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  • Wednesday

    I have an excuse for not being able to aim straight.

    1 comments · 59 views
  • Wednesday
    Will try and get an update or two out soon, but...

    ...These next two weeks at work are going to be stressful as hell.

    I just have to say one thing, just to get it off my chest.

    If any of my readers are private health inspectors with standards higher than local laws, I just have this to say:

    That is all.

    Good night.

    7 comments · 90 views
  • 6 days
    Tell Your Tale: P + P = BFFs

    This week, we've got a... Somewhat touching Posey episode?

    Think this would benefit from a longer runtime. I also laughed harder than necessary at Izzy in the very beginning.

    16 comments · 152 views
  • 1 week
    Starting to brainstorm for Extra Life 2024.

    Hey there, folks.

    Read More

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  • 2 weeks
    Believe it or not, I actually got some chores done today.

    And that's saying something, because if Diablo IV was this good at any point last year, it would have definitely been near the top of my Best Games of 2023. You know, instead of being omitted entirely.

    So let's just say that Armored Core VI absolutely just got smacked out of the running for Best Yesteryear Game.

    4 comments · 79 views

No. No. NO. NO! · 10:18am Aug 5th, 2016

How can it possibly be legal to put that many feels into a single figurine?!?

(Prototype of the Jeri & Leomon G.E.M.S. figure coming later this year.)

Comments ( 20 )

Hopefully that gets coloured

4132937 Final version will be. You'll notice the Rika / Renamon figures at the bottom fully painted

is that Leomon and um... I forgot the girl's name! :facehoof:

4132995 ...Jeri? It's right there typed out below the image. :/

Poor Jeri, she's like the poster child for woobie Digidestined/Chosen. Sure she got her happy ending, mostly, but she's also the only human in the franchise (up to Data Squad anyway, as far as I know) to permanently lose their partner...

4133147 Exactly why Tamers was so powerful, IMHO.

Oh GOD yes. It's one of the reasons why Tamers is still probably my favorite incarnation of the show. It just...sucks to be her.

...Really I'd love to see a post-Locomon follow up to Tamers some time.

4133195 Actually, I discovered, just this past week, that Runaway Locomon is not canon. Neither is Battle of Adventurers (which is insanely hard to place in the timeline of events as is).

So canon-wise, it really does end with Takato staring joyfully at the portal, leaving the ending hopeful but ambiguous.

Personally I see the movies as canon if you want them to be canon, and since Runaway Locomon shows that the kids did get the digimon back, I prefer to think of it as such. After all, why should Adventure get all the fun with having explicitly canon movies? Not like they don't have a hard to place one too.

4133216 I wish they could get the english cast to record Message in a Packet. That'd be a bundle of feels.

And when it comes to wishful thinking such as Digimon Tamers Twice:


I often wonder how much of the cast could return for older versions of their characters. I haven't heard Brian Beacock anywhere else, so I don't know if he could do an older Takato.

And I'm sorry, but I really, really want a Takato-Jeri-Rika love triangle subplot to be resolved. I really don't like how much Jurato was pushed as the season's OTP.

I've read the transcript for MiaP. It was beautiful. And unfortunately I wouldn't hold out hope for getting the band back together, even if they do a Tamers follow-up like Tri, because looking at a supposed partial cast list for the upcomming Tri dub, they've already changed the kids' VAs. Granted, it seems like JUST The kids, and they are a lot older in Tri.

...Also I admit to only having limited knowledge of Tri, but they're not leaving out the other main 02 kids, are they?

4133247 ...Holy crap...

I may have found somewhat compelling evidence that Tamers 02 is coming...

4133147 Not just that, but she's a HARSH reminder that these are CHILDREN being forced to battle for their very lives. While it might not get to the grimdark level of Gundam, the 'Chosen Ones' are still VERY MUCH child soldiers. And worse, their 'weapons' are fully sentient, free-willed partners, closer to them than perhaps anyone else will ever get. 'Weapons' that will give everything, even their very lives, to save their partners.

On top of that, barring the occasional 'cosmic horror' like the D-Reaper, most of what they are fighting are simply other fully sentient, free-willed creatures just doing what they need to do to survive. Given what we know of the series, I can't recall there being an actual EVIL Digimon in Tamers, unlike the Dark Masters, Devimon, or Myotismon in Adventure 1 & 2. Beelzemon is honestly the closest to being such, and even then he's more misguided & drunk on power. The latter of which all three of the main human characters are guilty of at one point or another.

Which just makes the Child Soldiers of the 'Digidestined' even sadder. They're not fighting to protect their world, or because they were forced to by someone in authority. They're fighting a war because those who have the actual answers either don't want to talk (The Sovereigns) or are actively concealing the truth (The Adults). It's a clear case of Poor Communication Kills. And the victims are not the ones the die, but the who survive children.


It's actually brought up in Tri, the whole 'child soldiers' bit, now that 15 years have passed. Not in so many words, but more "why us? why do we have to be the ones to fight?"


Correct me if I'm wrong, but in Tamers, wasn't this already addressed? Because they wished for it? Because as children, they have the imagination, heart, and belief necessary?

4134979 Wait, come to think of it, wasn't that also revealed in Adventure? Because they were the ones who saw Parrotmon and Greymon fight in Highton View Terrace?


While the child soldiers part may be a bit more excusable given that "We're the only ones that can.", the fact remains that 90% of the fighting in Tamers, IE everything involving The Sovereign and their agents (like the Deva), was NOT needed. It was caused directly by the Digimon refusing to talk, and The Adults actively lying/covering up the truth.

4135139 Yes, was revealed during the search for the eighth child in the real world.




I was speaking specifically for Tri's variant with regard to 01/02's events. The answer given in Tri amounts to "who else can do it? Being forced into it is terrible, but it's better than the alternatives."

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