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[Rant] My Fear for Pokemon Sun and Moon... · 11:43pm Jun 24th, 2016

I know I've always seemed super excited for these games, and I still am! But there's something I want to address; something that's been at the back of my mind for a while now that I want to talk to you guys about. It's not anything serious, so no need to worry about that. But it is something I really don't think GameFreak will be doing anytime soon.

He says as he makes this blog's cover a fucking meme.

GameFreak is NOTORIOUS for never listening to its fans. Sure, there has been once or twice when they opened up and gave us something we wanted, like character customization, but for the most part they've been ignoring us. At first it actually wasn't SO bad, so to say. But as the years go on, I find more and more people complaining; wanting GameFreak to put in one simple thing in the Pokemon games.

A fucking difficulty setting.

I get it, GameFreak! I really do! Pokemon in all technicality is a kid's game; you need to cater to children to ingeniously get them to coax their parents into buying the games and make more money, because at the end of the day you ARE a business and you NEED to make money. Okay, I completely understand where you're coming from! But at the same time, allow me to ask you a simple question that you may find surprising.

What year is this?

This is the year 2016, also known as the 20th anniversary of Pokemon. I'll fully admit that you have been super good during this time so far! You've announced a phone app that allows people of all ages to catch Pokemon on their iPhone or whatever, you've have been using grown actors for your Pokemon commercials showing you DO remember your older fans, and you announced a brand-new main series Pokemon game that has people literally destroying cities trying to find out who Lillie is and what the fuck is in her bag. So far so good! But then E3 came around and I noticed something... troubling.

You can now see if a move is Super-Effective against an opposing Pokemon or not. Now, I get it might not be troubling to some people since you all might believe that this is a good thing! It'll help younger pipsqueaks learn type advantages and disadvantages, right? And that's fine! But the whole point of type advantages and disadvantages was to dupe your opponent and outsmart them. If this isn't an adjustable feature in the options menu, 1/8 of all competitive Pokemon strategies have now been destroyed.

Thanks, GameFreak.

Believe it or not, while you may think I'm going off-topic, this actually leads into my main point: a difficulty setting in Pokemon. Everyone wants it, and we were SO CLOSE in Pokemon Black 2 & White 2! But if the watering-down of super effective strategies is present, what's the chance we're getting a difficulty setting?

Sometimes I believe GameFreak doesn't realize its fans have grown up. Those who were once 10-year-old kids are now 30 and are probably working successful jobs.

Or being a dork like this sexy guy below:

Either way, the point is they've gotten WAY older now. And as I said before, I get GameFreak needs to cater to the youth of today, but that leaves older people who want a good challenge to just... feel bored. A difficulty setting would fix EVERYTHING. No, I'm dead serious! Younger people or people who just want to breeze through the game could use the easier setting if they wanted to, and older people or people who want a bigger challenge could use the harder setting if they wanted to. Not to mention the Pokemon fanboys will finally shut up about there not being a difficulty setting. I also hope for a super-hard setting, but I won't look the gift horse in the mouth.

I don't count on GameFreak actually doing this, but here's hoping, right?

So what do you guys think? Should Pokemon have a difficulty setting or not? If you placed your thoughts in the comments below, I'd appreciate it. Until then, this is SuperKamek signing off!

And I still want to be able to turn off the super-effective type analyzer bullshit, but GameFreak couldn't be stupid enough not to put that in as an option, right?


Comments ( 20 )

I honestly wouldn't mind difficulty settings for a Pokemon game.

Now I wouldn't ever use the easier options, I like Pokemon just the way it is honestly, but I think opening up the potential for less skilled players to come in and play would be a wonderful idea, and it certainly wouldn't take anything away from the game, giving the player more choices on how to experience the game. And honestly it really wouldn't be that difficult, just adjust the enemy levels for the two modes, it would probably take a few people maybe a week or two to do? Idk, I'm not really that knowledgeable about programming or game development.:twilightblush:

But basically, if it doesn't take time away from polish or something like that, I'd be all for an easy mode in Pokemon. :twilightsmile:
Of course, I'd prefer they add traveling companions as a new feature, but that's just me speaking for my own opinions and tastes.:twilightblush:

Exactly! Yes! Everyone, this man gets it!

Though, I understand why they didn't put in traveling companions for this game. They already stretched it by making smaller sprites of all 490+ Pokemon in Heartgold and Soulsilver, but now they would have to make smaller 3D models for all 800+ (assuming) Pokemon! That could cause some serious problems on the copy, no?

:twilightsmile: thanks for that man.

Eh true, I'm just hoping that eventually we'll get a system that's capable of containing that much data, maybe someday. Or maybe they could just do the classic RPG thing of having only your avatar on screen until an event plays out, that's also an option I suppose. Honestly I was first introduced to the world of Pokemon with the anime, so I've always been curious about the idea of a 'group' so to speak.

Heck, and I admit I'm crazy here. I'd love it if you could have multiple companions? Like meeting certain people at certain points and swapping them out? And even better, they'd all have there own personal issues or side quests, that might involve catching a pokemon, or beating a certain challenge, or playing out a mini story?!

Ah but I'm getting waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to ambitious there.:twilightblush: again, I understand Gamefreak has limited time and resources and probably couldn't implement something on that grandiose a scale. Silly KP.:rainbowlaugh:

I wouldn't mind a difficulty setting either. When you play Pokemon for a long time, they become too easy. I actually don't lose anymore against NPC player; in fact in the Emerald version I literally wreck the entire Elite Four and the Champion with only Rayquaza.

Though their would be some thing I like them to implement also.

First, additional move slots. The 4 move set, personally, fills today very restrictive. There is actually 621 moves and the new games will bring some more to the count.

Secondly, I want them to bring the Bubble Beam TM back. They scrap it during the second generation and I was very disappointed, cause it was a neat move for the Squirtle family and they can't learn it naturally or by breeding.

I'll get to your comment in a sec, but I need to address this real quick...

in fact in the Emerald version I literally wreck the entire Elite Four and the Champion with only Rayquaza.

Yeah, no shit! It's frickin' Rayquaza! Of COURSE you're gonna wreck them!

I actually think having a 5th move slot would be... okay. I'm not totally against it, and if it happens I'll be okay with it! But having four moves limits you for a reason. It forces you to make strategies with the limited resources you have. Just one more slot would make some peoples' strategies even more terrifying...


Nonetheless I do agree with you on the Bubblebeam thing. They have different TMs every generation or so, so I'm sure it's due for another switch-up soon. :twilightsmile:

In all brutal honesty, Pokemon has gotten way too easy. Now some things were for the better, like for example, in GSC you didn't have special attack and defense. But this, this, this thing? No. Too easy. You're right Kamek. A difficulty setting would solve a lot of issues.


in GSC you didn't have special attack and defense.

Yes you did. :rainbowhuh: In fact, GSC was the generation the special stat got its split, turning into Special Attack and Special Defense. And normal defense has ALWAYS been around.

Or did you mean something else and I read that incorrectly? :twilightsheepish:

4047041 eh, it's been years since I was able to play Crystal, so I could be wrong. But I have an example to replace it! EXP. Seriously, is it just me, or is it getting easier for your Pokemon to level up?

They were on the right track in Black and White. And yes, I know I should shut up about BW, but they're just such good Pokemon games! They lowered the EXP yield every time a Pokemon leveled up, meaning it would be a bit harder to level up next time.

4047058 Yeah, it worked like that in the old games, just seems like they don't anymore. And dude, keep talking about your favorites. I damn sure will.:twilightsmile:


Well yeah bringing a legendary you are expected to make some damage but I would expected against Glacia and Drake who use respectively Ice and Dragon Pokemon would be able to maul him, but no, even hit by Ice (double weakness) and dragon attacks they barely damage him.

I understand the 4 move pool is mainly now for those who play in competition, but those like me who just want to enjoy playing the game, well like I said it can be restrictive. Though now with the TMs being reusable indefinably like HMs and it's just a matter of time untill you find the guy who can relearned past move. The fifth move set at the limit could be reserve for only HMs move, since until the find the guy who can make them forget the moves, you'll be either stuck with 3 move to change or you use a "trash" pokemon.

The change in the TMs and HMs through generation. Well I recall perfectly some having their number changed or being swap from TM to HM and vice versa, but some being scraped, I don't think it ever happened to any else than Bubble Beam.

On one hand, yes, the Pokemon games became far too easy (XY)
But on the other hand the games became much more accessible, I mean we got MegaEvolutions, infinite TMs and Supertraining
And the trailer showed that besides the weakness thing you can wow also watch how your stats have changed during the battle and I think this will be liked by the competitive players.
Plus I don't think the competitive scene will suffer much considering that they know the stats of all Pokemon by heart. So they should know the weaknesses. But maybe I just don't see, how seeing how your moves affect the opponent is going to destroy these strategies.

Also, am I supposed to know who this "sexy dork" is?

All these are great features! And I never got to mention it because this was a rant blog, but I do actually appreciate the fact you can see stat boons and banes.

But what I mean by "ruin strategies" is that new Pokemon are on the horizon, and new Pokemon means new typings the likes people have never seen before. People like to hop on the bandwagon for this kind of stuff and outsmart people who think normal super-effective moves will do shit. I'll fully admit that this isn't AS BAD as I made it out to be in the blog, but this just makes thing seem a little too... easy.

I just hope there's an option to turn it off for people who know the type chart and don't want to be treated like little babies. Such as myself! And many others.


Also, am I supposed to know who this "sexy dork" is?

This, my good friendly SIR, is none-other than Emiliano Rodolfo "Emile" Rosales-Birou, or better known by his internet name "Chuggaaconroy", the King of Let's Plays.

Well, I have the excuse of living in Germany and not being very familiar with english LetsPlayers. :twilightblush:

That's still a disgrace for me, right?:fluttershyouch:

If you can spell perfect English, then yes. :rainbowlaugh:



But hard doesn't mean make rare Pokemon almost never appear or make pokeballs be almost ineffective

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