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Friendship is Card Games: Legend of Everfree · 4:07pm Oct 2nd, 2016

Double feature time! If you haven't seen FiCG: P.P.O.V., it should be a bit under this in your feed. Or you can just follow the link here. Now, time to open up last week's time capsule:

Back when we first heard about the plan to make a canon high school AU of Friendship is Magic, did anyone expect that it would lead to four movies? Who would’ve thought people would actually look forward to that fourth one? In any case, time to see what it has in store.

Also, I can do a live reaction. Let’s hope it goes better than the previous one. That said, Netflix signup is having issues, so I will be missing whatever bits they had to trim to fit in Brazilian commercial breaks.

First, the YouTube preview. And I do love how Twilight’s nightmare begins with her being tardy. Some things never change.

Cupcake, plush llama, flashlight, picture of Rainbow Dash, rope dog toy… Yeah, that seems like everything Twilight will need.

I can’t help but wonder if Rarity’s comment about going to the moon is foreshadowing. Equestria Girls 5: Teenagers in SPAAAACE!

When did they name Midnight Sparkle in-universe, anyway? I know it wasn’t brought up in the previous movie; I’m just wondering when and how someone decided on that name.
Also, the erasure effect is really cool. Disturbing, but cool.

Interesting how Spike never speaks in Twilight’s dream. I guess she hasn’t quite internalized how he can.

Lyra talking sadly as Bonbon glances at her hands. I can’t imagine what the subject could be there…

Hmm. I wonder how they raised the funds. That might have made for a fun series of teaser shorts. Oh well, story opportunity.

Celestia and Luna spending time in the Everfree when they were younger. Yeah, that checks out.

The theme goes an interesting direction. Appropriate for the setting, though notably different from the other movies’ more electrified tunes. The animation is similarly understated, focusing on more natural visuals than hyperactive ones. Again, seems appropriate.

Heh. Spike may have been uplifted, but he’s still a puppy.

Ooh, concrete time scale. All of the movies have happened over a single school year. Though the time flow between the two worlds almost certainly don’t sync up, so it’s not as helpful as it could be, unless I’m to believe Sunset has been in this public school system for most of Twilight’s life.

Human Pinkie continues to be an unending font of exposition. Edward Verres would be proud.

Flash handles the awkwardness of an alternate iteration of the girl he has a crush on fairly well, all things told. Still, it’s clear that this is taking place very shortly after Friendship Games.
Also, I do love how “You know how there’s that girl who looks just like you when she’s here but lives in another dimension and she’s a pony princess?” makes perfect sense in context here. There’s a reason I have so much fun when working with the Equestria Girls setting.

The voice direction with Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce is fantastic. The voice actors nailed the “desperately trying to be hip” vibe.

I’m sure the rock quarry will never come up again.

Okay, I’m putting this out there now: How old is Timber Spruce? Because I know this relationship is coming and it immediately feels creepy.

Derpy is unfairly cute. This is more of a general statement than an observation about what this particular iteration of her is doing in the movie. The point stands.

Human or pony, I love seeing Celestia and Luna bicker like siblings.

Hmm. Latin is canon is the human world. Not sure how to feel about this, but I suppose I can’t expect total horsepun saturation.

Seriously, how old is he? This is just weird.

Aww, don’t make Filthy Rich antagonistic. I like him. I also like his background music, so at least there’s that.

I love how the animators did different head-on walk cycles for Applejack and Rarity. AJ just walks. Rarity sashays. It’s a wonderful, subtle bit of characterization.

Of course Lyra and Bonbon share a tent. The fates have decreed it be so!

Vinyl is talking in the background, though my headcanon’s still secure. Until we actually hear her, she may still have built-in AutoTune. You can’t prove otherwise.

I do like seeing Sunset take a turn for the whimsical.

I am trying very hard to remain neutral and not let my shameless Sunlight shipping color my view of the movie. I don’t think I’m doing a very good job.
That said, good to see Spike supporting Twilight in spite of her, regardless of the worldline.

Very interesting to see Sunset and Twilight’s differing reactions to the levitation. And they make sense. Twilight’s only experience with magic was traumatic, to say the least. No wonder she’s afraid of it now. Meanwhile, Sunset sees an opportunity to get back something she’s lacked for years.
Also, magic leaking into the human world? Go on…

Ooh, contact telepathy. Neat.
Wait a second. A telepath who made sketchy decisions in the past, but who has come into their own, become a respected member of society, and is part of a group of incredibly magically gifted people who solve problems no one else can. I think Sunset just became Jace Beleren.

Fluttershy is best Disney princess.

Poor Flash. He used to be magnetically attracted to Twilight’s falling body. I do like how the story’s handling him, and the fact that it’s even bothering to do so.

Wow. Sunset freaking torpedoed that ship.

Ah. Progress versus tradition. Or selling out versus staying on a sinking ship. I can see the outline of the Gloriosa/Timber conflict, but the details aren’t filled in yet.

Aw, I was hoping Watermelody would get to speak.

Wouldn't a dock make a terrible runway unless the audience was in canoes?

Okay, Pinkie’s “Adult supervision! :pinkiehappy:” literally made me laugh out loud.

AJ’s really into the whole survivalist thing.

And when I paused the video to write that down, I got to see this:

Glamorous. As. Fuck.

I’m just going to focus on how Picasso is a thing in the human world and not on the flirting.

I appreciate the classic Scooby Doo-era tooth chattering sound effects.

Hmm. Settling the area four generations back. That should give a rough estimate of where in the country this is, assuming similar geography and settlement patterns as the United States. I want to say somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. And assuming that Timber’s story is at all based on reality.

Ah. I see Timber’s great-grandfather was named Wilhelm.

I’m sure Gloriosa popping in at the exact moment Timber yelled “GAIA EVERFREE!” is completely coincidental and not at all indicative of some future revelation.

I love Sunset’s expression as the others review past magical mishaps. You can tell she’s counting the seconds until the inevitable “No offense.”
Also, Dash is totally justified in thinking that Gaia Everfree could be Equestrian. It’s not paranoia if they really have been out to get you.

Sunset springing into sleepy action was equal parts hilarious, adorable, and admirable.

As I said earlier, it hasn’t been long since Friendship Games. This Twilight hasn’t learned many lessons about friendship yet. Especially not anything about how putting things off doesn’t help.

Eh, it was worth a try, Derpy.

Huh. You know, it’s entirely possible that the attempt to blow the boat across the lake worked. Well, other than the action/reaction force pair not quite matching up unless Derpy wasn’t sitting in the boat at the time, but that’s where the magic comes in. Let me dream, darn it.
Also, nice to see Sunset use her dissembling for… well, if not good, then certainly the benefit of others.

So… the gem dust is edible? Gaia Everfree leaves a trail of sugar? Or did Derpy bring muffins onboard?

Oh. That’s a rather sudden song.
Ah, the scientist’s lament in a suddenly much more inexplicable world. Or at least that of an understandably scared girl who isn’t used to having others in whom she can confide, and who fears losing them.

You know, when Timber’s being genuine, he’s actually a pretty respectable guy. Also, living at a summer camp for his entire life would explain his rather limited social skills, which seem to consist largely of putting on a facade of what he thinks a likable person is like.

Super strength and crystals. Seems reasonable.

At first, I thought Twilight was blaming herself for Rarity’s magic. Now I’m not sure why she’s upset. Does she think she’s endowing the others with these abilities, or is this just her worries nagging at her mind in general?

At this point, it seems like Gloriosa is either desperate to avoid any bad press whatsoever or has been geased into being as helpful as humanly possible. Or both.

Whoa. Explosively releasing food energy? I’ve wanted that power for years! Still, good thing these explosions are tempered by Laughter magic and thus are limited to concussive effects. They could be horrifically dangerous otherwise. The average candy bar has more chemical energy than a stick of dynamite.

And Fluttershy gets Fluttershy powers. Again, seems reasonable. I love how conflicted she is. It’s her life’s dream, but she’s talking to birds.

Ohhh, localized magical radiation. Neat. I presume it’s either Gaia, a rift to Equestria, or both.

Oh, come on! At this point, keeping up the ruse is just ridiculous.
… On the other hand, again, traumatized teenager. I’m probably not the best person to judge that sort of thing.

Wait. Oh God, she’s shooting arrows. Or trying to. Depth perception issues and archery don’t seem like they should ever mix.

Hmm. Applejack’s been looking forward to this for a month. Not sure how that meshes with the chronology, but it’s interesting to note.

I’m with Sunset on figuring out the magic, but it’s not like the fate of the universe is at stake here. Not in this worldline, anyway. Not that we know of. Besides, these girls never signed up to be the world authorities on the supernatural.

Given Midnight’s desire for, quote, “all the magic,” her giving magic to others seems dubious. On the other hand, guilt and rationality rarely get along. Poor Twilight.

Timber, why is your lantern your face?

Seriously? Twilight’s and Timber’s lanterns bumping into one another? And why is it his face?

Well, it’s certainly progress. Good to see Twilight opening up a little.

Oh. This really is getting Scooby Doo in here. Faking monster attacks to get someone to sell property. Good thing we have a bunch of meddling kids and their dog. Of course, knowing this series—and having seen the trailer—that’s almost certainly not the truth of the matter.

I can’t really condemn Sunset for not wanting to tell Twilight this. She does have a lot on her mind. Even if it would get her away from that Moving on.

Gaze not into the mind of Pinkie. Thou art not prepared.

Having problems controlling your magic? Talk to the unicorn. Makes sense to me.

Not too big on the Flashimmer, but I love their interaction here. And how Derpy is the designated Flash comforter. Really, this one has done more to explore Flash Sentry’s character than any other piece of canon. Even the first movie used him as little more than a "Get Out of Stupid Conflict Free" card.

Yes, Sunset, Timber’s clearly up to something. The seismic tremors and magical glow are just part of his grand ruse.

I quite like Twilight’s ringtone. Can’t name the piece, but I recognize it.

Whoa. Magic sense confirmed. Heck, I could hear the italics when Sunset said “feel.” I was not expecting this to get that Triptych-y.

Darn it. I really don’t like how they made Filthy into the generic “evil banker” character.

Very interesting how the geodes correspond to the appropriate characters’ magic color. When did they form?

Hmm. Technically speaking, I think we have our first major earth pony villain.

Is it just me, or does Sunset’s fashion show outfit remind anyone else of a certain Uotapo piece?

Aww. I know ligneous death approaches, but that’s still an adorable moment between Rarity and Applejack.

I see human Snails hasn’t yet reached the age where the narrative respects him.
… Wait, if Snips and Snails are here, where are the human Crusaders?

As far as battle cries go, “I got this” lacks a certain je ne sais quoi and suffers from an excess of hilarity. That said, it did come off about as menacing as it could be.

I love Celestia standing between everyone else and the latest person to go mad with magical power. Not especially effective, but a wonderful character moment.

Wow. For a second, I genuinely thought Timber was going to take an axe to his sister. Or at least her necklace.

Okay, I adore how resigned the Humane Five are to these shenanigans. They’re seasoned adventurers, whether they like it or not.

Very interesting that Twilight seemed to be growing a horn again.

Ah, tripping the speedster. A classic. (Psst. Dash. You have wings at the moment. Feel free to use them.)

You know, it occurs to me, how hard are those vines to climb? Granted, they’ve reached a height where falling could be horrific, but still.

Mindscape battle!

Hmm. You know, I’m genuinely unsure whether some strange vestige of Midnight still lurked within Twilight’s psyche or if she was just a manifestation of Twilight’s fears. The magic may have been recapitulating Midnight’s appearance simply because of the strong association between the two in Twilight’s mind… or it might not have been. This will be a fascinating concept to explore in the future.

Holy crap, human Twilight still has wings. I was expecting an answer to Daydream Shimmer, not just, you know, Twilight with wings. I suppose the super form has to wait until two movies after a character goes mad with power.
And for that matter, Sunset doesn’t have wings. Darn, that had been inconclusive until now. This feels a bit backwards, mostly because it doesn’t feel like human Twilight isn't the one who earned wings. Eh, that’s what AUs are for.




I have so many questions. I genuinely cannot decide if I’m okay with this or not.

I’m just going to put this out there: Was Gloriosa dead before that spark touched her?

I’m kind of sad that Timber didn’t say “I’ve got this.” Or perhaps “We’ve got this.” Eh. There’s still some time left.

It is very hard to take those girls seriously in those outfits. I know DHX had to design them according to the dolls, but still.

Huh. I called the Crystal Ball pun more than a year in advance. Either I’m prescient or they’re running out of ideas. :derpytongue2:

… Eh, I would’ve liked Timber to say it, but I’ll accept this.

The pendants are the geodes, and therefore allow the girls to use their new abilities anywhere. Awesome and logical.

Bulk dancing may be the single greatest thing to come out of this movie. I am very pleased to see that there are multiple gifs of it on Derpibooru.

Timber, you didn’t do shit. She would’ve bruised something at worst.

Thank you, Gloriosa.

Oh. Implied dead parents. Unless that bearded fellow with Timber’s coloration is related to them.
… Wait, how old are these two? Are they even legally allowed to run a business? (Of course, I could ask the same of Rarity…)

Ooh, sequel hook. Sequel hook where more magic’s leaking in from Equestria. I guess Daydream’s quick patch job on those spacial rifts wasn’t the cure-all we thought it was. That, or something wonky’s happening to the portal…

In all, this was a lot of fun, even if my shipper aspect disagrees at points. I do like both new characters, though I definitely prefer Timber when he isn’t trying so hard. I can’t stand that sort of desperate facade. And remember the moral of the story, everyone: Magic is only for the main characters those with the responsibility to use its power wisely.

Wait, they’re teenagers. I think I was right the first time. Especially given that post-credits scene.

In any case, time for one of my favorite activities:

Combat Reflexes 1W
Untap target creature. That creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn and can block an additional creature this turn.
Sunset made sure she knew how to defend herself in a world without magic.

Vehicular Accident 3W
Destroy target attacking creature. If that creature was a Vehicle, destroy each creature that crewed it this turn.
”I’ve had worse.”
—Ditzy Doo

Pitiless Banker 4W
Creature — Human Bureaucrat
Extort (Whenever you cast a spell, you may pay (wb). If you do, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain that much life.)
The first spell each opponent casts each turn cost 1 more to cast.
”Times are tough. So am I.”

Twilight’s Triumph 7WWW
Convoke (Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for 1 or one mana of that creature’s color.)
Destroy all artifacts and enchantments your opponents control. Return all artifact and enchantment cards in your graveyard to the battlefield.

Oversleep UU
Creatures don’t untap during target player’s next untap step.
”The mind is willing, but the body is decaffeinated.”
—Twilight Sparkle

Contact Telepath 1U
Creature — Human Wizard
Skulk (This creature can’t be blocked by creatures with greater power.)
Whenever Contact Telepath deals combat damage to a player, look at that player’s hand.
Clear communication is a key part of friendship.

Uncontrolled Levitation 2U
Untap all permanents during each untap step.
Twilight tried thinking about bowling balls on rubber sheets. It didn’t help.

Curse of Helpfulness 3U
Enchantment — Aura Curse
Enchant player
Any player may activate activated abilities of permanents enchanted player controls that aren’t mana abilities.
Gloriosa’s face smiled. Her soul screamed.

Personalized Horror B
Reveal Personalized Horror as you draft it. The player to your right chooses a color, you choose another color, then the player to your left chooses a third color.
Target opponent reveals his or her hand. You choose a card from it that’s one or more colors chosen as you drafted cards named Personalized Horror. That player discards that card.

“The Midnight in Me” 1B
Enchantment — Song
At the beginning of your upkeep, put a verse counter on “The Midnight in Me”.
1B, Sacrifice “The Midnight in Me”: You draw X cards and lose X life, where X is the number of verse counters on “The Midnight in Me”.
Twilight’s conclusion terrified her, but she could see no way to refute it.

Midnight’s Embrace 1BB
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature gets +3/+3 and has flying.
At the beginning of your upkeep, discard a card.
”I’ve always found it easy to get lost in my thoughts, but lately I’ve been having trouble finding my way back.”
—Twilight Sparkle

Curse of Inner Demons 2BB
Enchantment — Aura Curse
Enchant player
Whenever one or more cards are put into enchanted player’s graveyard from anywhere, that player loses 1 life and you put a despair counter on Curse of Inner Demons. Then, if Curse of Inner Demons has five or more despair counters on it, remove all despair counters from it and transform it.
Externalized Regret
(B) Creature — Demon
Externalized Regret’s power and toughness are each equal to the number of cards in your opponents’ graveyards.
The problem about only fearing fear itself is that once you start, you can’t stop.

Gaze into the Pink 3B
Reveal any number of black cards from your hand. Target player discards that many cards.
Most who still know of dementia summoning, the magical art of transforming psychosis into life, believe it died with the Cabal. One girl knows the truth.

Dangerous Speed 1R
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature you control
Enchanted creature gets +2/+0, has first strike and trample, and attacks each turn if able.
At end of combat on your turn, if enchanted creature attacked and didn’t deal combat damage to a player or planeswalker this combat, it deals damage equal to its power to itself.

Dazzling Quicksmith 2R
Creature — Human Artificer
Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, choose one —
• Dazzling Quicksmith gets +1/+1 until end of turn.
• Create a colorless 1/1 Servo artifact creature token with haste. Exile that token at the beginning of the next end step.

Caloric Ignition 3R
1R, Remove a counter from a permanent you control: Caloric Ignition deals 2 damage to target creature or planeswalker.
4R, Sacrifice Caloric Ignition: Remove all counters from among permanents you control. Caloric Ignition deals damage to target creature or player equal to the number of counters removed this way.

Song of Legends 3R
Enchantment — Song
At the beginning of your upkeep, put a verse counter on Song of Legends.
3R, Sacrifice Song of Legends: Choose up to X target instant and/or sorcery cards in your graveyard that can target target creature you control, where X is the number of verse counters on Song of Legends. If that creature is on the battlefield, cast those cards without paying their mana costs targeting it. If a card cast this way would be put into a graveyard this turn, exile it instead.

Strabismic Archer 3R
Creature — Human Archer
1R, T: Strabismic Archer deals 1 damage to target creature you don’t control and 1 damage to target creature of an opponent’s choice you don’t control.
”I shot an arrow into the air. It fell to earth… Well, listen for the scream.”

Forage G
Reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a land card, put that card into your hand, and the rest into your graveyard.
”There’s nothing more fun than seeing what nature’s given you to work with.”

Humble Beastspeaker G
Creature — Human Shaman
T: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast a creature spell.
Every day, she thanks nature for bothering to listen.

Track the Suspect 1G
Target creature blocks another target creature if able this turn.
Investigate. (Create a colorless Clue artifact token with “2, Sacrifice this artifact: Draw a card.”)
Sunset’s suspicions led her to a much bigger mystery.

Blackberry Palisade 1GG
Creature — Plant Wall
Defender; reach
At the beginning of your upkeep, put a +1/+1 counter on Blackberry Palisade.
Blackberry Palisade can block an additional X creatures each combat, where X is its power.

Gloriosa, Who Has This 2G
Legendary Creature — Human Citizen
At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, that player adds GG to his or her mana pool. Until end of turn, that mana doesn’t empty from that player’s mana pool as steps and phases end.
When the fourth spell of a turn is cast, transform Gloriosa, Who Has This.
Gloriosa, Everfree Zealot
(G) Legendary Creature — Dryad Druid
Whenever you tap a land for mana, add one mana to your mana pool of any type that land produced.
Whenever a nontoken permanent enters the battlefield under your control, draw a card.
Nature never knows when to stop.

Everfree War Chant 3G
Enchantment — Song
At the beginning of your upkeep, put a verse counter on Everfree War Chant.
2G, Sacrifice Everfree War Chant: Destroy up to X target nonbasic, noncreature permanents. For each land destroyed this way, that land’s controller may search his or her library for a basic land card and put it onto the battlefield tapped. Then each player who searched his or her library this way shuffles it.

Strength of the Earth 4G
Target creature gets +1/+1 for each land you control until end of turn. Whenever that creature deals combat damage to a player or planeswalker this turn, put that many +1/+1 counters on it.
Equestrian magic constantly leaks into the human world, available to whoever can claim it.

Gaia Everfree 4GG
Legendary Creature — Spirit
Whenever you cast a Spirit or Arcane spell, you may put four +1/+1 counters on target land you control. If you do, that land becomes a 0/0 Spirit creature with haste that’s still a land.
The settlers were surrounded before they even knew there was an army.

Can of Sprinkles 2
Can of Sprinkles enters the battlefield with three charge counters on it.
T, Remove a charge counter from Can of Sprinkles: Choose a counter on target permanent or player. Give that permanent or player another counter of that kind.

Makeshift Hammer 2
Artifact — Equipment
Equipped creature gets +1/+1.
Equip — Return a land you control to its owner’s hand.
”The only thing better than making something is making it with something you’ve already made.”

Amulet of Empathy 3
Legendary Artifact — Equipment
As long as Amulet of Empathy is attached, activated abilities of creatures you control cost 1 less to activate. This effect can’t reduce the amount of mana an ability costs to activate to less than one mana.
Whenever a player activates an ability of a creature other than equipped creature, equipped creature gains that ability until end of turn.
Equip 3

Amulet of Generosity 3
Legendary Artifact — Equipment
As long as Amulet of Generosity is attached, blue spells you cast cost 1 less to cast.
Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, equipped creature gets +1/+1 and gains hexproof until end of turn.
Equip 2

Amulet of Honesty 3
Legendary Artifact — Equipment
As long as Amulet of Honesty is attached, green spells you cast cost 1 less to cast.
Equipped creature gets +2/+1 and has trample.
Equip 3

Amulet of Kindness 3
Legendary Artifact — Equipment
As long as Amulet of Kindness is attached, white spells you cast cost 1 less to cast.
Equipped creature has protection from creatures.
Equip 3

Amulet of Laughter 3
Legendary Artifact — Equipment
As long as Amulet of Laughter is attached, black spells you cast cost 1 less to cast.
Equipped creature has “2, Sacrifice another permanent: Put a +1/+1 counter on this creature.”
Equip 2

Amulet of Loyalty 3
Legendary Artifact — Equipment
As long as Amulet of Loyalty is attached, red spells you cast cost 1 less to cast.
Equipped creature has double strike and haste.
Equip 3

Amulet of Magic 3
Legendary Artifact — Equipment
As long Amulet of Magic is attached, spells you cast cost 1 less to cast.
Equipped creature has “T: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool.”
Whenever you cast a spell, untap equipped creature.
Equip 4

Celestial Totem 3
T: Add W to your mana pool.
3WW: Celestial Totem becomes a 3/3 white Elemental artifact creature with flying until end of turn.
Whenever you cast an enchantment spell, if Celestial Totem is a creature, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.

Corundum Lenses 3
You may spend blue mana as though it were red mana and red mana as though it were blue mana.
A little chromium goes a long way.

Geode Pendant 3
The first spell you cast each turn costs 2 less to cast.
At the beginning of each upkeep, if you cast no spells last turn, you lose 1 life.
”Addiction doesn’t have to be chemical.”
—Twilight Sparkle

Hero’s Cape 3
Artifact — Equipment
Equipped creature gets +2/+1.
Whenever you cast a spell that targets a creature you control, you may attach Hero’s Cape to that creature.
Equip 2
”I just hope it doesn’t get caught in something.”

“Embrace the Magic” 1(gu)
Enchantment — Song
At the beginning of your upkeep, put a verse counter on “Embrace the Magic”.
(gu), Sacrifice “Embrace the Magic”: Spells cost X less to cast until your next turn, where X is the number of verse counters on “Embrace the Magic”.

Consolatory Feast 2(bg)
Whenever a card is put into your graveyard from anywhere, you gain 1 life.
”Oh well. Now I get to eat it!”
—Pinkie Pie

Harsh Truth 2(ur)B
Target player draws three cards. Harsh Truth deals 3 damage to that player.
”Sometimes the right thing to do is the cruel one.”
—Sunset Shimmer

Erase from Existence 4WB
Exile all creatures from the battlefield and all creature cards from all graveyards.
”The worst part wasn’t seeing all my friends get torn apart. The worst part was understanding exactly how it was happening.”
—Twilight Sparkle

Crystal Cavern
T: Add C to your mana pool.
5, T: Add CWUBRG to your mana pool.
”Did it come from Equestria, or does this world have magic of its own?”
—Sunset Shimmer

Danger-Prone Dock
Whenever an opponent casts a spell, if it has a single target, change the target to Danger-Prone Dock if able.
T: Add C to your mana pool.
Some structures just don’t want to exist.

Comments ( 24 )

That poor dock.

Glad I wasn't the only one to think that about Timber trying his luck with Twilight. I kept thinking: don't they fire camp councillors for that sort of thing?

Some sweet cards this time, from a design standpoint as well as flavor. Gloriosa, Who Has This is the best card name. :rainbowlaugh:

And now the girls of EG make me even think even more of W.I.T.C.H. Yay!!!

When did they name Midnight Sparkle in-universe, anyway? I know it wasn’t brought up in the previous movie; I’m just wondering when and how someone decided on that name.

In the credits of the previous movie, but never in actual spoken text.

Celestia and Luna spending time in the Everfree when they were younger. Yeah, that checks out.

The movie almost completely omits how Luna complains about being exiled to the Moonstone tent over that sundial… Only the book has this dubious little tidbit.

And assuming that Timber’s story is at all based on reality.

Considering the clothes look 50s to me, I’m inclined to think “no.”

The pendants are the geodes, and therefore allow the girls to use their new abilities anywhere. Awesome and logical.

…And come from what looks suspiciously like the trunk of a Tree of Harmony someone chopped down. Kinda like sprouts.


Actually, considering that he thought the camp is closing down imminently...

I don't even remember what happened at the climax that made you freak out and wonder if you were okay with it. Context plz?

I just realized this movie basically gave us a canonical Seventh Element of Harmony.

The ringtone is (the best part of) Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, 2.40 in:

Edward Verres would be proud.

I know you are into a lot of stuff, hense your screen name, but every time you throw in a reference to something else I know and am a fan of that I don't remember you having mentioned before it always makes me grin a bit and knocks me out of the flow of your narrative.

I think Sunset just became Jace Beleren.

Only possible if Sunest loses a good chunk of her memory and slash or has false memories placeed into her brain.
And she needs to start dating a death mage who sold their soul to demons for eternal youth.

Wouldn't a dock would make a terrible runway unless the audience was in canoes?

Got an extra word here.

Derpy is best Castor canadensis.

And now for the card comments.


Gloriosa’s face smiled. Her soul screamed.
Ah, being an AI given a direct order. Such fun.

On Personalized Horror: It should be "That player discards that card."

I like how you get more value out of the slow burn on Caloric Ignition then you do from the quick burn. At first I thought "Shouldn't it be 'equal to twice the number of counters removed this way'?" but then I saw what you were actually doing there.

Standard comment about Song of Legends name.
Also, you are missing the standard "where X is the number of verse counters on <card name>" line. Which might put you over word count, not sure.

I'd rather Strabismic Archer read as follows:

1R, T: Strabismic Archer deals 1 damage to target creature you don’t control. That creature's controller then chooses a creature other than Strabismic Archer that Strabismic Archer could target and then Strabismic Archer deals 1 damage to that creature.

I just don't like that the "off target" second shot can't hit one of your own creatures. It wouldn't make any sense for it to hit the archer though so it requires a bit more verbiage than just dropping off the second instance of "you don't control". I also don't like that in a multiplayer game you can have someone other than the first target's controller pick the second target.
Really, nothing rule wise or even flavor wise here, just a general dislike of how the card works and how I would change it while keeping within the original spirit.

Forage is such a good one word card name I'm kinda surprised that haven't already used it.

Did you mean for Humble Beastspeaker to be "Add one mana of any color to your mana pool" or to be "Add {C} to your mana pool"?

Track the Suspect should probally read as follows:

Target creature blocks another target creature this turn if able.

That way someone can't Redirect it into trying to force a creature to block itself. Which, while funny to watch, would do nothing. They they can still have it try and block another creature you control, which also while funny would do nothing.
Anyways, most of the two target cards like this, especially the fight ones, have the "another" rider in them. At the very least, it would need to be "this turn if able" to following proper wording, not "if able this turn".

I like the concept of an ever growing plant wall like Blackberry Palisade.
Though I think the current extra blockers is a bit much, maybe have it be "where X is half of its power rounded down." instead, that way it has to be at least 2 power before it can block two people and so on.

Gloriosa, Who Has This *Laughs out loud*
I don't think they'd ever do that as a title for someone for damn that's funny.
For Gloriosa, Everfree Zealot: i prefer "any type that land could produce." over the "produced" version, but I understand that the latter is more common than the former. Which is why I want to see more of the former over the latter.

Again, standard comment about Everfree War Chant name.
And again, it is missing the standard "where X is the number of verse counters on <card name>" line, which again might put you over word count.
Lot of rules-text heavy songs this time around.

I like the Equip cost on Makeshift Hammer, we need more non-mana Equip costs and this one works both in the late game, when hopefully you are not drawing lands and are there for not worried about the "one land per turn" rule and at any point in the game when you have lands that do something when they enter the battlefield.

Did you mean for Amulet of Empathy to give out mama-abilities as well? Since those are normally excluded from such things and all. Though, to be fair, Kraj doesn't exclude mana abilities either so I guess it's OK to pick them up.

On Amulet of Kindness: Yeeeeees, more "Protection from creatures". i love that ability. It's so powerful. Which is probably why we don't get it very often.

On Amulet of Laughter: This is keeping with the Black laughter being of the schadenfreude variety. Just taking a more active role in causing someone else misfortune.

Nice cycle, but the Amulet of Magic having an Equip cost of 4 kinda threw me for a moment. You've got a mix of 2s and 3s and then a 4. it's just a bit odd.

I see what you did on Corundum Lenses, very nicely done.

If you have to make the comment Rarity then you know you shouldn't be wearing a Hero’s Cape.

I like how “Embrace the Magic" reduces everyone's spells for a full go round the table. This would make a good addition to my Reaper King Commander deck, which is part Scarecrows and full of various "good stuff for everyone" style cards.
You know, to go with a harvest theme.

i'm not sure on Harsh Truth: I think it should maybe be 2{B/R}U instead of 2{U/R}B. Red draw would probably involve a discard, whereas if you have it be Blue all the time that covers the draw aspect and then either of the second color covers the damage. Though Black is normally life loss it will go the damage route if needed in multicolor.

I kinda like how you net-gain out of Crystal Cavern but I'm not sure if that's too powerful or not.
And that's saying something, when getting net-gain out of a WUBRG color-fixer might be too powerful.

A good set this time around, lot to talk about.

I thought I was the only one who wanted to like Filthy Rich! He seemed reasonable and courteous way back in "Family Appreciation Day" (or at least Pony Filthy Rich did).

And yeah, the animators have finally figured out how to animate good walking and running cycles with these models.

Applejack’s been looking forward to this for a month. Not sure how that meshes with the chronology, but it’s interesting to note.

I guess she could have been looking forward to camp since before the games, so I don't think that tells us anything helpful.

Hmm. Technically speaking, I think we have our first major earth pony villain.

And I for one welcome our new OP earth pony overlord. :pinkiecrazy:

Couldn't agree more about Sunset's lack of wings. SciTwi is still just learning about friendship while Sunset is basically a pro. It's like the writers just wanted SciTwi to match Princess Twilight even though it would have made more narrative sense for Sunset to ascend.

I'm going to give the movie the benefit of the doubt and assume that Timber isn't more than two years older than SciTwi, which would be acceptable. Gloriosa might be 21, but she acts younger than that and she's the same height as the 16 and 17 year olds.

I find both siblings far more interesting than the Shadowbolts, and woven into the plot much better. Both siblings tried way too hard to be likable and outgoing while hiding their problems. There's a lesson there that I think a lot of people can relate to.

I usually don't comment on your cards since I know very little about Magic the Gathering, but Applejack's quote for Makeshift Hammer 2 made me laugh out loud.

Did you make Empathy Sunset's Element? Because I've thought that would be perfect for her ever since I watched Rainbow Rocks.

Also, am I the only one who keeps wanting to call this movie "Legend of the Everfree"? Because, you know, they always say the Everfree Forest in Equestria.

Edward Verres would be proud.

Every story needs an Endless Barrel of Exposition!

It’s not paranoia if they really have been out to get you.

Being right doesn't mean you're not paranoid, it just means you have a reason to be paranoid.

"The mind is willing, but the body is decaffeinated.”

—Twilight Sparkle

Welcome to my world.

Comment posted by Proginoskes deleted Oct 2nd, 2016

Hello, fellow bunnies!

Vlad, some comments on your comments:
The "could produce" term seems to be reserved for things that tap for mana in their own right, like Exotic Orchard.
Amulet of Magic costs more to equip because it is absolutely bonkers. Tapping for mana of any color, and untapping whenever you cast a spell? I should post my Gilt-Leaf Archdruid deck (a.k.a. "All Your Land Base Are Belong To Us", or "Druidstorm") some day. "Yes, I'd like to cast my entire library in a single turn, please!"
Harsh Truth is somewhere between Sign in Blood and Cerebral Vortex in nature, and I think 2{U/R}B is a fine cost. Actually, {2/B}UR would also work.


Considering the clothes look 50s to me, I’m inclined to think “no.”

I just re-watched that part and their clothes look more 1930s to me, which would fit Timber's great-grandparents if they were in their twenties or thirties then. Plus it makes more sense for the legend to be passed down in their family. If Timber just made it up on the spot, it would be quite a coincidence for Gloriosa to transform herself to look similar to the imaginary spirit (even down to the eyes), with similar powers.

He may have added his own embellishments like the gem dust, though. I do sort of like how ambiguous it is.

The "bunies" comment confused me for a moment then I remembered that's what El Goonish Shive fans are called.

I see my mistake on the "could produce" and "it produced", the former are indeed things that produce mana on their own while the later are helpers for other things that produce mana.

I understand why that particular amulet costs more to equip, that doesn't make the odd-one-out cost any less jarring.

Cerebral Vortex always requires Blue mana to cast, my key point was that Harsh Truth should also always require Blue mana to cast.
Sign in Blood was the first card I thought of, followed closely by the new Live Fast. The {2/B}UR idea could work as well and was not something I had thought of.

It never stood a chance.


The movie almost completely omits how Luna complains about being exiled to the Moonstone tent over that sundial… Only the book has this dubious little tidbit.

Aw, that's a shame. I guess it would've disrupted the flow of the scene when performed rather than written. Still, rather amusing. We don't talk about the Moonstone Tent...

…And come from what looks suspiciously like the trunk of a Tree of Harmony someone chopped down. Kinda like sprouts.

Hadn't noticed that at the time, but you do have a point.

The ridiculous superhero outfits. I can't tell if they're the dumbest awesome thing ever, or the most awesome dumb thing ever.

Sunset Shimmer is best bad OC. Also, thanks for identifying the song for me.


Only possible if Sunset loses a good chunk of her memory and slash or has false memories placed into her brain.

In a stunning plot twist, next movie we learn that it's been human Sunset the whole time, with her pony version's memories having overwritten her own.

Also, looks like I made up for you having nothing to comment on with "P.P.O.V.", huh? :twilightsheepish:

Personalized Horror: Fixed.

Caloric Ignition: Note that the fast burn is the only way to hit players.

Song of Legends: Standard reply about "Legend You Were Meant To Be" being too long for a Magic card. Also, X has been defined.

Strabismic Archer: I take it you're not a fan of Volcanic Offering, then. Besides, everyone knows to stand back when Derpy's firing.

Humble Beastspeaker, Track the Suspect: Adjustments made.

Everfree War Chant: Again, standard reply about "We Will Stand For Everfree" yadda yadda.

Amulet of Magic: Magic's always been the capstone. Look back at the Element cards in the series premiere.

Harsh Truth: Think of it as an Ambition's Cost that the other colors help with: Either blue lets anyone draw or red hits anyone in the face, with black taking over the other component.

Crystal Cavern: Actually, the second ability is zero-sum. Tap six lands, get six mana.

Huh. I've genuinely never considered using (2m) mana like that before. I'll have to bear it in mind. Thanks for the idea!

I like Filthy. He seems like the one reason why his wife and daughter haven't been run out of Ponyville. Estee's treatment of him probably has something to do with it; her version is one of the most reasonable ponies in existence, much less the asylum that the Bearers call home.

And I for one welcome our new OP earth pony overlord. :pinkiecrazy:

To no one's surprise, I'm sure. :raritywink:

It's possible that Sunset was gentler than the Helical Friendship Cannon. This meant that some fragment of Midnight still dwelt in Twilight's subconscious, but it also meant that Twilight got to keep the extra limbs. Sunset...
Yeah, I can't justify her not at least getting the energy wings she's demonstrated twice. Especially not when even one of her Legend of Everfree toys has them.

The Everfree siblings definitely had numbers on their side. Friendship Games tried to introduce eight or nine different characters, depending on whether or not you count Shining Armor, and only really tried with one, making most of Crystal Prep feel like cardboard antagonists at best. Good for fanfic authors to build on, bad for the base narrative. With just two people, the story can devote time to exploring them and still have enough to actually do something else.

Did you make Empathy Sunset's Element? Because I've thought that would be perfect for her ever since I watched Rainbow Rocks.

I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I'm pretty sure Megan McCarthy said that would be Sunset's Element if she had one, either in an interview or at a con.

Also, am I the only one who keeps wanting to call this movie "Legend of the Everfree"? Because, you know, they always say the Everfree Forest in Equestria.

It works if you assume they mean the legend of Gaia Everfree.

Pacific Northwest

...Screw it. Gravity Falls is right next door! It be now my headcannon, don't make me point it at you!

Ah. I see Timber’s great-grandfather was named Wilhelm.

I lol'd at that moment, even though I saw it coming. :rainbowlaugh:

Really, this one has done more to explore Flash Sentry’s character than any other piece of canon.

It's magnificent for that. I give Hasbro a lot of credit for not just writing him out entirely. His original purpose and/or character arc didn't work out, and they recognized that, and they've set him up to be able to do other things. I really hope they develop him more. Heck, I'd even be willing to ship him with Derpy if it comes to that. :derpytongue2:

Darn it. I really don’t like how they made Filthy into the generic “evil banker” character.

This also disappointed me greatly. Based on what we've seen on the other side of the mirror, he shouldn't be that kind of character.

Well I held off reading this until I saw the movie and now...Consolatory Feast is actually disturbing. Pinkie's quote there, in context of the movie, is hilarious and fits. On its own it sounds random but not that bad. When talking about creatures that die and get sent to the graveyard...yeash is that creepy.

I am however surprised that you made no cards for the super bushy browned owls or the attempt to dig past the barrier.

It's not just creatures. Devices, magic, locations, random thoughts... Cover it in enough molten marshmellow and Pinkie will eat anything. :pinkiecrazy:

Blackberry Palisade's ever-increasing number of potential blocks was meant to represent the futility of trying to bypass it. However, I definitely missed an opportunity to make an Avian Harbinger card a la the Lorwyn cycle.

When I read Gloriosa's front face, I read it not as "'Gloriosa, Who Has This' (2G)," but "Gloriosa, Who Has This 2G," and then pictured her holding 2G in her hand. Yes, how that looks is up to interpretation, and I pictured it as different things, including: mana symbols as they would appear on the card, mana symbols as if they were CCG, a shiny magic manifesting itself as mostly-green with a definite green for a third of it, and a second-generation cell phone.

When I first designed my season 1 and 2 set, I struggled on how to take a game built around cycles of 5 and make it work with cycles of 6, and I still wonder if I could have done it better. Kudos to you for making a cycle of 7 that works as well as your amulets do, as well as coming up with a good name for the extra, human element. (In the end, is the central geode in the crystal cave just the human dimension's Tree of Harmony? Has removing the amulets awakened a trap set by Q?)

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