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Editing Woes · 9:43am Sep 20th, 2016

Word of advice, folks: only edit when your head is clear.

No distractions. No multitasking. No skimming. If you don't start with a focused eye and steady hand, you might end up creating more errors than were there already, overworking your writing, or destroying subtlety where it functioned well. There's also a chance you'll find out that your writing had some things in it that were more personal than you realized, and you might not handle it well. It is definitely possible to receive an emotional sucker-punch from your own writing.

There's a reason why I jokingly quote "write drunk, edit sober." It's not just because Ernest Hemingway was a creepy old badass. It speaks to the idea that you shouldn't edit your work impaired or hurriedly. Don't do it flippantly. And don't do it half-assed.
If it's a fun silly piece (like a pony oneshit about inflatable dicks or something), whatever, no worries! An error here or there won't destroy your life. But if you have a piece that means something to you,that you claim to honestly care about, give it the time and effort it deserves, or it's going to grow up to be a pretty shitty progeny.

Anyway. Sleep well, when you do sleep.
Oh. Also, don't edit while sleep deprived.
Believe me, I know that one all too well.


Comments ( 9 )

I'm going out on a limb to say that you just finished proofreading something only to scroll back to the top and find a error in the first sentence again.

Something like that.


I feel you.
I actually just started my own fic now as a dare from rambling puppet and I've found that the first word is misspelled(along with just about every other one) and I'm having a hell of a time.

Hey, sometimes writing while you're in total chaos leads to some pretty cool stories! Editing though? Gotta be level.

Good advice, really.

Those are just few of the reasons why I don't do my job on this site unless explicitly asked.

I need to prepare my body and schedule in advance because I mostly read stories to alter my mood, distract myself, or just chill and have fun.

Also, giving editors a short deadline or a tight schedule is a bad idea because unless it's a professional job, they'll most likely do their job badly or sacrifice things in real life.

I don't mind you giving more of these pointers, AP.

We need more from a professional.



Also, giving editors a short deadline or a tight schedule is a bad idea because unless it's a professional job, they'll most likely do their job badly or sacrifice things in real life.

Thiiiiiiis. This this this.

And heh, thanks.

Editing with anything less than 5 hours sleep is so painful.

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