• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
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More Blog Posts243

  • 8 weeks
    Cancelling The Enchanted Carousel, restarting as a new story

    Hi all!

    I've already made the announcement in other places, so I figured I might as well do it here, too, to cement the change.

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    23 comments · 1,499 views
  • 9 weeks
    Hiatus on Story + Thoughts

    Hi all!

    Just letting you know this story will be hiatus'd for a bit.

    Not because I'm not writing anymore, but because life got in the way so I wasn't able to finish it all in a fugue state as I wanted, and the reality is right now... I am not in the headspace necessary to write it.

    Though, since I'm not doing that, I do at least want to talk about it.

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  • 12 weeks
    Okay, here we go.

    As some folks may know or have seen, I'm currently working on a story that is very important to me. It is still not finished, and will likely be updating in the next following days because I want to write it and get it done in one go.

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  • 24 weeks
    Quick Note re: contacting me!

    Hi all!

    I hope you're doing well.

    I've been meaning to say this for a while, but keep forgetting because my life has been a dumpster fire for the past year, but I did post a fic today so now's a good time as any!

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  • 32 weeks
    Re-uploaded Someone To Hold On To as a complete oneshot


    Just wanted to get ahead of any confusion for anyone following this story to say that I ended up doing a speedrun of the entire thing and then deleted the old chapters and just posted the entire complete story as a new chapter.

    That was it.

    I hope you have been well!

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La Princesse · 6:37pm May 9th, 2016

I feel like this weekend could basically be summarized with the following...

Speaking directly about Routine Company, that was actually a skype story I had lying in my docs for nearly a year, which I decided to properly write out -- mostly because Enchanted Library needs a small breather.

And, well, after I'd finished RC, I figured: "well, why not finish one of my other plethora of unfinished raritwi fics" AND SO THAT LED TO...

La Princesse, or as it's been called for over a year, French!AU because hahaha what do you mean I have too many RariTwi AUs because it's true, I could probably come up with a trashcan!raritwi au AND I'D MAKE IT WORK I WOULD.


Anyway, Misago came up with this AU a year ago, after we were talking about the six months I lived in France.

Honestly speaking, this story has become one of my absolute favorite AUs, if not THE favorite AU. Most of it is plotted out in months of skype conversations, but every so often, I'd write out small ficlets which were chapters 3 and 5. I've had them in my docs for months, and I always wanted to post them, but I knew that in order to do so I had to write the origin story.

And I procrastinated that a lot.

It's actually a recurring problem because we also have a demon!AU, and I wrote a very good ficlet. Sadly, in order to post it, I'd need to write at least 30k of background story, and I already sold my soul/writing time to Enchanted Library until further notice.

Anyway, I might eventually post more ficlets to the story if I come up with them, but for now I think the story has a nice beginning and ending. And I do want to say I was quite excited to share this story with you guys because it's an AU I love as dearly as EL.

In fact, in some alternate universe, there's probably a Monochromatic writing a 180k long novelization of La Princesse, and she's no doubt talking about these little oneshots she posted about this second AU with a ghostly Twilight being rescued by Rarity.

Comments ( 17 )

there's probably a Monochromatic writing a 180k long novelization of La Princesse

One day, we will unite all the universes. Demon, French, EL... Rarilestia...


Where do I sign up to crusade for that?

~Skeeter The Lurker

what do you mean I have too many RariTwi AUs

There will never be 'too many'.

3933081 We are already signed up! Kisses for the dork horses!

To the first part of this blog

How is that any different then any other day of the week for you?

It's certainly hot stuff! Third on the feature box. :) I'm gonna have to read it soon as I get a chance!

Monochromatic has been busy I see. The shipping gods smile upon us this week. :rainbowkiss:

Paladin reporting for the crusade!

You're more than welcome onto the RariTwi AU train o:

Ahh, I hope you like it, Dark!

I... I... Well!! WELL!!! I'll have you know I, er, I... oh god its true

Well, which ones do I have...
Enchanted Library, French!AU, Bodyguard!AU, Demon!AU, Vampire!AU, Film Noir!AU (this one is rlly good), College!AU, Bar!AU, AND THEY ALL HAVE FICS I CANT POST BECAUSE I'd need to write so much background for them and I don't have enough time ;;

Well, you can either wait for me to eventually post the AUs, or there's also skype where I will bombard you with them against your will, or I could give you access to my AU folder where you can read all the bazillion AUs in their uncompleted fic format BUT THERE'S THIS FEMME NOIR AU AND ITS SO GOOD

One day...


Chances are there's a Skype group for RarTwi and someone has my Skype. or you could glance at my profile page.

...Or PMs.

In other words, if you couldn't already tell, absolutely none of that sounds bad to me in any way, shape, or form. Just be aware that I'm not the most chatty of people.

~Skeeter The Lurker

The first 80% of that last chapter hurt my heart so badly

I now want to know what demon AU entails because there's no way that isn't awesome


or there's also skype where I will bombard you with them against your will,

T-this is in an option? :O

Well, for now, I can link you to the unfinished femme fatale thingy?

Well, if I ever do post it, it has to be in my, uh, nsfw account because AT SOME POINT IT GETS HIGHLY SAUCY, but essentially, it's a human!AU where Celestia finds a succubus child and raises it as her own, never telling the girl of what she really is. Essentially, Celestia treats her like a daughter but she does end up loving Rarity as her own daughter. As for Rarity's, let's say, demonic urges, they're never really set off UNTIL THE TERRIBLE DAY Celestia takes in a new student and basically just imagine normal Raritwi except with the seduction aspect CRANKED UP TO A ZILLION.



Yep! If you're interested, send me a pm o:

THOUGH I must warn you that I'm not SUPER chatty bc I have work stuff.



~Skeeter The Lurker

3933502 I would read the hell out of that

Actually the whole concept is fascinating on a variety of levels.


Yesnitnis true and while I'm not usually into ships I am a very big fan of your work as you do ships right so they are very enjoyable

Keep up the good work and I'll continue to lurk around. Your collection of storied like some sort of stalker friend who lurks in the shadows and you don't know I'm there watching your every move

Here's what went on in my slightly tired mind while reading this blog post.


... there's probably a Monochromatic writing a 180k long novelization of La Princesse ...

Oh good, I really like Monochromatic's stories. Wait, whose blog post is this again?


I should probably get some sleep. :derpytongue2:

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