• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2015
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Average brony obsessing over the main cast with an unhealthy desire to see them in a dark fantasy setting.

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Sigh · 3:47am Oct 17th, 2016

:ajsmug: Evening Everyone

:applejackunsure: Well, it's 10pm central time, and I haven't posted anything, let alone actually finish a chapter. So much for that I suppose. But in my defense, I've been sick the entire time I was at home for this strange half week off of school I got on Wednsday, or really Tuesday night, and I'm still not really feeling well. I did get a good amount of the chapter written, but at the same time, I have a lot that needs to be said and a good bit of set up to do for the next arc. Unfortunately, I don't think that I'm going to get it done tomorrow either, so I guess I'll have to see what I can accomplish this week.
Bleh, that still doesn't change the fact that I feel sick. I'm almost afraid to take my temperature to see if I just feel like it or actually have a fever. I was supposed to get flu shots the other day, and I didn't because I ended up sleeping till 5pm on account of sleeping through half the day the day before and staying up all night working on an art project that's due Tuesday, and even then I never got around to coloring it because I wanted to attempt to get the chapter done. All in all, my parents kept dragging me places since I'm complacent as all hell around them, and I just never told them that I wasn't feeling well.
It wasn't until I was helping my dad move instruments for my little brother's marching band Saturday did I actually get bad enough to hide away and try to sleep. I made it home after sleeping in a U-haul for an hour, and once I fed myself I was feeling well enough to do something, so I wrote what I could. I probably did that for a good five or six hours straight, but I knew that what I wrote wasn't enough to tell the story, or that great, so I decided to stop and try again in the morning. Fast forward to today and I didn't even get out of bed till noon. Had my dad not decided to go off and get a hair cut, I probably would have gotten on the road early to make my four and a half hour cross-Texas drive, but that didn't happen.
Sure enough, I got back at about six and thought I could just go get food with my friends, but that turned into me waiting an hour and dicking around at Walmart while buying groceries. Another hour gone, we got to talking, and then I had to show him this crazy show (ClassicaLoid), which turned into us watching the last four episodes of pony to catch him up to the completed season. Now I'm here typing away at my blog when all I really want to do is go to bed, but I feel like I should say something to make it known to those who care that I'm not actually dead, but just less alive than I should be at the moment. *Sigh*

:applejackconfused: TL:DR - I'm feeling under the whether and didn't get a chapter finished even though I probably could have If I didn't let myself get dragged around this week. Also, go watch that anime I linked (ClassicaLoid) and tell me what the actual fuck is going on.
Until next time.

Comments ( 3 )

Snap. I really hope that you get better very soon.

4259750 :twilightsheepish: Thanks man. Me too. It doesn't seem like I'm the only one whose been sick lately though, so it's probably just that time of year again.

4261041 Same here. Everyone around me's sick right now. I have a feeling that a certain clingy hugger guy is the vector for that pathogen. Either that or no one washes their hands anymore. I'm fortunate to be one of the few perfectly healthy people.

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