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I participated in another exquisite corpse fic · 4:06am Sep 1st, 2016

Daring Do is seeking the underground City of the Talking Dogs. Maud Pie is hunting a talking dog who stole her sister's soul. Naturally, they cross paths and decide to team up.

A bewildering array of villains stand against them: Diamond Dogs, magma dinosaurs, gun-wielding apes, time travelers, an army of bat ponies and lizard ponies, a council of interdimensional evil, and a possessed crown. But those villains about to learn the hard way that no force on Earth—or under it—can stop the dynamic duo of Maud Pie and Daring Do.

This is gleefully stupid and even more incoherent than Insaneponyauthor's usual fare. It was incredibly fun to be a part of it. I got to write the second-to-last segment—that is, I got to write the climax for a story that I wasn't allowed to read.

There's something very liberating about banging out 3000 words in just a few days, and just not caring if the results are "good" or not.

Comments ( 2 )

How do I get in on one of these?

4185064 We organize these over at the Pony thread on the TV Tropes forum. As of right now, here's the latest page (because trying to read the entire backlog of the thread is a fool's errand): http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=13791229970A85311100&page=6474

We're always open to new participants, so if you just make an account and post to say you're interested, we'll work you in.

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