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Admiral Biscuit

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Lyra and Bon Bon Drive to Trotcon story notes · 10:27pm Jul 14th, 2016

Alright, for those of you who are driving to Trotcon or will be driving or would have been driving or . . . wait, I just confused myself a little bit.

Source (YouTube Link)

Anyhow, this story was in my head since I drove to Trotcon last year.  And since it’s coming up straightaway, what better time to actually get it out there?

This is, in fact, the best route from most places in Michigan to get to Trotcon.  Well, the detour in Findlay, not so much, but that’s based on my route last year.  I must have been jamming to tunes or something, because I only realized that I’d missed the exit when the sound of my GPS voice saying ‘recalculating route’ came to my attention.

And, in fact, it’s a good fifteen miles or so to the next exit.

Other fun facts!  In no particular order!

There really is a barn with a golden lyre on it. It’d be on your right side as you’re southbound, and it’s right near the Perrysburg water tower.  Keep an eye out for that.

The Manac brand of semi-trailer has a winged moose as their mascot.


Real equines have dichromatic vision, which basically makes them red/green colorblind. This would be a problem for comprehending traffic lights, of course.

(Protip: if both sides of the image look the same to you, you might be colorblind. Or a horse.)

When I was looking for a picture of what a traffic light looked like to someone who was red/green colorblind, I also discovered that there are, in fact, traffic lights with shaped lights.  I didn’t click on the links, so I don’t know if that’s a proposed idea or if they actually exist.  I will say, however (and here I am being a lighting designer) that older traffic lights were limited to round, because they used PAR lamps (parabolic aluminized reflector); now that LEDs are replacing the PAR lamps, it’s a trivial matter to make them any shape you want.

I don’t think that Ohio is the Heart of America anymore.  The ‘welcome’ sign doesn’t say that these days, but it used to have a similar slogan.

There are changeable message signs that tell you how many people have died in traffic accidents in each state.  That’s a fairly new campaign; I saw them for the first time on my way to Trotcon last year, then I also started seeing them in Michigan.

As you approach the hotel, you will in fact cross a Singletree St, a Doubletree St., and a Elmer’s glue building (it’s not a factory, though; just some kind of headquarters). And then the massive edifice of the hotel itself.


I kind of envisioned this story as just being about their road trip to Trotcon, not what (if anything) they did there. So the 'complete' tag on this story's gonna stick.

In less than 24 hours, I will be at Trotcon! So if you're there, feel free to stop by.

If you're there on Friday, I'm on a panel! It's going to be fun, because I don't really have any idea what it's about. Well, writing. But other than that. . . .

Report Admiral Biscuit · 1,050 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

I would be going to TrotCon because it's the closest to my house by like 5 hours, but my problems with that are, I went to BronyCon last week, I can't drive, my Dad has work, and my Mom and youngest brother are flying to Boulder, Colorado to visit my sister. :applejackunsure:

Getting to Columbus is really easy for me; just drive down I-70. But I won't be at TrotCon.

The Manac brand of semi-trailer has a winged moose as their mascot.

It's a moosasus! :derpytongue2:

When I was looking for a picture of what a traffic light looked like to someone who was red/green colorblind

Well uh, I'd imagine the red would probably look like a medium-dark green, and the green would look like a very light green. The thing about traffic lights is, the green is usually a very bright, white-ish green (because, you know, it's a light), unlike, say, a picture of a pine tree in a comic book.

Not to mention the fact that red is always on top, or left. Green is always on bottom, or right. So... it's not like it really

I am technically red/green colorblind, but like many things, there's a severity level, it's not black and white. (Pun intended.) For the most part, I'll spectacularly fail one of those colorblindness tests they give you at the optomotrist's office (I don't know why they insist upon testing people for it... it's not like it's treatable. In fact, whenever they attempt to test me for that shit, I make it a point of saying as much.) Where was I? Oh yes, other than that, it really makes no actual difference to me. About the only thing that ever irks me is the player colors in Dota2. Seriously they're all pastels, and just a little too indistinguishable from one another.

That, and probably one of my most memorable color blind moments: We had bought a maroon Ford Windstar, and had it around the shop for many weeks. Maroon, that's basically a deep red. (Color semantics can be a nightmare for a colorblind person. Of course it doesn't help that most men are at least partially colorblind as well, and simply don't know it.) Anyway, I walked in one day and said 'where the fuck did this green van come from?' As it turns out, the way the sunlight shone upon it on that particular day, made it look fucking green! When the sun set, it was maroon again.

Anyway, my point was that the shade of a color isn't different. Imagine a traffic light (with all lights lit) in a black and white photo. Now imagine instead of being grayscale, it's greenscale. Or redscale. But the middle light is still yellow either way. I'm like 90% sure that's what it would look like.

To me, it's just red and green.

be brave, do honor to your clan , have fun :moustache:,
and more chapters for onto the pony planet :pinkiecrazy:

I just walk outside my house

Author Interviewer

Okay, but the real question is, why are they living with you in Michigan? WHY ARE YOU KEEPING THEM FROM US BISCUIT >:V

The single/doubletree bit reminds me of driving into Provo, UT from the south and seeing Motels 6, 7, 8, and 9 in close proximity to each other (though not, alas, in numerical order).


The single/doubletree bit reminds me of driving into Provo, UT from the south and seeing Motels 6, 7, 8, and 9 in close proximity to each other (though not, alas, in numerical order).

I never knew that there were motels 7 or 9. We have Super 8 motels out here, and of course Motel 6. I wonder if there are motels 1-5?


Okay, but the real question is, why are they living with you in Michigan? WHY ARE YOU KEEPING THEM FROM US BISCUIT >:V

Why wouldn't they live with me in Michigan? It's the only state that's ready to give you a high-five.

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