• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2012
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Greetings World. You may call me Nyronus. I write stories, among other things. My hobbies include existential ennui, being Princess Luna, and Saving the World. Feel free to hit me up on Steam to chat!

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Things I Have Been Reading: Hear The Baby Laughing by Aragon · 11:01pm Sep 27th, 2016

Things I Have Been Reading: Hear The Baby Laughing by Aragon

So, I have a massive backlog of projects on my plate. Between Bronycon, illness, World of Darkness, and depression there is just a lot of stuff I meant to get done months ago that just hasn't happened. Not the least of which are two more Things I Have Been Reading posts which I've been meaning to write forever and a story and blog post stuck in editing limbo.

But, I did send that long, emotionally draining PM about the issues I had with a super popular Fimfic to its author today, so, yay for progress.

That said, I can hopefully make up for my failure to produce ONE of those things by discussing a fic by an author who's work was already on my slab for recommendation: Aragon.

Problem being... it's hard to actually talk about this fic in abstract. So much of it's charm comes from it's twists, themes, and delivery that discussing it in abstract would be spoilery. I will say what the fic is though, because out of context it's pretty funny; it's a Metafictional Cosmic Horror Fairy Tail that's also a meditation and a comedy.

See, told you it'd be funny.

Or at least confusing.

Of course, since I find your confusion funny because I'm a bit of a troll, it's both.

Still, I think Aragon continues to show his stylistic strengths will call backs, humor, and repetition. The narrative also manages a neat trick where several phrases are used over and over again, and as time goes on, the meaning of the statements change given a new context. Some of the jokes and commentary sort of fell flat to me, but between the delivery and the fact that the story hits on a theme that's been important to my own experiences as a writer - yeah, I dug it.

So yeah, go read it.

Comments ( 1 )


Shame this story is so particular -- it makes it hard for people to review it without giving it away. As the author, I think describing it as "It's a fairy tale, where Flurry Heart is a little bit kidnapped, only much more stuff happens" is a way to go, but in all honesty, anything goes. Is it a commentary on fairy tales? A subversion? A celebration? Fuck if I know. All of them?

Metafictional Cosmic Horror Fairy Tail that's also a meditation and a comedy.

Eh. Fuck it. Works.

And if you think describing this in general terms is hard, try tagging it. Literally every goddamn tag in the website (aside from EQG, I guess) fit the story to a point, and I only went with Comedy/Drama because I guess I like pink and yellow.

All in all, thanks for the recommendation! Always nice to get these kind of things. Especially if you've been so busy lately -- double the honor, yo. Lotta work went into this story, so recognition is really valued.

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