• Member Since 30th Aug, 2015
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Lighttone GryphonStar

I write stories because I enjoy them. I want to do better and am willing to take any advice to improve.

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  • Wednesday
    Hoodwinked Returns A Massive Moment

    Yes. Hoodwinked: Pony Edition has truly returned with a brand new chapter at the center of everything. All the clues have been gathered together. Blueblood reveals details both hidden and in plain sight as he slowly reveals WHO THE TRUE SUSPECT REALLY?!

    THoodwinked: The Pony Edition
    You know the story or Little Red Riding Hood, now see it like you never had before, with ponies.
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  • Monday
    Saffron is searching for answers continues

    The brand new side story to the SWWC series continues with it's first proper clop scene. Saffron has to get information from Burnt Oak while keeping him very happy. Some kinky old man stuff is going to happen in this one.

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  • 1 week
    Saffron is searching for answers on what happened to Canterlot

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  • 1 week
    June Schedule - Hoodwinked Returns - SWWC Season Finale - Three New Clops - Where Is Everypony?

    Hello, everypony. Enjoying Pride Month! I did plan to have a gay fic come out this month but after the utter chaos that was May I've decided to trim back on some clops. Not to say its over, but outside of finishing Sleeping Dragon and posting a holiday piece, the only other clop you are getting is another side story of SWWC.

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  • 2 weeks
    Sleeping Dragon Sequel

    Yes, as revealed at the start of this month, at the end of this month, I've brought back Sleeping Dragon for another story. This time, Coco and Sassy how to watch Spike... and not sscrew him. Sorry if I can't say anymore. I currently have a massive headache.

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For the fans of the Twilily Saga. · 5:47am Jul 20th, 2016

I thought I would post this for the fans of the Twilily Saga and sagas to come in this series.

Types Of magics and how they work.

Oh one last thing. Spoilers maybe ahead.

In the worlds, and timelines of the Twilily Saga, there is many different forms of magic. Aside from the unicorn, pegasus, earth pony and alicorn, there is also elemental base magic. In all there are eight, Fire, Ice, Crystal, Sound, Light, Dark, Chaos, Harmony.

Let's start with fire magic. Fire magic is a heat base form of magic. It allows the user to control and summon fire in the forms of spells. However if one is strong enough in this form they can control and summon it at will. Think of it like fire bending from Avatar.

Moves that can be used are Fire Wheel, Fire Storm, Fire Wave, Fire Blast, and Fire Blade. Plus it can be combined with language of the light to create new moves.

Next is ice magic. Ice magic is a cold base form of magic. It allows the user to control and summon ice in the form of spells. However if one is strong enough in this form, they can control and summon it at will. Think of it like Subzero, from Mortal Kombat.

Move that can be used are Ice Wall, Ice Storm, Ice Wave, Ice Blast, and Ice Clone. Plus it can be combine with the language of the dark to create new moves.

Crystal magic isn't really that different from the show. it allows the user to control and summon crystal in the form of spells. However if one is strong enough in this form, they can control and summon it at will.

Moves that can be used are Crystal Wall, Crystal Shards, Crystal Wave, and Crystal Swords. Unlike fire and ice magic, crystal magic can actually be combined with either the language of the light or the dark. It can even be combine with sound magic in small forms. This makes it the most versatile. The drawback it that it is not as strong in the combined state then the fire and ice are.

Next of up is sound magic. Sound magic allows the user to control and summon amplified sound in the form of spells. However if one is strong enough in this form, they can control and summon it at will. Think of the Sirens from EG 2. What they were using was sound magic.

Moves that can be used are, Sound Wall, Silents, Hypnosis. Sound Wave, Sound Scream, Echo Sound, Sound Change. and Sound Break. Though sound magic has the most based moves, it can not be combine with anything except small forms of crystal magic.

Light magic though stronger then the previous ones, require the user the have at least some knowledge of the language of the light. The language of the light was written by the light alicorns. It can only be understood by a creature of their bloodline. This doesn't not mean the user has to be a light alicorn. All they need it to simple have the blood flowing through them, possible from an ancestor.

Light magic allows the user to control and summon condensed light in the form of spells. However if one is strong enough in this form, they can control and summon it at will.

Moves that can be used are, Light Screen, Light Wave, Light Beam, Light Speed Dash, and Sonic Rainboom. As said before fire and crystal magic can be combined with it to create new spells. Light magic can also be combined with weapons to achieve other spells.

Light magic in it's strongest form can also bend time.

Dark magic is very much similar to light magic. it stronger then fire, ice, crystal, and sound, but require the user the have at least some knowledge of the language of the dark. The language of the dark was written by the dark alicorns. It can only be understood by a creature of their bloodline. This doesn't not mean the user has to be a dark alicorn. All they need it to simple have the blood flowing through them, possible from an ancestor.

Dark magic allows the user to control and summon condensed darkness in the form of spells. However if one is strong enough in this form, they can control and summon it at will.

Moves that be used are, Dark Wall, Dark Wave, Dark Beam, Dark Hold and Dark Rainboom. As said before ice and crystal magic can be combined with it to create new spells. Dark magic can also be combined with weapons to achieve other spells.

Dark Magic in it's strongest form can also bend space.

Another form both light and dark magic can do are the Glare, and The Great Hand.

The light magic version of the Glare, allows the user to trap an opponent in a bubble of time. Once done, the user can bend that bubble to their will. The dark magic version on the Glare, allows the user to trap an opponent in a bubble of space. Once done, the user can bend the bubble to their will.

Using certain key words, the user can alter the bubble's form. For the light, the words are stop, slow, forward and reverse. For the dark, the words are float, bow, fall and break, There also a final word for each only to be used at absolute dire situations. For light it is end, this push time to point ahead of when something has already happen, the problem being it is very hard for the user to control how far forward or backward the bubble goes through time. For the dark, it is condense, this condense the bubble into a small point, the problem being it is very hard for the user stop the rate of condensing once it has been started.

Next up is the Great Hand spell. Known as the finale spell, this condenses all the user magic into a giant laser. Depending on how much light of dark magic the user has will determine the size of the laser. The major problems with this spell is once it's done, it zaps the user of all their magic. Plus if both versions of the spell, the Great Hand of the Light and the Great Hand of the Dark, were to make contact, time and space would twisted like putty at the center. Possibly ending with the creation of a black hole.

Harmony and chaos magic are much simpler to explain, yet are the strongest of all. Harmony magic gives the user the ability to control and bend nature to their will. Chaos magic is the reverse to that.

Creature of this world cannot inherently control harmony magic and chaos magic. For harmony magic, they have to be bless with this ability. For chaos magic, they have to be cursed with this ability.

However, certain stones and gems can give user the power to access a small amount of theses magic. In the end one must be able to wield all the Elements of Harmony, to access harmony magic to it's full power. As for chaos magic, one needs to be a being a pure chaos to access it's full power.

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