adventure book. I haven't read one since I was... eight? Damn, that long.... I'm old... :twilightoops:
.....I was planning on typing something, then I got lost in that avatar of galaxies and stars.

His bio is interesting...

It's a good thing! Nice to know what ya like and what ya don't! I now know why The Dark Night didn't get too many veiws. speaking of which I need to continue that one too!:pinkiegasp:

Um, thanks I guess:twilightblush:

Question before I get off for tonight. If it's role playing, houldn't you start out human? Or just a pony? :derpytongue2:

It's your story. I was just telling you what I like and don't like.
But, I feel you'd get more followers if the character were a pony.

366803 You a vampire? :trollestia: Sorry I know I am a terrible person.

Life, we all have different views on what is life and what to do in life and what it means. In my opinion does not have one simple answer to do it all, usually one correct answer for something is a fuck it all answer for another. This applies in life where as an answer for one persons problem may be the same problem for another person. We all have different paths and choices we make, I personally don't believe in pre-ordained set in stone paths. I do believe in a guide, where as things can be influenced or maybe brought to prospective for a clearer choice but never ever controlled on the life changing level.

Do I believe in a high power? Sure, do I believe in relegion? No, I believe its all laid out kinda like an ultimate computer program, where as things there is this programmer who makes a set of guidlines and morals. We as a people are influenced but not controlled by these guidlines and it shows everyday too, we always have a choice to do something in a situation it can be simple as "Do I take out the trash or leave it?" or something as drastic as "Do I stop my car and help those people at that accident that just happened?" If you take out the trash then you do good and generally feel good about not being lazy, if you don't take out the trash then you're a lazy ass who has a special place in hell *Ahem* sorry getting off topic. Sort of the same way in the car accident you can either help the person and see what you can do to your own limits in both physical, knowledge, and mental capabilites. It can be as simple as calling 911 for help or if your trained applying medical attention until more help arrives, or you can simply just drive on by with out a care in the world saying to yourself "Somebody else will take care of it." But thats the thing if you can do it why not do it?! Your boss yells you at work for not doing something, situation would have been avoided if you did it. (sorry about this next one) Mother yells at you for procrastination (Unite...Tomorrow) and again it could have been avoided. But don't view these disasters as just that a disaster view it as a learning tool "I now know to do my home work in time lest I wish for more 'I am dissapointed in you looks' from mom."

I guess what I am getting at is life is all about learning, you never ever learning. And when you think you have learned everything *WHAM* something hits you that you never knew about. Then universe will give you a nudge and when you ignore it comes back to hit you with a sledge hammer, thats a lesson we learn in a long line of lessons in life. On a final note, Happiness. If you're not happy then why are you doing it? I understand the most over used phrase ever "I need the money to do x." or which ever. I understand completely but did you know that usualy doing something you love comes with the by-product of making money? And also if you're in a lousy job try to make it more intresting not in the sense of "I am going to walk around pant less tomorrow at work that will spice things up!" sure it will but it will also get you fired. I am more talking about doing work and founding out what makes it so bad. Is it because your boss yells at you all the time? Do your job and maybe things will be quiter! Jim being a creep or something? Make friends with him! Maybe he just needs someone to show him the ropes of being social and not being a creep. Or just avoid him the choice it yours. Happiness can be found in the darkest of places remember Pinkie pies giggle at the ghosts? It is the same thing I am talking about, don't let fear control you. You can respect fear but never let it control you, just giggle at the ghosties.

Sorry this was so long but this an answer that I get asked a lot as since I am motivational speaker/scientific speaker. Remember this is my own personal opinion and any of whom agree and disagree are welcome to. I live for myself and helping others and I really don't care much of what others may think. Because I am who I am.

TL;DR 42 :trollestia:


Btw thanks for delaying my Peer-reviewed report by 1/2 hour :trollestia:

I read 1/3 of that before realizing it wasn't all a reply to my post:facehoof:
Sleep depravity is a real b*tch

Thank you very much and what an answer! :pinkiehappy:

Sorry about not adding to the whole 'life's purpose question, but I read the amount of comments, and saw that there were 42 before this one!

My friends, there is your answer.

Now... what was the most important question again?

My personal view is to NOT screw it up, sure, 'you only live once,' but what good is that one if you don't complete it? I don't know if you're religious, but if you are, live by the codes of your religion. Do things you like to do. Laugh a bit, go play Call of Duty online and troll people( that brings me out of the dumps!) Find some medium you enjoy, like writing, and pour yourself into it. And if all else fails, Ponies!

Thank you and dually noted!:twilightsmile:

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