• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen April 14th


I live in Colorado

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  • 231 weeks
    HL Maps

    The Earth Pony Village

    The Enchantress' Eternal Garden
    The Unicorns Hidden Valley.

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  • 233 weeks
    Ponies are Doomed to go Extinct.

    I have been thinking about this for a while ever since I saw the last episode of MLP and I have not seen anyone mention the problem I noticed, so I decided to post on it.

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  • 245 weeks
    A little side project to clear my head.

    To break up the monotony of working every day on Herd Life, I jumped on a little project to help clear my head. Please check out my latest one shot short stories, The Lonely Widow, The Lonely Widow.

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  • 260 weeks
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  • 293 weeks

    Peers is busy right now and I am in need of a temp editor. Anyone up for the job? Familiarity with Google Doc a plus.

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Train Ride Meeting. Background Ponies. · 1:31am Aug 27th, 2016

I have been thinking. I have about 50K words of ruff draft that I am not using since I altered the main tract of my story, The Secret Life of Background Ponies-(SLBP). And I thought that it was a wast to just throw them away. So as a treat I thought to put in little bits of them into the blog to let you all see how the first draft was and how different it has become.

This was in my old Chapter 5. It was to be Caramel and Golden's first real meeting together. It takes place on the train ride from Fillydelphia after Caramel's sister dies leaving Cinnamon in his care. I'm not including the entire chapter, just a part of it.

Remember this is a ruff draft, there are going to be many typo's and errors, and at times not make much since. If you all enjoy this little peek at a old draft, I have many more I can post at times to keep this up. Thanks, and enjoy.


Making a quick breakfast for himself, Caramel quickly scarfed it down, before tucking Cinnamon safely into her carrier. Caramel double checked if he had forgotten anything. Finding nothing more, he set off for the hospital.

His time at the hospital was short. He talked with Dr. Kind again, and signed a bunch of papers. As he was leaving, nurse Soft Touch stopped him to have a few words. She congratulated him for making it though the night, and gave him some helpful tips, which Caramel wrote down so he wouldn't forget.

Finishing at the hospital, Caramel grabbed a quick bite before boarding a late morning train heading back to Ponyville. Entering the train car Caramel found an empty seat near the front. Draping the quilt that Fudge had made onto the bench, Caramel set Cinnamon down onto it, before pulling off his pack and storing it next to the bench.

Grabbing one of the foal care books, Caramel laid out onto the bench seat, setting himself down onto his stomach and wrapped his hooves around Cinnamon and hugged her to his chest. Setting the book down, Caramel flipped it open and began reading. As he read Caramel lowered his head down and absently rubbed his soft muzzle up and down Cinnamon's back, who was very much enjoying it as she stretched herself out under his caresses and relished every moment of it.

Caramel never noticed a pare of green eyes that had been watching him with interest ever since he boarded the train.

The trip back to Ponyville was long, and Caramel worried that he might not have made enough pre prepared bottles for the trip. Sitting up on his bench Caramel rocked Cinnamon trying to calm her. Her little face was scrunched up and she wailed and cried. "Come on sweetheart, what's wrong? You were doing so well." Caramel asked the filly as she squirmed in his grasp.

Passengers were looking at him in annoyance, as he attempted to calm the fussy foal. The discomfort on Cinnamon's face grew, until the cause became apparent, as Caramel heard and felt her let loose with a loud flatulent sound as she filled her diaper. Soon the car filled with a foul odor, which drove the complaining passengers to move farther back, as they covered their mouths to try to stifle the offending smell.

"Wow, that is a bad one." Caramel said to Cinnamon, as he ignored the looks the passengers where giving him. Reaching down with his free hoof, Caramel snagged a changing blanket and set it out over the quilt. Laying Cinnamon out onto it, Caramel paused to prepared himself for what he was about to do. He knew he was going to regret it but it still had to be done, he undid her diaper and opened it.

The foul smell exploded out like a weapon of mass destruction and soon there was a mass exodus of complaining passengers out of the train car into the next, as the foul miasma filled the air. "Oh my! You sure outdid yourself this time!" Caramel said as he contemplated the fully loaded diaper. The smell was gag inducing.

Cinnamon's rear was a caked mess of feces, and much to his disappointment, he saw that it had also gotten into her pretty tail. Caramel had his work cut out for him, as he began to wipe at the mess. If only the train had a shower then this would be so much easier, he thought to himself. After a lot of hard and very messy work, Caramel managed to clean up the filly's backside and tail, before stuffing the offending materials into a baggy he had brought for just this reason. For a moment, Caramel eyed the train window, as he considered tossing the poo bomb out, but quickly dropped the idea as he thought about some hapless pony that might be walking beside the tracks just then, and what the baggy of biological badness might do to such a pony. Opening his pack, Caramel stuffed the baggy with the soiled diaper as far down as he could and sealed it shut. Letting out a sigh of relief.

"There all better!" Caramel said to Cinnamon in a goofy voice, as he picked her back up. "You know if you keep that up, they are going to arrest me for assault with a deadly weapon, and you don't want that do you?" He asked the filly in his most goofy voice, before planting a big kiss to the side of her muzzle.

Laying her back down, Caramel settled himself around her again and gently rubbed her belly. Setting his head down, he snuggled it up next to her so that he would feel her against the side of his face. He smiled when he felt Cinnamon roll over and cuddle herself to him. Drowsily he shut his eyes, and with the comforting feeling of Cinnamon's hot breath against his cheek, Caramel fell asleep.

She had watched him. When all the passengers had fled from the stink of the diaper, she had remained in her seat, in the far back of the train car. She knew him, having seen him as he worked at the Farmers Bounty. Even talked with him, a few times. She had always thought that he was cute, but ever since she saw him board the train, she couldn't keep her eyes off of him. Caramel hadn't noticed her when he walked by her, and she almost called out to him when she saw him, but then she saw that he had a foal.

Seeing him with a foal had surprised her. Caramel never seemed like the kind who would fool around, and she knew from the times she had talked with Lilly, that he wasn't marred, or even seeing anypony since he had broken up with Sassaflash. But as she looked at the little filly, there was no denying the resemblance. But who was the mother? And why was he traveling alone with the filly?

She had tried to ignore him, and look out the window, but her eye's kept wandering back to him. There was something about him. He was cute before in a youthful sort of way, but now as she watched him, she found that he looked rather handsome. Shaking her head, she tried to put her thoughts of him aside. It was obvious that he had a mare in his life now, why else would he have a foal now.

The longer she had watched him, the more she had become aware that he had a sad look about him. That's strange she had thought, why didn't he look happy? Normally a new father would be happy, but as she looked at Caramel she saw that he looked melancholy. His doleful expression remained even when he had propped the filly on his forehooves and played with her by bumping his snoot to hers and nibbling her belly, causing her to burble and squirm under his playful attacks.

Something had happened to him, she had thought. Something that hurt him badly, and he was in pain, and by the dark rings around his eyes, it also looked like he hadn't gotten much sleep ether. Several times she almost got up to talk to him, but something kept holding her back, a kind of scared nervousness. Like if she approached him she would be intruding into some personal pain of his, where she may not be welcomed.

And now they were alone, as all the other passengers had fled to the other cars. He still hadn't noticed her sitting in the back as he worked on cleaning the filly. So focused was he on the task that it was quite amusing. For the entire time they had been on the train, he had been so diligent in caring for the foal. If ever the filly complained or moved, he was there fussing over her until she was happy again. Such a good father.

After he had finished changing the little filly's diaper, Caramel had settled himself down with the filly and went to sleep. Seeing the little filly snuggle up to the side of Caramels head, made her heart flutter. That was just too adorable, and she had to bite her lower lit to keep from squealing at the sight.

After a time, the filly came awake again, and started to mewl. The mare noticed that Caramel didn't respond to the foal's cry's, and wondered if she should do something. After seeing the crying foal begin to squirm and kick futility in the air at being ignored, did she decide to do something.

Standing, she walked down the car, and stepping up to his side. She nudged him with her hoof. "Caramel?"

The only response she got from him, was a rather loud snore. Wow. She thought. He is really out of it. Looking down at the filly, she wondered what she should do now. Glancing to the side she saw his saddlebag, again she nibbled at her lower lip, thinking.

As he slowly came awake, Caramel became aware of a pleasant voice that gently hummed a melody nearby. As he listened to the melodious tune, he wondered if he was still dreaming. As he laid there listing, Caramel became aware that he could not feel Cinnamon against his head anymore. His eyes shot open in alarm and he looked down where she should have been, and finding her missing.

Snapping his head around Caramel searched around the train car, and saw a pretty young mare, sitting on a bench next to him. Cradled in her hooves was Cinnamon, who was happily suckling from a bottle that the mare was holding to her. It took a moment for him to recognize the light pale earth pony, as he was completely surprised to see her here. Golden Harvest stopped humming her lullaby, as she lifted her pretty green eyes from Cinnamon, to Caramel.

Caramel almost lost himself to her green eyes, but quickly regained his senses, as he forced himself to blink. "Ah... hello." He greeted the pretty foalnapper.

Golden Harvest flashed him an embarrassed smile. "Hi, um... I hope you don't mind. She woke up and became fussy, and I tried to wake you but you were pretty out of it. So... I just thought that I would help out, and I... You know what, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this. I wasn't thinking and I just acted. I'm sorry." She became a bit flustered as she spoke, looking quite embarrassed.

Quickly Caramel sat up and turned to her. "No, no It's okay. She kept me up most of last night and I am a bit exhausted." Caramel assured the mare. "In fact, I think I would like to thank you. It was very kind of you to do this." Caramel broke off and found himself staring at her and her beautiful green eyes again. Feeling like he was a colt who had just met a pretty filly for the first time.

Golden Harvest nibbled on her lip for a moment. "Are you sure it's okay with you?" She asked dubiously. "I did just foalnap your little filly."

Caramel waved his hoof dismissively. "It's fine. We know each other, and I know your a nice mare, and Lilly like's you a lot. She keeps hounding me to ask you out." Caramel inwardly cringed. He couldn't believe that he had just told her that.

Golden nibbled on her lip, and flushed as she glanced down at Cinnamon. "So... since I am apparently in the foalnapping business. Might I know the name of this wonderfully adorable little filly I have foalnapped?"

Caramel recovered from his unintended admission. "That little bundle of princess fart's is Cinnamon."

"Cinnamon. What a beautiful name." Golden said to the filly, before looking back up at Caramel. "You have a delightful daughter."

Caramel scratched his head as he thought of how to respond. "I ah... well you see... ah, thank you. She is very much a delight, but ah, you see... I'm not technically her father."

Golden cocked her head, and looked at him inquiringly. "She's not? But the resemblance. She looks a lot like you."

"Well we are related. I'm her uncle you see." Caramel explained. "Cinnamon no longer has a mother. She died during childbirth."

Golden's face fell. "Oh, that is so sad." She said sorrowfully. "So, what's going to happen to her? Are you taking her to her father, or something?"

Standing, Caramel moved over and sat next to Golden. Lifting his hoof, Caramel brushed back a lock of Cinnamon's forelock. "I'm the only family she has now." Caramel said softly before looking up and meeting Golden's green eyes. "I'm taking her home, and I'm going to raise her myself."

Golden seemed taken aback by his answer. She stared at him for a time, as if seeing him for the first time. Caramel felt like he was being examined carefully as her eyes took on a strange intensity. "You, a stallion. Are going to take in a foal and raise her all alone?" She sounded incredulous, like this was something she never expected a stallion would be willing to do.

Caramel shifted himself in his seat, feeling slightly insulted that she seemed to doubt him. He gave her a nod. "Yeah, I am. I was scared at first. I didn't know the first thing about taking care of a foal. It's a lot of hard work, and I had to learn a lot of things really quickly. Even now I am still scared out of my mind, and I worry about so many things, like what if she stops breathing, or what if I drop her, and whether she is eating too little or too much." Caramel took a breath and let out a in a sigh. "Even knowing all this, I am still going to be there for her. That little filly needs me and I am not going to let her down."

Golden's eyes softened, and somehow became deeper, threatening to drown him as he looked into them. "Would you mind turning your head to the side for me?" She asked sweetly.

Caramel wondered why she wanted him to turn his head. But he didn't see why he shouldn't do as she asked. "Ah, sure. Like this?" Caramel said as he turned his head to the side. Suddenly and much to his surprise he felt her soft lips gently touch his turned cheek, as she gave him a kiss. Blushed furiously, Caramel quickly looked back at Golden, who he saw was also blushing. "What was that for?" He asked her, as he savored the memory of her soft lips, as they touched his cheek.

Golden gazed down at Cinnamon for a moment before looking back up, as she nibbled her lip. Caramel found it adorable when she did that. "That was for being such an amazing stallion."

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