• Member Since 19th Apr, 2015
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Nova Arc

Discovering colored cartoon ponies was one of the best times of my life... how many people get to say that? XD

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    Did Ya Miss Me?!

    Thought you could get rid of me that easily, huh? :pinkiecrazy:

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    Nova Digi Log: Happy Valentines Day!

    Hey, subbies! So yeah, unfortunately for you, I am not, in fact, dead.:pinkiecrazy:

    So first and foremost, hopefully, you all had/have a fantastic Valentines Day with your special someone today!:rainbowkiss: I, on the other hand, am enjoying my current bachelor status.:derpytongue2:

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    Nova Digi Log: Welcome the New Year

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    Nova Digi Log: Merry Christmas!!!

    Hey-O, subscribers!

    Now that most of you are awake and I've seen a butt-load of your "Merry Christmas" blogs, 'bout time I did my own.

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    I'm Sorry

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About All the Heat CoD: IW is Getting · 9:44pm May 4th, 2016

Now this is just an opinion. Don't start any flames wars on this because that would be ridiculous and I don't want to be involved in any such thing, alright? This is just my own two cents I'm adding to get stuff off my chest. Don't see this as a rant or me saying I have absolute, Einstein-Hawking-Tesla understanding of the apparent astro-nuclear physics involved in making and reviewing video games, okay? Alright.

Now one thing I've heard a lot of about this was, "It's not what the community wanted." Well you know what? That isn't a bad thing. Why? Because if a franchise always gave its community what it wanted, it wouldn't be a franchise anymore; it would be an idea bin. And idea bins tend to fail. Idea bin is my term for anything that only produces something purely because it was asked to; no original thought, no surprises, no work gone into it whatsoever; just the words of a bunch of fanboy/girls put into computerized form and sold for $60 a piece. Now sometimes it's good, right? Like open forums and Q&As and surveys and stuff to determine what path they should take and what they should and shouldn't do. But think about it; if CoD only created games that the community wanted, it would still be where it was after MW2; no improvements, no new mechanics, just the same thing. And I don't know about you, but after what CoD's done over the years, that would've sucked. Now I'm not gonna lie, I'm a HUGE fan of CoD's old "boots on the ground" combat (it's one of the reasons I love going back to BO2) and the AW exo was not well managed. It was clunky and hard to control due to it being a single powerful boost that could hand you over to the enemy on a gold platter and only worked well for me when it came to side-stepping and back-stepping out of danger. But I'd be lying if I said the BO3 boost system wasn't a genius move. Despite me being use to fighting on the ground, I love the mobility it provides and it works great to me because I'm a hit-and-run player; I'm not always lucky in multiple engagements, so having that free-flowing movement just works really well to me. Sure, Titanfall had the idea for the wall running first, but I don't think it's anywhere near as popular as BO3 (and seeing as a lot of IW's people moved to Respawn, I think I have a conspiracy theory of where they came up with that idea for Titanfall.:duck:) CoD wouldn't have made that addition if it "gave the community what it wanted". Nor would it have come up with Specialists, who are a major and lovable part of the game because of their uniqueness. And I didn't hear ONE person complain about having a possible 17/18-year-old as an elite killing machine.:duck:

Now, I'm no going to lie, I never thought CoD chronology would leave the 21st Century. But guess what? Nobody thought they'd go into cybernetic abilities either and despite all the ranting about "a classic shooter going shit cyberpunk", it still turned out to be one of CoD's biggest successes; no one's even gone back to try out the new "electric gun" on AW, or for anything else for any other reason for that matter, since BO3 came out. But don't take my word for it; just go check it's ratings in IGN, Gamespot, or whatever game critique/website you trust. When I first saw this, I was expecting it to be in like 2080-something, seeing as BO3 was set in 2050-60-something. But again, I'm actually eager to see how this turns out. Now the one thing I won't agree with is if there are anywhere near as many dogfights as there are actual soldier gunfights; that shit's unacceptable because that's what CoD games are founded on; military soldier vs soldier combat, not some Gundam shit (not hating on Gundam, tho, it's good; 00 had one of my best openings - Ash Like Snow.). But from the trailer, the guns sound beautiful, the graphics are amazing, the enemy looks like a genuinely lovable group of villains who we'd also love to blow to kingdom come. So I'm going to wait before saying that it is one of CoD's biggest steps and that I'm proud. Instead, I'm just going to say that it could turn out to be another surprise.

Now the whole issue of it being in space. I've seen a lot of comments along the lines of "CoD: Halo Warfare" and "Where's the aliens? Is it the Covenant?". I'm frankly surprised I haven't seen a Killzone reference yet (keeping an eye out). But IMO... who the fuck cares what the theme is? I'm sorry, but to me the theme , despite how important I think it is to a game, is just meant for aesthetics; it gives an idea of what the background's going to be and what new features can be added (e.g.: would boost and wall running have looked good in World at War? No? Didn't think so). To me, that's just the visual, which counts for maybe 20% of the game, because who wants to play a game where the timeline, technology, and gameplay mechanics don't fit? No one! And cut them some slack. I'm pretty sure that if they had a chance to get a better look at BO3, they'd have taken more pages from Treyarch than Sledgehammer and maybe have shown some mechanic that would've been more appeasing "appealing" to the community. But I think it's absolutely ridiculous that the like:dislike ratio of the trailer is almost 1:1; WTF? Even Ghosts, which turned out to be quite a let-down with Extinction being its saving grace, have a MUCH better ratio! (Also, a bit off point: I love the song they used - "Space Oddity" by David Bowie; RIP you freaking legend!) Do you honestly think that after getting so used to wall running and sliding and boosting out of danger, you'd easily swing back into the game? I'm an AVID gamer - an AVID COD gamer. Despite not having my name at the top of the leaderboard but having played with such people, I can tell you that switching between BO2 and AW is not as easy as you think (I constantly found myself trying to exo-jump to the upper floors of Hijacked.XD #NovaIsADerpN00b! Don't judge me!). Like I said, I :heart: boots on the ground, but I also love maximum mobility and being able to escape from gunfights I dare not even attempt. There's been talk of "gravity thrusters" and we've seen something similar with some of the soldiers in the trailer; as long as it's got the control of BO3's boosts, I'm fine, but not exo. That shit was an annoying double-edged sword that I could've done without.

Now, in conclusion, I'm not saying it's going to be good, but I believe the phrase is, "Don't knock it till you try it." That being said, this is just my two cents on it. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to give an educated, personal opinion on a game. Also, I do not like originalism; that is I don't like a franchise to stick to the exact same thing it's been doing since day 1. It won't make any progress by playing it safe. It's like writing a fanfiction and sticking to just the canon; sure it's good if it's well written, but look at how big FoE is. How much of that shit's canon, hm? If CoD played it safe, I bet you the community would be BEGGING for them to use a different timeline or alter some aspect of the mechanics. I believe I'd be lying if I said killstreaks were better than scorestreaks or that the BO2 streaks were dumb and that they should've stuck to the limited, basic stuff from WaW or MW2. But it's just my opinion.

But hey, what do I know? I'm just some random, possibly nameless, faceless CoD player who's played more local than online, never going past "hardened", and who hasn't played a shooter of any kind in months because life. What do I know about the laws involved in quantum mechanics of CoD?:ajbemused:

And no, I'm not licking Activision's ass. Just because I have some positive viewpoint on it doesn't mean I won't bash the shit out of the game if it ends up giving me reason to. Contrary to people's beliefs, not everyone who stands by certain decisions regardless of what other people say are complacent cows brainwashed with the sole purpose of sucking the big-named companies dick.:ajbemused:

Just needed to post this here. I found people here are a bit more open minded than people in the CoD group I'm in. I'm just looking for unbiased ears/eyes/minds to share my thoughts with because I feel like I may either get kicked or leave that group because they're acting like the childish, originalist fanboys I've been seeing all over the Net recently after the trailer and honestly, I respect all opinions and can agree to disagree, but close-mindedness and originalism and "they should've kept it the same as it was when it first started over 10 years ago" spews would make me bed-ridden sick if it weren't for my ability to tolerate incomprehensible amounts of horseshit from human beings. We want to colonize mars, but it's a crime against humanity and high treason of the highest order if a game goes from WW2 to space warfare over the course of 13 years and deserves to be burned at the stake while being crucified and hanged. Fucking idiots.

Sorry about the swearing and if it ended up sounding ranty, especially at the end. I'm just tired.:facehoof::ajsleepy:

Comments ( 12 )

To be honest, I was a bit interested when I saw the ships and the possible space combat. But really, at this point I couldn't care less about CoD or any other military FPS for that matter. I just think it's really shitty of them to keep the remaster MW exclusive to the $80 pre order version, with no way to just get that game. It's a blatant cash-grab based on nostalgia and a part of this bullshit pre-order culture that I was suckered into for so long. CoD isn't my thing, but for the people who enjoy it I feel like they are getting shafted by corporate asshats.
I swore off CoD after Ghosts, but I genuinely hope that this game is good for your sake and the sake of people who enjoy the franchise.

3919737 Activision needs money. I kinda don't blame them, seeing as they're a company and a lot of competition is coming up. But yeah. It sucks that the players have to take the heat. I can live without the remastered, but it's still a dick move to those who loved the MW series. Luckily, I've never been one for pre-ordering, but it's sad what they're doing with one of my favorite game series.

But yeah, Ghost's really didn't live up to the hype.:ajsleepy:

3919750 Forgive me if I don't shed a tear for a company on par with EA in terms of profit, general shittyness and blatant underhanded attempts to squeeze more money out of the dying husk that they themselves are responsible for:ajbemused:
I was pro preorder until the Order 1886, but you'll hear ALL about that in an upcoming PT Reviews:ajsmug::rainbowlaugh:

3919763 I don't blame you one bit.:rainbowlaugh:

I always wanted to play that game. Alas, PS4 only. It's one of the few games drawing me to get a PS4 instead of an XBox One. Can't wait ti hear your take on it.:ajsmug:

3919772 Sneak peek: watch a playthrough of it, don't waste your money

3919774 IGN: 6.5/10

Yeah. Probably just gonna do that. But the Tesla rifle and rocket launcher explosions were cool though.

3919781 you use each exactly twice in the entire game

3919935 Oh... Money well kept in my wallet.:rainbowlaugh::facehoof:

3919950 indeed. Trust me, there's more. This game changed me, but I'll get to that later:moustache:

3920127 I await the notice.:moustache:

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