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Jesse Coffey

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Fact Check: ''21-Year-Old Girl Lives as a Baby'' · 10:43pm Aug 2nd, 2016

Barcroft TV's video, ''Living As An Adult Baby: EXTREME LOVE'', has polarized the entire world with over 3 thousand dislikes compared with over the same amount of likes. Let's look at this commentary on that video:


Paul Joseph Watson: So it's not a sexual thing, but the official terms for what you get up to are Daddy Dominant/Little Girl, adult baby diaper lover, and age-play, all subsects of BDSM . . . Yep, nothing sexual about that.

VERDICT: Somewhat true.
REASON: Physical contact is not necessary for the first term; it can be conducted anonymously over the telephone, email, or other messaging systems. Also, while the second term might refer to having masochistic, coercive, punishing or humiliating experiences, the 21-year-old didn't seem to have had any of those. The third term refers to a form of roleplaying in which an individual acts or treats another as if they were a different age, sexually or non-sexually. The interpretation of the third term in the original video is non-sexual.


Paul Joseph Watson: Remember this middle-aged freak who abandoned his wife and seven kids to live as a six-year-old girl. You may laugh, but many on the left celebrated Stefonknee Wolscht as a brave icon for the transgender community.

ON THE OTHER HAND: Many on the right celebrated Stefonknee Wolscht as a very harmful pedophile and threatened her life. The stress got so bad she was even sent to the hospital for this!


Paul Joseph Watson: Remember Todd Nickerson, the wannabe child molester who has a regular platform with Salon.com. . . .

VERDICT: Somewhat true.
ON THE OTHER HAND: Pedophilia is generally not considered a good thing by anybody, whether they're on the left or right. I'm choosing to skip over the rest of Mr. Watson's commentary because it's simply a statement claiming that pedophilia and child molestation are something progressives and the left are willing to accept and appreciate, even though there is almost no real evidence to suggest that.
IN FACT: In April, 1994, President Bill Clinton signed into law a bill to withhold US$119 million in UN contributions until he could certify that no agency within the United Nations grants any official status to organizations that condoned pedophilia.

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