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Chaotic Note


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>mfw less than 10 followers away from 1000 · 1:24am May 3rd, 2016

Comments ( 9 )

Now you're only 9 away as of this time :)

I should feel happy. I'm not. At all.

3915065 I know what you're gonna say: you feel guilty because you haven't been able to update and yadda yadda. Get the schoolwork done, put writing on the backburner. Carry a small notebook around and scribble in any ideas you may have. I do it all the time. College is time-consuming and stressful. It's also hot as balls in California (I'm in New York) so stress is twofold. Focus on College, keep a notebook, masturbate to save your sanity.

These have been Mono's Trusty Tips.



Just kidding.

It'll happen though. I can feel it.

I don't live in California anymore. I'm in Washington state. Still it does get pretty hot. Also right now I'm taking a break this quarter. Summer is when I take classes again, so right now I have no good excuses. Although I have been RPing again with the EWG crew and so far I'm flexing my creative writing skills.

3915327 Whatever works for you, my man. Washington, huh? How's the weather up there?

3917949 Well it's spring, so it fluctuates from cold to hot, from sunny to cloudy.

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