• Member Since 8th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 1st, 2023

The PatioHeater

I'm a writer for all sorts of things, pony or otherwise. Like what you read? Follow me on Patreon!

More Blog Posts84

  • 51 weeks
    Huh? Oh yeah! This website exists!

    Just browsing my laptop and found a bookmark for some random ass group on this site here. Turns out I completely forgot about this website entirely!

    Shocked to see activity on my stories, like comments and that, as recent as 2021. Mindblowing that!

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    0 comments · 63 views
  • 302 weeks
    My Little Rainbows 2 update

    I mean, like, if any of you will actually read this but whatever.

    I know I said I was going to update it all within a week of the first chapter being released, having most of the remaining chapters completed, but I noticed something important...

    They were shit.

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    0 comments · 260 views
  • 323 weeks

    If you didn't notice I actually posted an update to that story you care about!

    Whle that was an april fools joke it was accompanied by the release of the REWRITE!

    IT'S REAL!




    READ IT!


    0 comments · 255 views
  • 323 weeks
    Anyone have a spare room in manchester?

    I'm being kicked out my house because the landlord is selling the place.

    I need a place to stay until the end of august when I can move in with my friend.

    I'll pay some rent (£240 + whatever my share of bills would be is my maximum)

    I would appreciate any help but if not, that's cool. Just trying my luck.

    0 comments · 213 views
  • 372 weeks
    An update

    So, just a little update about things.

    I got a job! I'm now a Ramp Agent at the airport, which is mainly baggage loader to begin with but after the probation period I can be trained to drive all the little cars around, even push the planes! Also, THERE IS NO CUSTOMER INTERACTION! I can't tell you how happy I am about that. I really hate customers now. Just sick of them.

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Stage 1 of My Little Rainbows rewrite is COMPLETE! · 10:15pm Aug 28th, 2016

Yes, you read that write. After 4 years of inactivity The rewrite of My Little Rainbows is finally underway!

What have I done exactly? Well, let me tell you.

I have created 3 stages of planning and writing stories, imaginatively called Stage 1, 2 and 3.

Stage 1 is the foundation, 2 the detail and 3 actually writing the bloody thing! This allows me to get all my ideas out and lock them into place before writing it and then find the glaring problem with plot holes or the timeline.

So, with My Little Rainbows I'm doing it properly. If you read my first version of the story you can probably clearly see how I made up a lot of stuff on the spot, most notably with the introduction of Ticker, but not this time.

Now there is a plan. I created character bios for the characters that need them (the main characters mostly, just a little for secondary ones). The idea of this is to try and be more consistent with character traits and to, hopefully, not Mary Sue anyone, as well as character development so they can get over their problems and faults.
I have notes on the tone of each "act" of the story, what canon I'm accepting and what I'm not, because there is quite a lot of canon that has now ruined everything, so instead of incorporating it I'm just keeping with what I already have and only changing things that can be easily, otherwise it will take even longer to write.
And most importantly, a PLAN! All 20 years worth of story is planned in a chronology of what makes sense, spreading a roughly equal amount of story across them all! Character development! Introductions! Better versions and timings for things I added out of the blue.

20 years. 20 chapters. Hopefully each will reach at least 10,000 words, with notable exceptions when some chapters have a lot going on. Just you wait, you've got nearly 300,000 words of Rainbow Dash goodness soon to be made.

Please though, don't get too excited. It won't be done for a while as I want a significant amount written before I release anything.

If you'd like to support me, start following me, if you're not already, and wait a few days for me to launch my Patreon page! Hopefully to be luanched on the 1st, but who the hell knows for sure. But I will make a blog here for when that day comes.

I've also done this process for Back to Equestria II, if anyone is interested in that, as well.

By the way, I've got a new job now. I've moved back to my hometown of Spalding and was unemployed for a week, which was a nice little holiday, and now work for a local bakery/cafe.
Why is this relevant? Well, I finish no later than a bit after 4pm, not 8pm, at the latest and have sensibly timed shifts as well as EVERY sunday and monday OFF no matter what! I'm no longer in a constant state of either at work or waiting to go to work. I have definite days off which I can plan for in advance and devote days to stuff, like today with writing. I'm feeling better in mind and body. I can do stuff again.
I'm being creative again. I've missed it.
Never underestimate the stability of days off, that's my advice to you. Just knowing that you're day won't change at the drop of a hat unless YOU want it to is so good for you. Gives you control over your life which never should have gone in the first place. If you are stuck in a shitty customer service job that makes you feel like you don't have control and makes you not want to do the stuff you want to do find a job that doesn't. Just knowing you'll always be back in time for tea is good.
Don't get me wrong, working at Costa is a good first job, with higher than minimum wage, but I couldn't do it anymore. It broke me. I've not complained about my new job yet, and I don't think that will happen for a while yet.

I'm happy again. More or less.

Anyway, I've rambled on enough, I'll let you get on. Please talk to me about anything! Questions?! Concerns?! Hate your job?!
Anything! I would love to hear from my fans on any matters.

Goodnight everyone!

Comments ( 4 )

does this mean i get to inhale more shine?


That's right! Dash and Swirl may have more of the spotlight but Shine has more than she had in the previous version, which is good because I really liked her as a character and I never really got that across before.
Hopefully I can do her justice.

It's great to have you back :twilightsmile:
And you bear good news as well! Looking forward to see what you do with the rewrite :pinkiehappy:
And heh, indeed, never underestimate a steady schedule and days off. I used to have an unsteady schedule, but even though the pay was good, it just... sucked big time.
Anyway, back on topic, welcome back, and looking forward to what you'll come up with, whenever that is!


Thank you! It makes me happy to know that I still have fans that are looking forward to my work. That's a little more motivation to keep going.
Next stage is the detailed planning of each year, and once that's done I'll actually know what I'll be writing, which should make things easier.

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