• Member Since 16th Feb, 2013
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Anything can be awesome when it's made of Lego.

More Blog Posts22

  • 21 weeks
    Another year, more of the same...

    It seems my various distractions lately have even prevented me from making my annual blog post on the day I had intended to. This past year, while I did successfully complete one more chapter on my main story (and even managed to do it before the year was halfway over as I had really hoped for), that was unfortunately all I was able to deliver to show my efforts. Kind of strange to look back and

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  • 75 weeks
    Somehow, this became a lost year...

    It has now been a full year since my last blog post, and how much progress did I make in my LEGO Equestria Girls series since then? Well, after finishing one of the side stories back in April, I have sadly made virtually no further progress at all. Why? To be honest, I'm struggling to figure that out, myself.

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  • 127 weeks
    End of the year... and very little progress done...

    Well, what can I say? My accomplishments this year have been nowhere even close to what I had promised. Had I been able to stick to my intended plan, I would've finished the tenth main story months ago, would've finished probably six or seven side stories, and would now be preparing to start the eleventh main story. But the sad reality of what I had actually managed to accomplish is not even

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  • 153 weeks
    Halfway through the year, and my latest story is not even halfway done...

    It is now the end of June, the halfway point of the year. Six months ago, I had promised that I would be able to maintain my self-imposed schedule of completing and posting a new chapter once every two weeks, despite delaying the start of the tenth main story a month later than I had originally intended. As I'm sure you all have noticed, that promise has since gone flying out the window, and I

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  • 170 weeks
    The tenth story has begun

    I have now just published and submitted the start of my next story, LEGO Equestria Girls 10. Well, everyone, it's finally here. The very first LEGO Equestria Girls story not based on any official content, and therefore consists almost entirely of my own original ideas.

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I've decided to write another story, after all · 9:00pm Oct 10th, 2016

It has now been a month since I finished the third LEGO Equestria Girls story. Now that I've had some time to think about it (and watch Legend of Everfree a few times), I've decided that I will proceed with writing a fourth story after all. As with previous years, I will not start writing until the beginning of January, so for now, it's just in the planning stage.

Of course, there's no denying how much reluctance I had earlier this year in regards to writing another story, and I had quite a few reasons for it. As I've already said before, I'm a rather slow writer, and with each new story apparently getting longer than the last, I've been fearing that I might soon reach a point where I just can't keep up anymore. In addition, I've noticed a rather significant drop-off in likes with each successive story (the first has over 200, the second has less than 50, and the third has barely more than half of that), which, I'll be honest, is a little discouraging. However, seeing some people are still commenting on every single chapter does give me hope that my series of stories is still highly appreciated by others. If you're someone who has read my fanfiction series and really liked these stories, then I would highly appreciate it if you could share it with others so they can see what a great and unique series of fanfition this really is.

If I'm going to go through with actually writing a fourth story next year, I'm going to need to make a few adjustments. Now that I've seen Legend of Everfree and thus already developed ideas for how the next LEGO Equestria Girls story will go, I've decided that I will essentially be going back to basics. In other words, I want something structured a little more like the first story than the third in terms of setting, so there will be less seeing new regions and more revisiting familiar ones. And as much as I like to provide as much detail and great moments as I can throughout the story (especially during the epic battle near the end), I'll need to try to tone down my ambitions in hopes that I can shorten the story (I'll be pleasantly surprised if I can get it done in under 100,000 words) and thus reduce the amount of time I'll need to dedicate to writing the whole thing. Of course, that's not going to stop me from doing the best I can to write another good story for my series.

As for any additional side stories, I'm in a rather interesting position on that. There were no shorts preceding Legend of Everfree, but we did get a blooper reel for Friendship Games. As I've already stated before, Lego is famous for its quirky humor, and if I were to write a series of "bloopers" from each of the LEGO Equestria Girls stories, it would actually be surprisingly appropriate for such a world. I've heard that there's going to be a blooper reel for Legend of Everfree as well, so I'll wait for confirmation on that before I decide whether or not to pursue this idea. I suppose you'll just have to keep an eye out for the next few months.

I've had a number of other fanfition ideas over time, and for the last few months, I've actually made some efforts on writing one of them. It is completely separate from my LEGO Equestria Girls series, and focuses on the events of the video game Lego Dimensions. The basic idea is this: What if My Little Pony had been included among the many other franchises in that game? What if one of the main six ponies got to join Batman, Gandalf, and Wyldstyle on their multidimensional quest to defeat Lord Vortech? What's especially unique with what I've been doing with this idea is that I've been writing only a basic scripted summary of the events and dialogue of each chapter, with the hope that I could ask someone else to fully write it all out into an actual story that can be posted on this site. This method is meant to save me a lot of time that I can set aside for other things while also proving readers here with what could possibly be a very interesting story, with the added benefit of allowing the co-author some creative freedom. Lately, however, I've been having some difficulty finding a co-author to handle the other half of the work. If you're willing to write a very long story (very likely exceeding 100,000 words) that involves exchanging Word Documents through email, then please let me know if you're interested in helping me write this story. (I would even be okay with having more than one person try to turn my summaries into a story, because with how vaguely I've written parts of them to permit creative freedom, there will almost certainly be a number of differences between each person's effort.)

I think that'll cover all the important things I've got for now. I hope to see that people will still be interested in the next LEGO Equestria Girls story, and we'll see if anyone is willing and able to help me out with my Lego Dimensions crossover idea.

Report Chronicler06 · 390 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

I wanna help with the Dimensions crossover!

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