• Member Since 25th Jan, 2014
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Discorded SheepcityUSA

Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.

More Blog Posts466

  • 33 weeks
    TSSTP New Cover Art

    I had some artwork commissioned to serve as cover art for The Super Sneaky Thieving Pony, so if you've ever wanted to know what Slinky, Fluffy and Jade are properly meant to look like, here you go

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  • 36 weeks
    New Story: The Super Sneaky Thieving Pony

    Howdy, I'm alive lol

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  • 308 weeks
    New Story-"Bad Kitty"

    Through some recent leaks and rumors that MLP will be ending after season 9, it's looking very unlikely that we'll ever get a G4 representation of Catrina, which while I can't expect FIM to reboot every G1 character ever, it is disappointing. And it is rather weird to me that they're probably not going to do it especially after they made anthro cats canon with Capper in the MLP Movie. However,

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  • 337 weeks
    The Last Jedi

    Sooooo I'm confused on why so many people seem to hate this movie.

    Is it because it killed a ton of fan theories? And maybe Luke wasn't portrayed how the fanbase thought he would be?

    Something tells me that's it, but I don't really get it. I thought it was pretty good.

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  • 338 weeks
    Disney has bought Fox

    Soooooo yeah that happened. The X-Men are back where they belong now. Maybe they'll actually put Wolverine in the yellow suit this time. Maybe we'll finally get a good Fantastic Four movie too.

    Also does this mean Anastasia isn't a Disney ripoff anymore?:rainbowlaugh:

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The worst thing Youtube has ever done · 5:53pm Sep 1st, 2016

So it's no secret that Youtube has had its fair share of screw ups lately. False copyright claims, reaction videos being a thing that exist, fucking Keemstar still being here, etc. This however, is the biggest scumbag move I've ever seen come out of Youtube.

The just of what's happening is that Youtube has changed their rules yet again. And they're so vague and terribly composed that they could apply to anyone, which in the case of what happens when these rules are "broken" is actually terrifying. These new rules basically say if you do any of these things, your video will lose the ability to make money, you can't make money on that video anymore.

These bullshit rules include:

The video having any kind of sexual humor
Swearing or vulgar language
Intense violence
Talking about controversial topics.

Yeah that's right, you can't even SWEAR on Youtube anymore. And this whole thing doesn't just apply to newer videos, this applies to ALL videos, including videos made and uploaded before these rules were put into place. Meaning people like The Angry Video Game Nerd and Nostalgia Critic that make their living off of Youtube are going to essentially lose their source of income. Look like it or not, 99% of all the biggest Youtubers swear quite a bit in their current and previous videos. And they make their living off this stuff. These new rules are going to actually RUIN LIVES.

Youtube's ass-backwards reason for doing this is because they consider those above things not "advertiser friendly." Never mind that mature content has existed in places outside of Youtube for years and has made a ton of money. Yeah apparently they didn't want to take into account that the Deadpool movie exists and destroyed records. Yeah not advertiser friendly at all.

That's just the part of this that bothered me the most. The biggest thing is that a ton of people that have been known to criticize PC culture are taking the biggest hits with this mess. It's not like just silencing you by taking down your video, they take away any chance of you making money with your video and slowly try to discourage you from giving your honest opinion and make you scared to do it. Essentially what it's boiling down to is "You agree with the SJWs right fucking now or else you don't get to eat." It's blatant censorship. Yes I'm aware Youtube is allowed to do what they want on their platform, but that doesn't make it morally right at all.

The thing I don't understand is why would Youtube go out of their way to piss off everyone that makes them any kind of money. Because last I checked, Pewdiepie, the biggest Youtuber ever, swears a lot and uses sexual humor as well. So unless they're REALLY hypocritical, his videos are going to be demonetized too. The hell Youtube, I thought you LIKED getting money.

You want to know what the worst part is? Unless Youtube decides to get rid of this, Youtubers that make their living off Youtube are going to just have to take it. There is no real alternative to it, and I'm pretty sure nobody on the internet is willing to boycott Youtube.

This is without a doubt the most horrible thing I've ever seen come out of the website.

Comments ( 6 )

I honestly think they will change everything back. The amount of backlash they're getting on twitter and other places will make them see how much they fucked up.

Yeah, I saw a video of the ETC guys talking about it. Apparently "controversial topics" also includes politics, war, and natural disasters. So we can't even talk about the flooding in southeast America or North Korea, at all really or even just Trump. It's ridiculous. And yet that one guy can make a "prank video" where he makes some guy think he's been kidnapped and his friend shot, and that's just fine apparently.

Excuse me, what? no, no, seriously, what? What, what is this BULLSHIT, who thought this was a good idea, HOW DID THEY THINK THAT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA!? This isn't shooting yourself in the foot, this is shoving your legs down the barrel of a tank's main cannon and yelling "Fire!" I mean, I've seen a lot of stupid shit. But this. THIS. THIS, is quite simply the stupidest thing I have seen in a long fucking time. Youtube had best fix their shit and PRONTO.


Seems like they've always had this policy, they're just letting people know it exists only now.

4185963 The point is, they weren't doing this kind of crap before, but they are now, and it's still not right. I don't get the logic behind actively pissing off the people that are getting you money, it does nothing but hurt Youtube and its content creators in the long run.

Honestly I care more about the fact that someone can make a living doing Youtube than I care about a little pussy getting their feelings hurt over hearing the F word in a video. It's the internet, people are going to swear and junk, live with it.

There is a reason why they are doing this...
It's not just for those videos that you mention but they are trying to take away Free speech, real news and other ideals that the upcoming NWO does not wants them to have or think.

You see, Hillary is friends with those at Google. She wants hate speech and anything that is... Not of their ideals gone and block from the internet.

(Facebook & Twitter is the same to, it's happening slowly.)

I do hate it, because there are going to be a lot of YouTubers who we'll be in trouble all because of the globalists who want nothing more than to go after those against, even though the YouTubers that make a lifestyle out of the few laws that aren't against them. They probably won't care...

This is only the beginning, but right now by the end of the month on October 1st the U.N we'll be given are Internet by Obama.

It's happening slowly people, the New World Order is near!

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