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Legend of Everfree Update · 6:08pm Jul 8th, 2016

I don't know why I thought it would be any different. My naive hopes of Sunset taking her rightful place as the new leader of her friends is dashed yet again. Just from the summary we can already assume this movie is going to be about Twilight again. I don't know how vocal I've really been about my disdain for EQG Twilight in all forms, but just know that I don't care for her at all. As soon as Twilight steps through that portal or we start seeing SciTwi she turns into an uninteresting mary sue, basically. All of the interesting quirks that make her Twilight just disappear into this inoffensive, mousy goody two-shoes that has to take up all of the attention from characters that could definitely use the screentime more effectively. So I don't like her, and yeah, I'm pretty upset that it looks like she's going to take center stage yet again.

Also it looks like Twilight is going to get yet another love interest subplot. Or at least it's pretty heavily implied already. The only other character I could think this might apply to would be Sunset, which I guess I'd deserve after all the shit I gave to those who had Twilight as a waifu. If I had to make a guess though, Timber is probably going to be interested in Twilight and have even more attention centered around her.

Look, I know I'm being really negative already, but after The Friendship Games, and Sunset getting shunted to the side in Rainbow Rocks throughout most of the movie, I really don't have a lot of hope that this one might be different. I might be wrong. I hope that I am. But honestly, with that summary and the trend that we've gotten so far, I really can't bring myself to be hopeful again. If you guys want to check out all this for yourself. Hasbro has already set up a site for it right here.

On the bright side, I guess this means that since Sunset is staying somewhat uncharacterized, that gives me a lot more room to work with her in my upcoming projects. But for now, I think you guys have suffered through enough of my whining. The movie comes out in two or so months, so keep your fingers crossed.

Comments ( 28 )


Why can't Hasbro appreaciate best waifu?:raritydespair:


I'm cautiously optimistic about the movie. I honestly hope the whole romantic subplot doesn't get pushed too far here cause that's gonna get really fucking annoying...hopefully she just cockblocks the shit out of them both the entire time and chills with Sunset. the description only says he is 'distracted' by her and Twilight is having a battle with her inner self so maybe he's not so much interested in Twilight Sparkle but Midnight Sparkle? :derpyderp2: I also like that Sunset is basically described as we all like her to be, independent and does everything her own way but always works hard to keep up a good image and help her friends and others. And I LOVE how the "what she stands for" thing says Redemption...Pretty much confirming her role as an element of harmony in my mind

I'm not gonna pass judgement on the movie until I see the final product. That being said, I'm just as unhappy about the current synopsis as you are. Sunny becoming the main character was one of the only two smart things they did in FG, and now it seems that they're set to undo it.

...And really? Another sorta-love-interest guy? Seriously? Did they learn absolutely nothing from what happened with Flash Sentry? If you're gonna have a love interest, don't have them be a love interest in their debut movie!

Juuuuuust gonna point this out:
Everfree Camp....
Green haired dude who wants to get with Twilight...
I think we'll be seeing the human versions of changelings IMO.
Please make Twilight a side character...I'm just...I don't know I just want something different. After everything Sunset, deserves her time in the spotlight.

I feel like they've transitioned mindsets to "We should make something the whole family can enjoy" to "It's a movie for little girls, just put shit in they like to sell toys and to hell with good storytelling". I've just lost a lot of confidence in the franchise as a whole recently, tbh.

Now I know how those Flash haters felt when they first saw him getting close with Twilight:ajbemused:

somebody call Jerry springier

cause i smell a fight

Well after reading this I'm glad I never saw the movies because this sounds more boring and uninteresting than the first one.

I don't know, Sunny taking on the role of mentor to SciTwi makes sense to me for her character at this point. She completed her redemption arc with FG. Paying it forward/back to Twilight by helping her grow seems the logical next step.

As for Mr. Pine Fresh or whatever, eh. I couldn't really get worked up about Brad Mk. 1, I don't see myself giving a shit about his hippie successor. And hey, he might surprise us by being the bad guy or something.

Ok first of: CALLED IT! i knew there was gonna be some kind of magical crisis.
Secondly:Yup,judging by the description alone it got me pissed off real fast,but since the movie is not out yet im gonna give them the benefit of doubt here and wait until it airs and then im gonna judge the shit out of it!
I can somewhat understand the logic behind the whole "lets focus on the new Twilight in this" but i dont like it.
The spotlight should be on Sunset and thats a fact, maybe they thought the 3rd movie was enough but NO! it realy wasnt! and now they're focusing on Twily to develop her character but still, FOR FUCKS SAKE give Sunset more screentime!!!
But even with all that im still excited to see this new movie, and im praying to whatever Deity is out there that its gonna be good and they dont screw it over.
I also have a few theories on what might happen at the end of the movie but ill keep those for now.

On the upside, look at them legs. Wonder how much shit they'll get for that. And at least the scenery looks good from the teaser.

Honestly, FG was a mess. A lot of things didn't fit in a high school setting, and while I appreciate the demigod level fight at the end, the plot was all over the place.

SciTwi is still cute though.

T-Timber Spruce? D-Don't steal m-m-my waifu Sunset Shimmer... If you do, then you're DEAD! :pinkiecrazy::trixieshiftleft::twilightangry2::flutterrage:

I dunno about that, I feel like mainline FiM is in a pretty decent place quality-wise. Of course when it comes to EqG, they definitely lost a lot of trust with FG.

Maybe it's human twilight who's getting the new crush..?

Makes the most sence

Personal opinions, I guess. It's not that the show is outright awful, it's just that it seems so... bland now in comparison to when I fell in love with it during Season 1.

Huh..... kay.

I'm not saying that there haven't been flaws, but I guess I'm the sort of guy who prefers to look on the bright side. S6 kinda got off to a bit of a bumpy start, but there have been several solid episodes since then, IMO.

4078102 Hey, the second one was fantastic and some of the shorts are great too.

4079810 maybe but it seems like the only reason they made this franchise in so that they can put the MLP characters in a high school setting since the main series characters are already adults.

4079832 And the only reason the original show was made was because Hasbro wanted to advertise its toys. :raritywink:

4079841 well they been doing that since the 80s so that's no surprise it's just that the EGs series was only made because they wanted to compete with Monster High which is another franchise I don't care about.

Honestly, Rainbow Rocks is a legitimately decent flick. I'd recommend it. But I'd also recommend that you not see Friendship Games, because that one... well, really sucked hard.

4080535 If it's good fine but I'm still not interested in watching it sorry.

Legend of Everfree: Brad 2 - Electric Magic Boogaloo

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