• Member Since 25th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen April 23rd


Hello Fluttercord Fans and shipper fans alike! My name is MissKoiFishPony, but you can call me Miss Koi or Missy:) I love My Little Pony, I love to write, I love Fluttercord.

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Miss Koi Reviews The Season 6 Finale · 12:20am Oct 10th, 2016

Before I begin this review, I would like to thank our golly folks in England for premiering the season finale for us, for your tea & crumpets, and for your Downton Abbey;)

Thank you so much England, you do so much for us and we abuse your generosity. Lol;)

Second, don't worry about the other episode reviews, I'm going to review those too next weekend. Not sure how many of them I can cover next weekend, but it will be at least one of the episodes. Preferably, it will be an episode I like out of the three we have left. The reason why I'm reviewing the finale first is, well, for obvious reasons if you are one of those who saw this episode early like I did. Third, I will be putting everything in spoiler tag below. Fourth, I will be doing my final review of Season 6 after all the episodes are reviewed by me. Then, I will be doing my Season 7 wishlist. Are we clear everypony? Good!:D Let's do this!:D

In the first part of "To Where And Back Again", we got a pretty nice set up for the conflict/Part 2. We have a nice believable conflict for Starlight to overcome, a conflict which I never thought of before for her character but makes so much sense. I mean, why didn't think of it before?!:0
She has to overcome her fear of taking a leadership role in a group setting that requires her to be a leader, without turning into a dictator like last time. And how's the lucky pony to help her to overcome this fear? Nope, it ain't Twilight folks;) Well, I mean, Twilight did help in the beginning, but the majority of this journey with Starlight was covered by the great and powerful Trrrriixxiie!
I like how this episode, in both Part 1 & 2, developed the friendship between Trixie and Starlight and make it a bit realistic, and sweet, and fun:) Not to mention, Trixie is the perfect pony to get Starlight out of her shell and face her fears and believe in her <3 Daww! Plus, Trixie had some really funny moments in both of these episodes as well:D Some of my favorites are 1) when Trixie had to repeat to Starlight that she, even the Great and Powerful Trixie, can make mistakes but Trixie has to mumble it all outXD; 2) when Trixie was mumbling in her sleep about performing in front Celestia for peanut butter crackersXD, and 3) of course when she was butting heads with our favorite (and only favorite) draconequus;)
At first, as I was first watching Part 1 throughout, I was beginning to worry that our Dissy wasn't going to show up:'( I was like "Oh no, is Dissy not going to be in this episode?!X0 What did I do to deserve this?!X0"
But then, towards the episode, oh wait there he is:D Phew!
Okay, confession time folks, when I saw this ending clip for Part 1:
I first dawwed like there's no tomorrow, gush and squee like a Fluttercord fan girl, and the spent the rest of the night and the next day just fast forwarding through the posted Part 1 episode on Youtube to this ending clip until Part 2 came out. I am totally not joking guys, this is the story of my life 0-0
Speaking of Fluttercord, it's time for everyone's favorite segement (not really, it's just every Fluttercord shipper's favorite segement): LET'S COUNT THOSE FLUTTERCORD MOMENTS! LIST THEM OFF!
#1: From Part 1, as displayed in the clip I showed ya, Discord is completely bored and uninterested in the changeling crisis kidnapping Celesita & Luna & Cadence and her family & Twilight, BUT when Starlight mentions Twlights's friends, he automatically asks angrily "They took Fluttershy?" Without any mention of Fluttershy to get this reaction!:0 His eyes glow, he's ready to fight Chrysallis and take her down son!:0
#2: From Part 2, Discord poofs himself in a knightly outfit and on top of a flying pig and shouts as he flies towards the Changeling castle "For Fluttershy!" LOL SO HARD THIS WAS SO MAGNIFICENT!XD Discord is the greatest and most glorious knight that ever lived!XD
#3: From Part 2, Discord still pursue the journey to rescue Fluttershy and face the changelings despite not having magic to combat this threat
#4: From Part 2, Discord shouts in frustration to the group when they get lost "I have a Fluttershy to save!"
#5: From Part 2, after Discord escapes the changeling guards, he says he wish he could stay for his "adoring fans", but he'll come back later with some new material after he saves Fluttershy:3
#6 (AKA THE SADDEST MOST MESSED UP PART OF THE EPISODE: from Part 2, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eihCCR4zKts
Discord confesses to changeling Fluttershy that Fluttershy is "the one pony he cares most about":3 Oh my gosh!XD But then we get the entire changeling army tormenting him with thousands of crying Fluttershys claiming to be the real Fluttershy and torturing him to save one of them or not and move on. Oh my gosh, this moment totally got to me 0 o 0! That's mentally traumatizing! So twisted and evil and truly exposes the true power of a changeling0-0
Dawww our big needy potato :'(
#7: From Part 2, AKA the happiest moment in the episode:D The hug scene between Discord and Fluttershy reuniting at last <3 Oh what's this? Do I see a little pink blush on Fluttershy while hugging Discord? Why yes, yes I do?;)
#8, From Part 2, Discord insists to the group that they celebrate at Fluttershy's house with tea:3 Daww, to him, the happiest thing to do in this scenario is have Tuesday Tea with Flutters:3 Stop being cute DiscordXD
#9, From Part 2, at the end of the episode, we see a small clip of Fluttershy trying to cover her giggle as she sees Discord and Trixie ride flying pigs together:) Daww, she's so proud of her hubsando making friends on his own:3
In other words, my fellow Fluttercord shippers, we have two new writer to add to our list of writers that are in possible favor for Fluttercord: Josh Haber and Michael Vogel. Congrats Mr. Haber and Vogel, you both get Fluttercord cookies made by Nstone <3
If I had to pick my favorite Fluttercord moment in this episode, it's a three way tie between #4, #6, #7. Sorry, they're all soooo goooood!

(By the way, I really enjoyed the geniune friendship that was built between Trixie and Discord:) I ship their friendship:) Lol! They surprising bounce off each other well, and I seriously want to see their combined magic show:D)
And the last member of this rag tag team of heroes is our favorite changeling Thorax:D Welcome back buddy!
Like Discord and Trixie, he had his fair share of funny moments as well as victorious moments and intense moments for his safety.
But not as intense as that one scene with Trixie being invaded by thousands of changelings at once when she was sacrificing herself for her friends 0-0 Dang! That was the most terrifying and dramatic scene in the entire episode!:0 Poor Trixie!:0
Anyway, it's funny, the whole team up with Starlight & Trixie & Thorax & Discord reminds me more of the Scooby Doo Gang rather than the Avengers as I predicted before this episode came out:)
To me, Starlight is the Fred of the group, with Trixie being the Daphne/Shaggy and Thorx being Velma/Shaggy and Discord being Scooby Doo;) Lol!

We, not only got some great character development and character moments from our heroes, but we also got some really fascinating world building for the Changeling kingdom. With some cons. Here, let me explain.
On one hand, the pros: the Changeling's castle (aka Zira's hideout from Lion King 2), has the ability to create and un create holes in their walls and shapeshift like the Changelings themselves:D This is sooooo cool! Why hasn't anyone thought of this?! It's so creative!:D
Another pro is that Chryallis's throne is made out of a dark crystal that can suck out magic like Changelings can suck out love from living things:) Again, that's cool:)
But cons, however...well...for starters, how Thorax became a leader. It's not that I don't want him to be a leader, but when I was speculating his future, I imagine him to be a sub small leader of his own small army of changelings similar in his nature. Not the entire Chrysallis changeling army! Plus, did they really have to change form in order to become a species that doesn't feed off love? Not that I'm hating the new forms of the changelings, I think they're super super cute:3
Thorax's new form was at first, hard to get use to it but after watching the episode over and over again like a normal person, or even just continuing to watch Thorax at the end during my first viewing, his form is not so bad and I think I can get use to it:) It was the horns that threw we off honestly, and I just realized recently, that his horns are suppose to look like beetle pinsers. Not moose horns.
Anyway, I don't like the fact that it was so easy for the other Changeling to find love and burst the love magic out at Chrysallis. It makes sense for Thorax, but not for the others. Plus, there's no two species or groups of Changelings anymore like in my theory...unless...Chrysallis is able to produce a new army>:D After all, she is still a queen with the supposed ability to do such a thing.
Soooo, we can still have a evil changelings v. good changelings scenario:D Yes!
Although, I kinda want to see what Chrysallis can do on her own without an army and see how truly powerful she is. Will she gather allies, outside of producing an army? Or solely work on her owns and be in the shadows before she strikes revenge with Starlight? I really like how Starlight has a mortal enemy:D It presents a really good and genuine conflict for Starlight to face. We really didn't have this, since well, actually now because Chyrsallis is back for revenge because of what happened in Season 2. So yeah, Chrysalis is our only revenge orientated villian, besides Discord a little bit in his first appearance.

Anyway, I'm so happy that Chrysallis is still a villian because it provides some fun story potential for Season 7 but I will expand on this during my Season 7 wishlist;)
But, the root for my cons with the Changeling world building comes from the fact that this new change comes with questions. Are the nice changelings still technically changelings? Are they a new species with a new name? If they don't feed on love anymore, then what do they feed on in order to survive? So many questions!

Overall, I give this episode 9.5 hearts out of 10 thus making this episode my second favorite episode of the season. Now, all of you are probably wondering "Missy, how you cheat this episode .5 hearts?!:0 It has some major Fluttercord!:0" As much as I deeply appreciate the quality and fluffyness of all the Fluttercord moments, but Fluttercord isn't enough if the episode leaves me in questions and if this finale wasn't as physically action packed as I hoped.
Although, I still deeply appreciate how the action in this episode was more about wit and strategy and tension and drama rather than just magic blasts everywhere.
But...I was still hoping for some awesome magic blasts and fights by Discord vs. Chrysallis:/ Here's to hoping for Season 7! Lol;)

Comments ( 6 )

Well, looks like I have no choice but to hit the cancelation button, and scrap The Ponies who Played with Fire.

No, don’t worry. I’m not really going to do that. *Chuckles* Actually in an odd way it’s kind of liberating to know that from here on out I can cheerfully blunder along secure in the fact that my stories stink at following canon. Who knew?

But enough of that. Onto the episode. I confess, I kind of tunnel-visioned on this episode to a certain extent. (“Blah, blah, blah, something about Starlight—Fluttercord!”) *Grins sheepishly and shrugs* What can I say? I like my fluttercord fuel.

Regarding the whole changeling transformation/becoming good guys thing:
Ehhhhhh, I don’t know. I’m not really against it per se, but I’m not sure if I’m completely onboard with either. Like you said, the transformation raises a lot of questions, and the fact that they all seemed to just switch so quickly and easily to good felt a little too convenient for my tastes.

Still I enjoyed this finale. (Mostly for the fluttercord elements, I won’t lie. Seriously, putting that in an episode for me is like putting Derpy in “The Last Roundup” or “Rainbow Falls” seemed to be for a lot of other fans. They mark out over her scene, and as for the rest of the episode? “Oh yeah, Applejack/Rainbow Dash was in there too... somewhere... I guess...”)

Man, Discord’s certainly come a long ways from where he was in the Season 4 finale. Speaking of which, I think my favorite Fluttercord moment is them hugging near the end of the episode. *Sighs happily* It’s like getting to watch that hug from Season 4, but without the discomfort of knowing he’s going to betray her right after that. Which of course makes this new hug a hundred times better.

Also I loved that bit in moment six you mentioned where he described Fluttershy as “the one pony I can most about.” *Chuckles* At the risk of sounding like a complete and total jerk, Ha! Take that anti-fluttercord-shippers! You just heard it straight from the dragon-horse’s mouth!


Well, looks like I have no choice but to hit the cancelation button, and scrap The Ponies who Played with Fire.
No, don’t worry. I’m not really going to do that. *Chuckles* Actually in an odd way it’s kind of liberating to know that from here on out I can cheerfully blunder along secure in the fact that my stories stink at following canon. Who knew?

After reading your this comment, and your added note on your author's note on Chapter 6, my response is...Yay!:D I'm so proud of your Sharkie:D No need to limited by the canon, and embrace your alternate universe:D Hooray!
I was a little worry after the premier of this episode because well, the little bugs that shall not be named. But I'm so glad that you feel liberated and encouraged by your work instead of limited, so yay!
Plus, in my opinion, there's a major difference between the show's changelings and well, the concept presented in your trilogy. And I mean major because it's like the difference between a wolf and a dachshund. LolXD

In terms of my review of Chapter 6, so sorry that I haven't got a chance to do that yet. Hopefully I can do that soon, along with responding to your messages of course:)

Still I enjoyed this finale. (Mostly for the fluttercord elements, I won’t lie. Seriously, putting that in an episode for me is like putting Derpy in “The Last Roundup” or “Rainbow Falls” seemed to be for a lot of other fans. They mark out over her scene, and as for the rest of the episode? “Oh yeah, Applejack/Rainbow Dash was in there too... somewhere... I guess...”)

Haha lol so true so trueXD

Man, Discord’s certainly come a long ways from where he was in the Season 4 finale.

Indeed, our little needy potato baby has come far <3 I'm so proud of him:') Now, all he needs to do is confess his feelings and we should be good to go;) Lol!

Speaking of which, I think my favorite Fluttercord moment is them hugging near the end of the episode. *Sighs happily* It’s like getting to watch that hug from Season 4, but without the discomfort of knowing he’s going to betray her right after that. Which of course makes this new hug a hundred times better.

Haha so true once again my friend;)

*Chuckles* At the risk of sounding like a complete and total jerk, Ha! Take that anti-fluttercord-shippers! You just heard it straight from the dragon-horse’s mouth!

Haha lol so hard, dragon horse's mouth!XD You're funnyXD
Haha lol don't worry, I had that kind of jerk moment too in my mind but it started in the Part 1 episode when Discord was yawning and acted boredly when going through Celestia's and Luna's and Twilight's names, but when Starlight said friends, he automatically goes to FluttershyXD;)
And my snickering and neer neer taunt gets validated by moment six and my face goes:
Need I say more? I tell myself;)


After reading your this comment, and your added note on your author's note on Chapter 6, my response is...Yay!:D I'm so proud of your Sharkie:D No need to limited by the canon, and embrace your alternate universe:D Hooray!

*Bows to the left and right.* Thank you! Thank you!

Haha lol so hard, dragon horse's mouth!XD You're funnyXD

*Bows again* Thank you again.

Haha lol don't worry, I had that kind of jerk moment too in my mind but it started in the Part 1 episode when Discord was yawning and acted boredly when going through Celestia's and Luna's and Twilight's names, but when Starlight said friends, he automatically goes to FluttershyXD;)

*Chuckles* With a lot of previous episodes I've seen Dislestia fans (And to anyone who might be reading this, I am referring only to the really obnoxious Dislestia shippers. None of this is directed at the pleasant sensible ones I'm sure are out there.) scrambling and falling over themselves to pounce on any scene or scrap of dialogue they can to claim their ship is canon, but they're probably going to have a time finding any in this episode.

Hee, hee, considering the amount of shipping teases we got in this episode the writers might as well have been chanting:

"Fluttercord! Fluttercord! That's our plan!

Dislestia goes in the garbage can!"

*Snickers* But don't spread that around. This is between us Fluttercord-shippers. ;)

Oh, forgot to add:

In terms of my review of Chapter 6, so sorry that I haven't got a chance to do that yet. Hopefully I can do that soon, along with responding to your messages of course:)

I know you've already posted your Chapter 6 review (I loved it by the way, and will respond to it when I have time.), but I just wanted to say: Don't worry about it being late. It sounds like you've got a lot of other things (episode reviews, etc.) going on right now and I can understand that. Also I trust you to respond to my messages, so while I look forward to your responses, don't feel pressured to send them right away.


After reading your this comment, and your added note on your author's note on Chapter 6, my response is...Yay!:D I'm so proud of your Sharkie:D No need to limited by the canon, and embrace your alternate universe:D Hooray!
*Bows to the left and right.* Thank you! Thank you!
Haha lol so hard, dragon horse's mouth!XD You're funnyXD
*Bows again* Thank you again.


Hee, hee, considering the amount of shipping teases we got in this episode the writers might as well have been chanting:"Fluttercord! Fluttercord! That's our plan!Dislestia goes in the garbage can!

Haha lol while banging pots and pan together with wooden spoons tooXD

*Snickers* But don't spread that around. This is between us Fluttercord-shippers. ;)

Don't worry, the secret is safe with me;) Or should I say, us Fluttercord shippers that read this:P Lol!

I know you've already posted your Chapter 6 review (I loved it by the way, and will respond to it when I have time.),

Yay so glad that you liked it:3 I try to make my reactions/reviews to your material as amusing as possible;) Lol;)

Comment posted by Berry Delight deleted Oct 24th, 2016
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