• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Colony Beta Call 2 + Tirek is Doomed Alpha Call · 6:39pm Oct 12th, 2016

Yeah, I know I said this was going to happen yesterday ... but yesterday was a long day. Partially because it was an extension of the day before it. No worries, it was a confluence of several things coming together that made it such, from the ending of the Beta 1 for Colony, the release of Gears of War 4 (one of the few games I would pull an all-nighter for) and my desire to "reset" my clock to do away with what had become a far to habitual retiring time of 3-4 AM (I've been getting very little sleep these past few weeks). In any case, I'm still a bit groggy today, but determined to get back to work.

So, what's on my docket? Well, I've got a few things for you.

First and foremost: Colony is now ready for Beta 2! And yes, this will be the last beta. It's going that well. Colony is, at the moment, markedly clean, enough so that I almost considered rushing right into the copy-edit ... but I'm not quite so foolhardy in that regard. One more once-over from a bunch of readers should be more than enough.

Which is good, because to hit the release date of October 31st, it's going to need to be a quick one. The final file submission has to be in by the 28th, and I still need to do the Copy-edit run, so Beta 2 is an ASAP dealio ... but I'm determined to make this release date, even as long as Colony is. And to be fair, Beta 1 took ten days ... but only because it took me ten days to go over the whole thing with a fine-toothed comb. The other betas only took five or six.

So ... feel like being a Beta Reader for act 2? Know the drill for what's expected? Shoot me a comment below!

Of course, if you don't want to Beta Read because that's not your thing, but would like to Alpha read, there's a chance for that too. Tirek is Doomed, my new, slightly-insane work of crossover fanfiction, needs an Alpha Reader or two.

I warn you, this story is not to be taken seriously. It has little-to-nothing to do with TDG, and outside of some headcanon similarities, has no connection to that series. I was, however, amusingly insane to write. And hopefully to read. It's just short fluff, which is weird considering what I like to write, but I mostly wrote it to get the idea out of my head.

Anyway, caveats notwithstanding, I'm not about to let it go up without a good Alpha and Beta reading, but for that, I need Alpha readers to start. Anyone up for reading this slice of insanity? Again, usual Alpha expectations apply.

So, Beta 2 readers for Colony, and Alpha Readers for Tirek is Doomed. Who's interested?

Report Viking ZX · 413 views · #Colony #Beta #Alpha #News
Comments ( 11 )

Can confirm: Tirek is Doomed is crack-tacular. I did not see it coming.

That's the word I was trying to think of.

Yes. Very crack-tacular. I guess every one and a while you've just got to get it out of your system. I should be good for another five years or so.

Colony is, at the moment, markedly clean, enough so that I almost considered rushing right into the copy-edit

Aww, you're going to make me blush. :twilightblush: Anyways, I don't mind Alpha reading this "crack-tastic" story, though I'll be honest and say I'm a little vague on the distinction between Alpha and Beta reading. Any chance you could clear it up?

Alpha: Looking for plot problems, confusing paragraphs, poorly explained moments, etc. Basically, larger problems with the story like plot, pacing, etc.

Beta: Typos and grammar. You're looking for the fine details such as misspelled words and the like.

4254116 Sounds good to me, send me a link or something. :)

You should have gotten an e-mail for it.

4255814 That's odd. Just checked my inbox, but haven't gotten anything from you. Are you sure you sent it to halusm2@gmail.com?

Ahah! That's my mistake. I accidentally cut the h off when I copied your address to my main Alpha/Beta list. Whoops!

Well, someone out there might be a mite confused.


Following up: Did you get it?

4271114 I did, though I've not had a chance to read yet, since I've been sick for the past week and a half. I'll probably be well enough to do it tomorrow.

Okay, cool. Just making sure. Feel better!

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