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Zef just got out of a showing of Ghostbusters. This is what he had to say. · 12:51am Jul 16th, 2016

Zef: Out of the theater, on my way to the subway
Moth: What's the verdict?
Zef: Ghostbusters was FUN :D
Moth: Heh
Moth: So the trailers were just really badly cut?
Zef: Gonna see it again tomorrow
Zef: Yes
Zef: And the cgi in the film is much better

So there you have it. Good movie, bad trailers.

I'll watch it when it hits On Demand later this year. (Still need to watch Zootopia and Deadpool... T_T)

Report MythrilMoth · 684 views · #ghostbusters
Comments ( 25 )

I'll still pass. I can't stand this SNL crowd that are infesting movies these days

(Still need to watch Zootopia and Deadpool... T_T)

Same here... :fluttershyouch:

its nice that its bad trailers good movie...usually its the other way around

That's good news. My dad and I are going to see it tomorrow.

Fun fact: The guy that kept Deadpool from being made since X-men Origins Wolverine is now in charge of Sony. If the source is correct anyway.

Anyway I will see the movie..... When it comes out on DVD via RedBox. Too much stigmata attached to it for me to pay more than two bucks on it.

I'd recommend seeing Deadpool before Zootopia.
While the latter is a great movie, and easily the best movie made by Disney, I enjoy the former a lot more.
Plus Deadpool is the first R-rated movie I've ever seen in theaters (and maybe overall, but I don't remember), so it holds a special place in my heart.

4094802 Or you know, I could just watch whichever one I'm in the mood for when I'm ready to watch one or the other, because they're on completely different ends of the genre and mood pole. :twilightsmile:

From what I've gathered (from various reviews, both positive and negative) the movie is hit and miss.

It seems like there's equal part in good things and dumb things. Not something I'd watch in theaters, but it might be worth a rental.

Definitely not worth the controversy and much MUCH better than Jem and the Holograms.


4094537 Wait, but... the original... The original was all SNL.

And SNL actors have always been in films. It's not a recent thing :rainbowhuh: Heck, one of my favorite movies stars an SNL mainstay.

4094855 No movie is perfect, of course, and comedy is the most subjective theme in entertainment. And even then, there's plenty of jokes that fall flat, the spoken comedy is more "quippy" than clever, and the homages to the original are... a bit cringey (it really should've skipped them, because it's much better when it does its own thing.) There's also some weird editing going on during the second act.

It's also certainly a LOT glitzier and action-oriented than the original, informed by what's popular in the better kind of superhero movies these days. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing -- like I said, the film is at its strongest when it defines itself as something new rather than a retread. But I found the characters much more relatable than the guys from '84, and they have excellent chemistry. Even the third-act parts that were disastrously spoiled by the trailers manage to work within context, and work well.

I love Ghostbusters. I grew up wearing out the original film's tape, watching the cartoon, and wishing I could have at least one action figure. I didn't even remember it until a phone call to my folks, but apparently I even built my own proton pack at nine years old. I don't want to oversell or hype the new movie beyond its actual merits (again, it's a VERY subjective appreciation) but, after spending the last few months increasingly concerned over the terrible, terrible trailers, I went into the theater with trepidation and came out wishing I could have the sequel RIGHT NOW.

As for Jem and the Holograms... THAT movie was a worse-than-direct-to-video trainwreck that had less than zero to do with the original franchise's premise. It deserved to bomb to hell and back, but it shouldn't have dragged down the franchise with it :/

A few more thoughts about GB '16 here.

4094847 That would also work.
And that is true.
I was just recommending the order based off of my experiences with one of them.

I've heard reviews all over the place.

Still not going to see it, since the things the reviews point as being bad are sure to annoy me to hell and back. That would be like watching Citizen Kane but only if I have to shove a needle into my leg every two minutes.

Nice to hear the trailers are awful, but the movie itself is good.
Deadpool was a funny movie, just saying.:twilightsheepish:

DrakyC did say "this" SNL crowd.

Anyways, I'm not going to go see it because :
A. I don't like the director.
B. I don't like the actors.
C. I don't like that it's a reboot.
D. I feel like the director went into this with an agenda.

Yeah, well I'm not gonna see it. Mainly because the director insulted us.

4094936 I mean the modern guys. Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Melissa McCarthy, Kirsteen Wiig, and directors like Paul Feig and Judd Apatow. I just don't find their movies funny.

4095319 Yeah, what we all have to remember is that humor is subjective. Personally, I found the 80s and 90s casts of SNL to be far more talented than the current generation, which is why I don't really watch SNL anymore. And even the 90s SNL cast could not necessarily carry feature films--Mike Myers is VERY hit or miss, Dana Carvey simply cannot carry a lead outside of stand-up comedy, and Will Ferrell is intolerable in anything but a supporting role unless he's being the unfunny. Most Will Ferrell movies are pure garbage. I can only stand him in roles like The LEGO Movie. That's the only kind of thing he does well, in my opinion.

In MY opinion.

And therein lies the thing. Everyone has a different opinion when it comes to actors and comedy. I personally can't stand even two minutes of The Big Bang Theory. Zef never misses it if he can help it. I personally think Rat Race is the funniest movie ever made. A lot of people would not agree with that opinion.

What it all comes down to is personal taste and personal opinion. The current SNL gang is not everybody's cup of tea, and it's understandable to want to pass up on a movie they're in because they're in it. :twilightsmile:


4095162 I don't feel the movie was the result of an agenda, but there ARE a couple minor reactions to the misogynist drivel that popped up before we knew even one thing about the film. It doesn't dwell on them beyond a quick gag, and they fit in naturally within the script.

4095179 Link? Who did he insult?

They made it a policy to present anyone with a negative opinion as sexist creeps. Sony deleted constructive criticism and left the bullsh*t in place, people around the production mocked critics as friendless basement dwellers (here, here, for example), completely ignored any female critics, when James Rolfe (Angry Videogame Nerd) calmly refused to see the movie for reasons that had nothing to do with it starring four women he was attacked by people like Patton Oswalt (who's gushing with praise for the film) and the likes who ultimately dragged Rolfe's wife into it (calling her a golddigger because nobody could marry such a 'loser' for anything but money), and Paul Feig said Geek culture is home to some of the biggest assholes he's ever met in my life, though he walked it back by saying it was from a year ago and had nothing to do with Ghostbusters.

He did also tell people on Twitter to go f*ck themselves.

That's on top of every male character being an asshole idiot and them shooting the Big Bad in the dick.

Zef #20 · Jul 16th, 2016 · · 1 ·


They made it a policy to present anyone with a negative opinion as sexist creeps

Who are you referring to by "they"? Many people have admitted that there IS room for sincere negative criticism of the film, but that it is difficult to express it because it gets swept up among the much less sincere (and considerably louder and more prevalent) backlash against the female leads. In other words, there could've been honest discussion about the film's merits and flaws, but the creeps ruined it for everyone.

Sony deleted constructive criticism and left the bullsh*t in place,

That's difficult to prove since, well, the comments were presumably deleted, but I'll take your word for it. In which case, I'd blame Sony, not the director or the cast or even the producers, for taking advantage of the controversy (much like all those "Banned in [country x]!" games and movies have done.)

people around the production mocked critics as friendless basement dwellers (here, here, for example),

"Mocked critics" is a generalization, whether unfortunately or deliberately created by the word choice in those headlines, but I thought it was pretty clear from McCarthy's words that she was referring to the people who were lambasting the film for having female leads before even the first trailer was out.

Having watched a few of those online rants myself, I have to agree with her stance.

completely ignored any female critics

Which critics, and in what way were they ignored? Again, considering that the movie didn't get pre-screenings until last week, so it would've been hard to HAVE criticisms of the movie until now.

when James Rolfe (Angry Videogame Nerd) calmly refused to see the movie for reasons that had nothing to do with it starring four women he was attacked by people like Patton Oswalt (who's gushing with praise for the film)

Then that's Patton Oswalt's problem, not the movie's. I'm a fan of Rolfe too, and I think he's being quite sincere about his reasons (I hate Devin Faraci, a formerly favorite critic, for piling up on him and siccing his own fans on Rolfe with all the gusto of a GamerGater; hipocrisy ahoy!) but I did cringe a bit at the terrible timing of his announcement, and that he felt the need to publicly make the announcement in the first place during the apogee of the sexist backlash. Given he's very much divorced from online life other than his channel, it's likely he's not very aware of the controversy; but his partner definitely knows, and should have known better.

and the likes who ultimately dragged Rolfe's wife into it (calling her a golddigger because nobody could marry such a 'loser' for anything but money)

That's absolutely deplorable, and I would join in condemning those people. Still doesn't say anything about the film's creative team, just the extremists who are too blinded by their own culture war to realize they themselves are doing what they accuse the trolls and misogynists of doing.

and Paul Feig said Geek culture is home to some of the biggest assholes he's ever met in my life, though he walked it back by saying it was from a year ago and had nothing to do with Ghostbusters.

And he is absolutely, 100% right. Having seen what other nerds, geeks, and fans have done in their respective communities, it's impossible to deny this. Video games (Gamergate), literature (Sad Puppies), film (well... this), every medium has fans with such limited perspective, such a high degree of identification, such unhealthy attachment of their own self-worth to their hobby, that they will snipe and bristle and bully at anyone they perceive as a threat to their favorite comic, anime, or shooter. It happens in higher spheres like politics and religion, and it will naturally happen in the day-to-day circles we have more direct control over.

Even among MLP fans, this is true. Even in the more limited circle of FiMF, this is true.

Thing is, just because he says (rightly) that geek culture houses "some of the biggest assholes", he's NOT saying that geek culture is ALL assholes. You can be a geek, you can have a negative opinion of the film for whatever reason, and it doesn't make you an asshole. What makes you an asshole is going online and sending death threats to the actresses for having the gall to be in a remake of a movie you saw when you were 7.

He did also tell people on Twitter to go f*ck themselves.

Which people, and what did they say to him (or his actresses) first?

That's on top of every male character being an asshole idiot

Honestly, if Chris Stuckman hadn't pointed this out in his review, I probably wouldn't have noticed. And many of them (like the Deans of both universities or the FBI goons) were simply fulfilling roles required by the plot, just like Peck or Mayor Lenny or Janosz --it probably would've been MORE noticeable if every character of importance were also female.

and them shooting the Big Bad in the dick.

OK, having learned of this particular spoiler weeks in advance, despite deliberately avoiding the reddit cesspools and YT comments? And having a split-second of the scene in question appear in one of the TV spots? I was honestly DREADING the moment ever since Rowan went ghost.

But having actually seen the movie? The moment came and went, very little was made of it (other than the movie itself pointing out how weird that was in a throwaway line), and I was just, "That was IT? THAT's what everyone's been crying and raving and ranting about? That was NOTHING! I blinked and it was over!" Talk about a tempest in a teacup. (Which, coincidentally, describes the reaction to this movie as a whole.)

But anyway, yeah. I'm a geek. I've been a nerd for as long as I can remember. I can get defensive and hostile when Hollywood makes hash of my most beloved childhood memories. But that's why I asked WHO Feig (et al) insulted with their statements: because whoever the shoe fit, at no point, whatsoever, did I ever feel that it was me.

4095680 He called us assholes because we didn't like the trailer. Just google it. Too tired.


4096003 I will drop it, because the longer this goes on the deeper people will entrench themselves in their positions, and I doubt Moth would appreciate having an intense argument take place in his blog. I'm a childhood fan who never felt insulted, and I enjoyed the movie, so I already came out on top. However, as sincere advice: in a debate, it is the responsibility of the person making a statement to back it up, not their opponent's. Telling someone to do one's work is unlikely to convince anyone.

4096034 I did mean tired as sleepy tired. It's about half passed eleven here.

4095412 Agreed. I adore Rat Race, and used to like BBT until I realized the last several seasons have had the writers obviously being clueless what to do with their cast.

As I never really cared for Ghostbusters, eh, probably not gonna see it, but, from what I hear, it wasn't that bad, but it could stand to have been better.

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