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Out of Context Screenshot Theater #391! · 4:48am Jun 5th, 2016

Comments ( 37 )

I'll have whatever he is making, and a double helping would be nice.

So...does that mean Thor tried to catch a Lobster and it beat him? Or he failed in attempting to grill it? Cause I can easily imagine either one.

Wanderer D

Forget captions. There's grilled stake by Thor no less, and these idiots choose hot dogs?

3999399 I want to see the epic duel between Thor and the lobster. :rainbowlaugh:

3999396 I am also interested in how a lobster has bested the god of thunder.

3999402 I'm thinking the same thing. And even ignoring the steaks, there's BURGERS. Who the fuck chooses a hot dog over a burger?

3999417 Me. I like Hot Dogs.

My response would be "One of everything, please!"

>Steaks and burgers grilled by Thor
>They choose Hot Dogs
[Seizure warning]

3999466 Yes, that "missing image" icon is certainly seizure-inducing.

(imgur still doesn't work on fimf and never will again.)

Wanderer D

3999417 I think that just speaks to the lack of culinary education and good taste. If there's nothing but hot dogs, that's fine, but no matter how you look at it, unless you're unable to distinguish flavors—or simply want to pretend that you're somehow cool by displaying an astounding amount of just how much of a teenager you are— a steak will always, always be better than a freaking hot dog.

3999573 Nobody's arguing the point. All I'm saying is even if you're just not big on steak, burgers are better than hot dogs any day. :derpyderp2:

Wanderer D

3999577 I know, I know. I just feel so offended by their choice of food! :twilightblush:


The stakes have never been higher!

No, rly. I was smoking weed with them.

"I would have procured Hebrew Nationals, but they answer to a different authority."

3999486 I think I found a workaround to that though. Put it as plaintext, not a ink. Then the reader can copy it into a tab that does show imgur.

"Such bravery. You inspire me."

"Can't be worse than school food."

3999625 Heh! Yeah, I can relate. Now, if they were beer-soaked beef bratwurst and not just regular hot dogs, it'd be another story entirely...

It's supposed to be a HERESY stamp from Warhammer in neon lights.

Well, at the risk of adding my opinion to a high steaks discussion...
A plain unseasoned steak, vs a good quality plain (non beef only), hot dog. Hotdog would win for complexity of taste. Plain beef, is plain beef.
But, a properly seasoned and grilled steak, you could eat without anything else (sauces, condiments etc,) and it would come out on top.
And now I'm hungry...:facehoof:

Oh, and trivia-wise, hamburgers, wieners, and frankfurters all originally came from Germany, and Thor being one of their gods, would certainly be aware of the fact that early hotdogs in Germany did in fact contain dog meat, as well as the casing that was made from sheep intestine. Which would explain his remark about 'questionable meat'.

And now I am less hungry. :pinkiesick:

3999862 I love when people pull "facts" out of their ass. :pinkiehappy:

Hamburgers were invented in America, not Germany. They were also not invented by any one person; there are at least six different claimants to the invention of the hamburger, with different times, tales of invention, and details. There isn't even agreement on how the name came about, beyond more than one story naming them after Hamburg steaks, which are a German dish similar to Salisbury steaks, and bear only the most superficial resemblance to a hamburger patty. Wieners are Austrian, not German, and the only difference between wieners and frankfurters is in some of the seasoning and that true German frankfurters are usually cured and smoked. But that's only in Germany. In the US, UK, Canada, Australia, etc, wieners and frankfurters are just interchangeable names for the same cheap sausage made from chicken, pork, and beef by-products and a few weak seasonings.

The whole thing about German sausages having dog meat is apocryphal, just like the old claims that Jack in the Box used kangaroo meat or that Mexican tacos occasionally have dog or rat meat.

Dude, Thor is a Norse god, not German. Can't even get your mythology right.

4000198 I didn't point that out because of all the other shit he got wrong. :twilightsheepish:

To be fair, if Sylvester Stallone is to be believed, rat burgers aren't half bad.

3999403 What if Thor tried to use Mjölnir to crush the lobster, only to miss and have Mjölnir taken by the lobster?

4000520 Then the lobster was worthy.

3999953 Might want to dig a little deeper.:rainbowhuh: Vienna is Wein in German. And in Germany, Wiener or Wiener Würstchen (little sausages), is what they call hot dogs. Considering frankfurters were invented in the 13th century in Germany, and Wieners (or Vienna's if you like), were invented in the 18th when Johann Georg Lahner brought the frankfurter to Vienna and added beef to the mixture, I have to cite Germany with it's origins. Dog meat was eaten throughout Germany commonly in the early twentieth century. And yes, that means in hot dogs as well.
I won't argue over the ambiguity of the term hamburger, or it's origins since no fact can pin it down exactly.

4000198 Thor is a prominently mentioned god throughout the recorded history of the Germanic peoples, from the Roman occupation of regions of Germania, to the tribal expansions of the Migration Period, to his high popularity during the Viking Age, when, in the face of the process of the Christianization of Scandinavia, emblems of his hammer, Mjölnir, were worn in defiance and Norse pagan personal names containing the name of the god bear witness to his popularity. Into the modern period, Thor continued to be acknowledged in rural folklore throughout Germanic regions. Thor is frequently referred to in place names, the day of the week Thursday ("Thor's day"; Old English Thunresdæg, Thunor's day; German "Donnerstag" Donar's day; Dutch "donderdag") bears his name, and names stemming from the pagan period containing his own continue to be used today.
Hilda Ellis Davidson theorized that the swastika symbol later used by the Nazi party, was associated with Thor, possibly representing his hammer Mjolnir - symbolic of thunder - and possibly being connected to the Bronze Age sun cross.


Might want to dig a little deeper.:rainbowhuh:

You know it's funny, because I dug a HELL of a lot deeper than you did!

Vienna is Wein in German.

Actually it's Wien, not Wein. "ie" and "ei" have a completely different pronunciation in German (which I used to speak for a while, by the way; I've grown rusty with about 15 years of disuse). And Wieners are Viennese sausages. Vienna is in Austria. Where, incidentally, THEY SPEAK GERMAN.

Whether frankfurters existed before wieners is not remotely relevant to the current discussion; neither is what hot dogs are called in Germany.


Whether frankfurters existed before wieners is not remotely relevant to the current discussion; neither is what hot dogs are called in Germany.

I thought the discussion was which tasted better? (My opinion on that still stands). Not the 'wheres' and 'what froms'.
Yeah, my history may be a little off being only half German and born Pennsylvania Dutch, (and yes my German sucks). So I can only go by what I used to hear as a kid. Grandma and Grandpa used to tell stories about eating dog meat. (Shudder). And they called all pork hotdogs Frankfurters, and mixed meat Wieners. And yes, we got a lot of Norse mythology growing up. Just because a religion may have originated in another country, didn't mean it wasn't followed in others. That's like saying the only Christians are in America.

If the issue is really that big of a deal we can always ask Ozymandias42 ( http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Ozymandias42 ) who was born, raised, and lives in Germany, but it seems like we have come a long way from Thor fighting to grill a lobster.


I thought the discussion was which tasted better?

There was never any such discussion. The only thing that was even being "discussed" (and it wasn't even a discussion) was that steaks and hamburgers are preferable to hot dogs at a barbecue. Then you decided to start tossing out unfacts out of nowhere, and THAT is what led us down this ugly path. Which only came up in the first place because YOU brought it up.

But it's unimportant, isn't worth continuing like this over, and is best dropped.

Thor, I'll take burgers and dogs.

I just read this in my best Thor voice, and it makes it about 20 times funnier. Also, I'll take a burger AND a hot dog please. What? I'm hungry and it's food cooked by a literal god. I ain't sayin' no.

I don't even eat hot dogs anymore-I can practically taste how unhealthy they are. Give me those steaks and hamburgers on the double. I'll even take a veggie burger, just to see what it's like.

I look at that, and get a mental image of someone challenging Thor for the title of "King of the Grill."

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