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[Oreonna One-Shot] Spring Cleaning · 8:12pm Apr 24th, 2016

Please enjoy! Also be sure to Favorite, Follow and Review the story over on Fanfiction! Link to the story is below here so you can do that! Seriously, I need all the help I can get, so even a simple "Anonymous Review" will help me. Until then!

Tukson was flabbergasted at the sight of what he found in his wife Neo's closet.

It was spring cleaning season, and Tukson felt it was necessary to tidy up his shop before he reopened it after the store's winter hiatus. He asked Neo and even his daughter Oreonna for help, but they had other things they needed to do. Tukson didn't mind this, what with him being a fairly large fan of tidying and seeing things neat. However, this simple spring cleaning went way past his store and eventually into his and Neo's room.

He was almost finished and ready to clean up Oreonna's room before a thought crossed his mind; he had never actually seen, let alone attempted to clean his wife's personal closet. Of course, he certainly attempted to in the past, but Neo simply wouldn't let him look through it. A sudden wave of utter male stupidity went through him as he reached for the closet handle.

"Maybe... one look?" he said to himself "I'm her husband; I should know almost everything about her, unless it's an extremely important secret. Besides, I need to know she isn't- No, Tukson, get that thought out of your head now! She would never betray me or her family!"

He looked again at the closet. A smile of mischief, a kind of grin he hadn't had in a long time, appeared on his face.

"...maybe a small look; just to make sure," Tukson would, from that day, swear some of his wife's personality was rubbing off him. Slowly, he reached a hand forward and grabbed the closet door handle. He cautiously opened it only for something to roll right out.

Strewn about the floor now was an old, but admittedly well preserved maid-like outfit from over seven years ago. It was a two piece outfit mainly made with black cloth. On the upper half were four white frills on the shoulders and a black ribbon on the neck area. The bottom half was a short black skirt with a white belt around it. Attached to both of the halves were two black armbands and two white hairpins.

Tukson wasn't sure how to react to it.

Suddenly, he heard movement behind him. His eyes widened as he quickly turned around and saw Neo standing there in a simple, white, spring-weather tank top and pink sweatpants. The laundry basket she was carrying dropped right out of her hands the second she saw the outfit on the floor, clothes both big and small spilling out everywhere.

Neo didn't say anything; all she COULD do was stare at the outfit. At first, Tukson was afraid he may have broken her. But it only took a few seconds for Neo to begin blushing. Not out of embarrassment or even anger, but rather utter shame.

"Um... Neo?" Tukson tried to speak up.

Before he even had a chance to react, Neo rushed forward and quickly grabbed the outfit, shoving it back into her closet and closing the door. She then slowly turned her head towards her husband, her face filled with pure rage as a near-sadistic smile crept its way onto her mouth. Tukson wasn't a man usually frightened by things. Hell, he even went up against a mech suit with only a marginal amount of fear in his eyes. All that changed once he got married to a complete nutcase.

A nutcase he loved with all his heart, but a nutcase all the same.

"L-Look, Neo, I can explain," Tukson stuttered a bit "It's just that you never really let me see what's inside there and I was just curious and it was spring cleaning time and- You're not buying any of this, are you?"

Neo shook her head.

"Yeah, figured as much," Tukson sighed.

Neo got closer and closer, a look of annoyance strewn across her face. It was a look Tukson was all too familiar with; she always made that face when she was about to go to town on someone, more specifically someone she was currently annoyed with. She made that face a lot during her pregnancy, funnily enough.

Suddenly, Tukson got an idea. It wasn't much, but he'd have to roll with it.

"Wait!" he suddenly shouted, stopping Neo for a second "I mean... Yeah, I shouldn't have been rummaging through your closet..." the second was over, causing Tukson to panic and rush his last few words "And yes, I know you said countless times that I shouldn't be looking through there, but is it in ANY way possible that I can salvage this by saying you'll look incredible if you wear it?!"

Neo stopped; for real this time.

She wasn't exactly sure how to respond to that.

Tukson took a deep breath in and out, hoping that his plan would work. After a tense minute or so, Neo looked at her husband and pushed him out of their room, closing and locking the door so he wouldn't be able to enter until Neo allowed him to. He let out a somewhat disappointed, somewhat frustrated sigh.

However, all of his concerns and negative emotions went away the second he saw his 7-year-old, black and white haired daughter walk up to him, juice box in-hand and straw in-mouth. She wore a white shirt with a cute cat face on it, as well as grey pants with a hole in the back for her small black tail to fit through. She looked up to him and removed the straw to speak.

"Daddy, what's mommy doing?" she asked him.

"Oh, uh..." Tukson tried to find the words to describe it to a 7-year-old "Mommy's, uh... I think she's just busy changing. But I also think it's very private and personal, so could you go and wait in your room for a second, sweetie? Please?"

"Oh, okay," Oreonna nodded before happily walking into her room and closing the door. However, being the mischievous little spawn of ice cream she was, she left her door open only a crack; just small enough that her father wouldn't notice it, and just large enough so she could watch the events about to unfold. She let out a gleeful, but quiet giggle.

The door to Tukson and Neo's room then unlocked itself. It slowly opened to reveal that Neo had actually put on the outfit on. The two piece outfit revealed her midriff and was starting to get a little small, especially around the waist and chest areas due to motherhood happening. However, she still seemed to be able to pull the look off, easily being able to twist and turn her body in whichever direction she wanted it to go. Her hair, clearly not a wig, had somehow become serene black in the span of a few minutes and was tied into two ponytails on either side of her head where her hairbands were located. She placed her hands on her hips and smirked, finding amusement in Tukson's staring and slight blushing.

"W-Wow, Neo," Tukson let out a single chuckle "I wasn't far off; you look decently good in it."

A pillow was suddenly thrown at Tukson's face. I wonder how that happened.

"Neo, you know I'm only kidding," Tukson laughed "You look beautiful. Honestly, when Oreonna isn't around, I'd suggest wearing it more often."

Neo blushed.

"I- No, not for that reason, sweetie," Tukson mentally slapped himself for even unintentionally implying that. But suddenly, Neo began to look rather saddened by something. She sighed and walked back into the room, falling on the bed face-first. Tukson was obviously worried about her, but there was something, or rather someone, he had to deal with first.

"Oreo, I know you're there," he looked back a bit "Remember what I said about snooping and eavesdropping, sweetie."

A soft 'darn' was heard before Oreonna's door fully closed. Now with his daughter safe from adult talk, he finally decided to consult his wife about what she was so depressed about. He carefully sat down on the bed with her, cautious about her body and her smallness. He patted her back to try and comfort her, despite not knowing what she was so depressed about.

"Neo, are you alright?" he finally asked her.

She simply shook her head, her face still in the mattress.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Neo took a moment to think about her answer before she finally sighed and rolled her body around, now looking directly at the ceiling. She moved her eyes over to her husband and smiled a bit before she began explaining her woes.

"This outfit..." she began "I wore this when I was way younger and still, y'know... with Roman and stuff."

Tukson felt his heart skip a beat.

"Actually, I begged him and my higher-ups if I could wear this outfit specifically," Neo recalled, chuckling at the memories "Cinder was so intent on getting me to wear something else, but Roman absolutely loved it and wanted me to wear whatever the hell I wanted to. There was a big argument too until finally I was allowed to wear this thing."

"So... You kept the outfit to remember your time with them?" Tukson raised an eyebrow "The criminals that tried to kill me several times? The people that, if I hadn't have met you, would have put Vale into a state of depression and destruction?"

"Well, I mean, when you put it like that..." Neo uncomfortably shifted around on the mattress "I guess I either just really, really like this outfit, or... maybe I miss Roman... A-And not for the reasons you think! Yes, I loved Roman, but before I met you I was just kind of... blindly following him."

"...alright," Tukson smiled.

"...alright?" Neo responded in a confused tone "You're not angry?"

"Holding onto things from the past is a perfectly normal thing for humans to do," Tukson brought up "I mean, I'd be pretty upset if the thing you held onto was a doomsday machine, but it's just a simple outfit; there's no reason I should be mad. Besides, I think you look pretty good in it."

"Really?" Neo tilted her head before placing her hands on her chest area "Because I think I may have grown a bit out of it."

"N-Neo!" Tukson blushed as he looked away, trying to hide himself from his wife just casually touching herself in front of him "Is there no possible way you could do that when I'm OUT of the room?"

"Relax, we're married," Neo rolled her eyes "It's perfectly normal for us to just do this whenever."

"That's not why I want you to stop," Tukson sighed before looking back at the doorway of his room. Neo took a look as well and gasped; Oreonna had eavesdropped on them again. The little girl gasped as well when she was caught, although she didn't rush back to her room in an attempt to hide and wait everything out.

"Wow... You're good," Neo grinned at Tukson's incredible hearing.

"And you're pretty sneaky, little miss," Tukson raised an eyebrow at his daughter, causing her to feel only a bit of shame inside her "What did I say about eavesdropping literally a few minutes ago?"

"I... that's... not important," Oreonna passed her father off, much to his confusion, frustration and annoyance "I just wanna tell mommy something before you ground me, alright?"

"...okay," Tukson sighed.

"Ahem..." Oreonna stepped further into the room, Neo now sitting up and listening to what her daughter had to say to her "Mommy, your outfit looks really pretty. And... And I don't really care if your boss or whatever says you can't wear it, it looks good on you! Even if your hips and boobies are too big for it now."

"Oreonna, you can't just say stuff like-"

"That... was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard you say, sweetie," Neo felt a tear of pure joy run down her cheek as she interrupted her husband "Oh, c'mere, you!" Neo leaped out of bed and rushed over to give her daughter a hug. It wasn't long before the young feline faunus began hugging back with a huge smile on her face, mostly oblivious to the words she just used to describe and praise her mother.

"...ah, what the heck?" Tukson shrugged before joining in the group hug, feeling the pleasing warmth of his two favorite girls.

"Oh, and Oreonna?" Neo began.

"Yes, mommy?" Oreonna responded.

"You're still getting punished."


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