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Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.

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I have one thought about the most recent episode. · 7:51pm May 10th, 2016

And it's a rather interesting question maybe all of you could help me with.

...how do trashcans stay afloat on clouds?

Seriously, how?

Comments ( 34 )
Majin Syeekoh

3935522 That's rather nice of those unicorns, then.

3935526 or the runways and shit are made of that super dense cloud

Majin Syeekoh

3935528 It'd have to be a really dense could to support a trashcan.

Like, fail the GED dense.

3935533 we saw rainbow pack clouds together dense enough to catch her friends, so it's possible

I bet it's a municipal legal thing.

Like, everyone got tired of pegasi just dumping their trash on the ground since it didn't stay on the clouds. So unicorns were like, "Fine, the extra effort to enchant these trash cans is less than cleaning up after them."

They're made out of crushed pegasus hooves.


Majin Syeekoh

3935536 I like that idea.

Majin Syeekoh

3935535 I remember that.

I'm just wondering about the architectural logistics of keeping the clouds dense like that.

I don't get what Apple Bloom is upset about. She's safe. It's Rainbow who ought to be looking more worried.

I stand by my theory that there is only one trashcan, and it is an evil teleporting traschan that wishes to make Rainbow Dash look bad at every opportunity.

Majin Syeekoh

3935554 This idea is pure gold. It was the same trashcan both times, right?

3935553 You're awful and I love you for it.

The trash can isn't afloat on the clouds, the clouds are underfloat the trash can. And this trash can is an ancient magical artifact akin to the elements of harmony, and is responsible for ensuring Wonderbolts academy stays afloat.

Majin Syeekoh

3935588 ...that's really trippy, man.

They stay afloat by not asking stupid fucking questions.

Majin Syeekoh

3935640 I'd like to meet the trashcan who fell by asking a stupid question.

"Why am I floatin―AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!"

3935859 Your memes are bad and you should feel bad.

I came to the conclusion long ago that pegasus roads and floors are more than just cloud, and that they can support objects besides pegasi and cloud-walking ponies. We've seen various things that were not clouds inside Rainbow's home. Either everything that enters her house is enchanted—including the paper and string she gets from her mail—or pegasus floors are enchanted instead. One of those sounds a lot more practical. Plus, we saw in the season 4 finale that Spike can walk on a road in Cloudsdale, but falls through the clouds beside it.

Buuuut, that trashcan was just sitting on cloud material instead of the road in her flashback. Either that trashcan itself is enchanted (along with all of the trash inside of it that spilled onto the clouds), or Rainbow doesn't have a perfect memory. Or, yeah, that trashcan is sentient, magical, and evil, and follows Dash around to humiliate her, I suppose. And enchants its own trash. Maybe that's stuff it ate, and it became magical through digestion.

Author Interviewer

They're garbage.

The trashcan is a fixed point in space/time. That's from where Starlight Glimmer was able to draw her power while fighting Twilight.

Are we sure that trashcan isn't a Dalek?

3936349 I'm sorry I honestly thought we where having a slightly fun back and forth banter.Now that I think back I was kinda being a little rude.

What if they aren't trash cans AT ALL?!?!?!?!?!?!


Well, it's only natural. You see the cannicus thrashinus is a species that has been quickly evolving, due to the ammount of waste thrown in them. The years of biodisposable, chemical, and who knows what else, waste all concocted giving them new abilities. As such, these creatures can now exist every and anywhere by using their new mutant powers. Staying afloat is merely the beginning of their evolutionary chain.
Or it could e magic, but that's way too easy.

If the pegasus tribe thinks something shouldn't fall through clouds, it doesn't fall through clouds. :rainbowdetermined2:

Majin Syeekoh

3937711 I like this response.

Pure willpower, baby.

You're trying to logic a show about magical, colorful talking equines with horns and wings included. I'm fairly certain stuff like that is fair game.
Plus, I've never seen you try to logic something.

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