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Top 5 Franchises I WANT to get into but CAN'T! · 3:53am May 9th, 2016

Dark Souls pic totally not foreshadowing anything.

Hello everyone! My name is SuperKamek, and welcome back to another countdown!

Have you ever had a franchise you so desperately wanted to join but never had the means to actually join it? We've all been there; you want to play a game but never had the money, system or patience to really understand it. I actually have many I'd like to share with you, but for now I'd like to countdown the top 5 franchises I have always, or at least recently, wanted to get into, but simply couldn't find the means to do so or didn't have the right things needed to get into it.

No rules here besides only five things, so let's jump right into it! Oh, but if you have any alternative ways I could play this stuff, please, please, PLEASE post it down in the comments below. I would appreciate that to hell and back!

...what, you wanted me to say more?



...don't give me that look, what else did you expect?

Number 5:

This is actually one I brought up a little while ago when I said I had interest in the Castlevania franchise.

After the help of my fans, which I thank you all for to hell and back, I eventually, I discovered a good emulation site and started playing Aria of Shadow. And you know what? I absolutely loved it! I loved the controls, the concept, the music and the surprisingly enjoyable challenging difficulty. I loved it all! But then, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, the emulation site I used removed Aria of Shadow and many other great games from its library, forcing me to go back to that sad hole in the ground again.

For the short while I DID play Castlevania: Aria of Shadow, I simply enjoyed every minute of it, and it made me want more from it! Desperately I searched the internet for another emulation of the game, but nothing I found was quite the same experience. Maybe one day I'll get another chance to play Castlevania again, but for now I'm stuck pondering what I'll do with my life until then.

Oh yeah, and fuck Konami.

Sorry, just said that for good measure. Seriously though, that's actually a reason why I'm holding off on finding a copy of Aria of Shadow. I know holding a grudge against a company making shitty decisions is kinda bad for an old game that had no real handiwork in that bullcrap, but the very thought the scum at the bottom of the barrel that Konami has become is responsible for this great franchise sickens me.

Seriously though, fuck Konami.

Number 4:

Yeah. As in the whole thing.

I've mentioned before that I have no interest in watching anime, but I'll admit that's just my tsundere side talking. In truth, I find anime actually quite endearing. I've mentioned before that I love abridged series of animes, and I've tried watching a bit of Bleach before I got bored of it. I've also mentioned that I do enjoy watching Overlord every now and then, even if I have no idea what the fuck is going on most of the time. But I think the main reason why I simply haven't really watched anime all that much is because I just don't have any time for it.

Yeah, I have time to do other things like write stories or even do shit like these countdowns, but the sheer size of some anime episodes and seasons intimidate me. How am I supposed to be a true fan of some animes if I don't catch up to where the series is right now and have the chance to talk about it with other people? For fuck's sake, I haven't even really watched the Pokemon Anime! But that one I'm not too worried about because I'm a true fan of the games and not really the show.

It's for that reason alone that I can't really get into anime. Obviously there are other reasons, like the fact I never grew up with anime, and that some animes just don't appeal to me at all, but that one glaring fact of intimidation really hits me hard. Maybe I'll get over it one day, but for now, I'll just be anime-less for a little while longer.

Sorry, otakus.

Number 3:

Pretty much everyone should know by now that I'm a huge fan of strategy games.

Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Army Men, and even some Star Wars titles are but a few of the many strategy games I own. Admittedly I'm absolute SHIT at each and every one of them, but I just love them all because they're fun and challenging for me, which is something most games nowadays can't really do for me. But you know what else I like? Aliens! I just like the concept of aliens being beyond our world and whatever! So what's the best course of action? Combine strategy games with aliens and create a masterpiece!

...and then deny me access to it.

Due to certain complications in my life, I am currently unable to play ANY of the X-COM games. I unfortunately can't tell you what those reasons are, but just know that they suck and I hate them. And it REALLY sucks because I think X-COM could potentially be one of my favorite strategy franchises of ALL TIME. You can create your own characters, give them a personality, and then cry for hours on end when they suddenly die because of an unfortunate move you made. It's a gripping concept that not many games are really able to do nowadays; permadeath. Everything is simplified, and in some cases that's okay, but in others... not so much.

There are many other concepts and mechanics in the game I like, but it's the permadeath feature that truly draws me towards it. Perhaps one day I can indulge myself in this franchise.

But for now, no avail.

Number 2:
Dungeons and Dragons

Oh HELL yeah! D&D, baby! WOO! Time to go on an adventure with my friends! Let's save the world or some shit! Or better yet, let's go on a quest to DESTROY the world! Yeah, roll dice and get 10 baby! C'mon! FUCK YEAH, DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS IS AWESOME!!!

Too bad I don't actually have it.

Dungeons and Dragons was always a concept I found endearing. It's a tabletop board game where YOU make the adventure how YOU want it. Take your friends wherever you so choose on a quest to save the world... or bring ruin to it. Honestly, everything is up to your choice, and I really want to experience this with MY friends, but I can't! Due to there not being a decent nerd shop near where I live, and since none of my friends actually have the game, I'm D&D-less.

Sure, I can always get the game online, and sure I can always ask for a D&D set for my birthday or Christmas or whatever, but dude, that's WAY too far away! I can't last that long! I wanna play with my friends and shit! I wanna go on adventures as the human mage Kamik Superio and cast spells and kill monsters and I can't do that because OF MY FUCKING LOCATION ON THIS GODDAMN EARTH-

Sorry, that got out of hand, pretty quickly...


Hey, I know a lot of you will like the final entry!

Number 1:
Dark Souls

It was about time, I suppose.

I mean, for fucking real! The amount of prompts and messages I've gotten saying "Why don't you like Dark Souls, Kamek?", "Why don't you play Dark Souls, Kamek?", "Just play Dark Souls already Kamek!", and "PLAY IT, KAMEK!!!" is astronomical. And every time I tell you that I have no interest in playing Dark Souls, more messages pop up. So I caved in and finally did a bit of research on why people loved this game so much. I looked into the lore...

...and loved what I saw.

I mean, seriously! At first I thought the lore of Dark Souls to be convoluted and confusing, hence why I didn't take too much interest in it. But the more I read the more it made sense, and the more I started loving it. Then I looked into some of the music from the games... and now a lot of tracks are in my personal playlist. They're just that good! Finally, I looked into different gameplay videos and saw how incredible the controls and mechanics were, and at long last, after countless messages of people telling me to get into Dark Souls, I was converted into to the fandom. I wanted, nay, NEEDED to play a Dark Souls game!

Unfortunately, tragedy struck. I had LITERALLY NOTHING TO PLAY IT ON. No PS4, no X-Box, no PC controller to better move characters on my the computer, no nothing! Dark Souls was out of my reach, and I felt really, REALLY sad. Because of the incredibly rich lore and the excruciatingly hard difficulty, Dark Souls lands at my number one game franchise I want to play, but simply can't.

Now please; post in the comments below of all your Dark Souls theories and whatever.

And that was the list! How'd you like it? Do you have any suggestions for a future countdown I could do? If so, please post it down in the comments below!

Until then, this is SuperKamek saying thank you, have a great night, and fully admit that I was wrong and you were right when it came to Dark Souls. I really found myself enjoying the lore and stories the games had to offer, though I hear some games are better than others. For this mistake of not listening to you, I will gladly take any verbal punishment I deserve.

LOL JK NOOB!! You get your planet blown up instead! :rainbowkiss:

Comments ( 29 )

Huh, funnily enough part of me wondered if I'd see SMT or Persona on the list, Ah well:rainbowkiss:

And sorry to hear on the Dark Souls front, Bloodborne has quickly become one of my favorite games of all time. I will say you kinda dodged a bullet though, much as I love Souls/Borne, I will say the fans...oh dear me, the FANS...not all of course but some souls fans can just be...ugggh!

Well, as mentioned before, while I do respect the SMT and Persona series', they're simply not for me. By all means, don't let me stop YOU from loving them though! :rainbowkiss:

And I wouldn't worry too much about the fans. Hell, I'm in the MLP fandom, aren't I? :rainbowlaugh:

Thank you, and likewise! Just because I like SMT doesn't mean everyone has too, like Dark Souls I realize its a game meant for a specific kind of audience.
Also, thanks for that comment, past few days I've seen ALOT of people get angry with others over simple differing opinions (have you seen some of the Star Fox Zero stuff out there? I get disagreeing with critics but some of the comments are ludicrous!) so it was nice to see this kind of, "we have different opinions and that's okay" comments, put a smile on my face c:

Eh fair enough.:rainbowkiss: but just some of the DS community carry this air of...shall we say elitism?

Ah X-COM, how I love/despise that game. So much fun. :twilightsmile: So much rage. :twilightangry2:

But seriously It's one of the best game series I've ever had the pleasure of playing. Spent a cumulative total of 366 hours of time between Enemy Within, and X-COM 2. One part tactical squad based game play, one part strategy, one part logistics (though somewhat simplified), all rage inducing, masochistic, heart rending fun. Unless you play on normal or below without Ironman mode active, and Long War installed (for the first game any way), but what fun is that? :raritywink:

I'm not much into Castlevania either, but I know that you can get a few of them in the WiiU Eshop. That's how I got to play Aria of Sorrow

In regards to Dungeons and Dragons, it's understandable that the game just doesn't click for you. The Tabletop version is currently on its 5th edition. A lot has changed from the original D&D as the game as progressed and evolved, so to speak, over that time. D&D may be the oldest known RPG in existence, but it's far from the only one. D&D was the template and/or base for several other games out there. The Baulder's Gate series draws many of its elements from DnD, as do MMOs like World of Warcraft and Everquest. Another tabletop RPG used D&D 3.5 as its base, that game is called Pathfinder (which has also joined the ranks of the MMOs).

There are some lesser known tabletop RPGs, compared to D&D, that still have a noticeable fan base. World Darkness by White Wolf Publishing, which has a number of variations from the original. Vampire the Masquerade, Werewolf the Forsaken, Mage the Awakening, Geist the Sin Eater, Hunter the Vigil, Promethean the Created and Demon the Fallen are all part of WoD. However the RPG with the most ridiculous versatility in character creation and setting choices is GURPS, any concept you can think of can be built in GURPS (granted if you're a newbie it will take you an almost infuriatingly long time to create a character, even with help).

D&D, the games based off it, and most MMOs use a Level Up and Class system, you choose class and gain XP in order for your character to go to higher levels. World of Darkness and GURPS operate on Point Buy system, the XP you earn can be used to "buy up" your character's properties (this includes raising existing stats and buying new ones your character does not yet have).

If you really want to play a tabletop roleplaying game, but you are too far away from your friends, you can use "roll20", I don't know if you are french, but if it's the case, you can go to Thyamath, you have ALL the books for MANY rpg, if not, it's okay, if you scroll down, you can see something caller "Le secret de la septieme mer", scroll down a little and you will see a "VO", bingo, you have a really fun rpg in English.

Thanks for making me want to play the game more... :ajsleepy:

Nah, just kidding! :rainbowlaugh: Actually, that DOES make me want to play the game even more!

I'll look into it, thanks! :rainbowkiss:

Not sure if you understand... :twilightsheepish:

I WANT to get into Dungeons and Dragons. I simply don't have the things needed to really GET into it. No stores near where I live have the game for me to purchase, and none of the other tabletop games really interest me all that much.

I am NOWHERE close to being French. Not all Canadians have to be French, you know! :rainbowlaugh:

3932218 Ah, well you could always order some of the stuff from an online store, that what I did with my 5e stuff.

In regards to series that I would like to get into Undertale and the Ratchet and Clank series that I would like to try getting into. I bought Undertale over Steam, but for some reason the learning curve is to sharp for me and controls just frustrate me to the point of it loses its appeal quickly (despite my wanting to genuinely experience what so many people find appealing about it). As for Ratchet and Clank, I've never played any of the games and have heard a lot of really interesting stuff about them.

As a fan of X-Com I can honestly say you would LOVE it dude. It's actually hard in terms of how you handle the characters and weapons. EVERY decision is on you. You are the one to defend the human race except the sequel reveals that you were just in a simulation and we lost on day one and then if that fails? X-Com 2 lets you REBEL and destroy the bastards who attacked our home. It just gets MORE AND MORE fun with each moment and once again? The reason they're REALLY awesome? They're because of YOU. The player.... no.... THE COMMANDER.

If you want some short anime to follow, a really gone one, by Rooster Teeth, and by the late Monty Oum, is RWBY. Each episode is about 20 minutes, with only twelve episodes per season, give or take. 3 Volumes out. Beware, there are some serious feels in Volume 3

You mean when Pyrrha dies? :raritydespair:
It's sad... She and Jaune were meant for each other!

3935341 I hope she ain't dead. I mean, Amber didn't turn into Dust, though Cinder could have. Or what about Yang? I hope she gets a robot arm or something, and Bumblebee kick Adam's balls in!

RWBY ships

White Rose (WeissXRuby)
White Crow (Winter and Qrow)
Bumblebee (BlakeXYang)
To an extent Summer Raven (RavenXSummer)

And I know what the ship names are as well. :rainbowkiss:
Dude, RWBY is my favorite show OF ALL TIME. I know RoosterTeeth is leaning towards a Bumblebee ship, so long as Yang forgives Blake for running away.

And that's why I want to get into it! IT SOUNDS SO COOL!!! :rainbowkiss:

3935351 It is. Heads up? The second one is PC exclusive.

3935350 I hope so too. I imagine the episode happening with Blake arriving at Patch, Blake and Yang hugging, Blake apologizing for, in her eyes, causing the loss of Yang's arm, and the two reconcile. I also hope Ruby and JNR break Weiss out of her house.

3935350 Have you seen RWBY chibi yet?

Also, I wonder if Salem had anything to do with Summer's death?

Oh, one thought i, and a number of other fans have, think of the names. WINTER Schnee, SUMMER Rose, Cinder FALL, the only one that's missing is Spring.

Thanks for the head's up. :twilightsmile:

If by "reconcile" you mean "kiss", then I'm all down for it.

3935389 Not a problem.

3935391 I mean, Blake and Yang are just so cute together. I can see where SunXBlake fans are coming from, but Blake and Yang just work.

And RWBY Chibi has also confirmed what Ninjas of Love is

No, not yet. Not willing to pay the subscription, and I'm saving my trial for a special time.

She probably did, seeing how she's the main antagonist of the upcoming arc.

Hmm... Well, we'll see.

Yeah, we already knew it was porn, mate. :rainbowlaugh:

3935399 I've read this one fic where Yang finds the book, and teases Blake about it. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9714703/1/Ninjas-of-Love

3935398 True, still, its SO cute. We got Ruby trying to bake cookies, pin the tail on the donkey, Ninjas of Love, and a funny sparring match between Weiss and Yang

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