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  • 70 weeks
    Potentially The End

    Due to the suddenly VERY uncertain landscape that TTRPGs have been dropped into thanks to Wizards of The Coast and Hasbro, I am now faced with a problem.

    For those of you who don't really pay attention to the world of Dungeons and Dragons, something of a war has begun. It is the fans vs. D&D owner and creator, Wizards of the Coast and, by proxy, Hasbro.

    The cause for the war?

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  • 129 weeks
    To the Surface!

    Alright, I've been gone a long while. For the most part anyways. COVID... did not do me or mine any favors. Life got hard after it came in, and now I'm on my own.

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  • 152 weeks

    I have received a number of comments since the posting of Chapter 5 of Tartarus Forged. Most of those comments were respectful in asking why I would reference the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki like I did, and I thank you for that tact, but some of you... were not.

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  • 231 weeks
    Happy Holidays!

    Ladies. Gentleman.

    Non-binary entities.

    The end of the decade is upon us. I encourage you to dig through the last ten yours of this site, the stories you read, the stories you wrote. Laugh at your mistakes. Cheer at you accomplishments.

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  • 232 weeks
    It Started With An Idea

    This is something that I've had running around my head for the last month or so. It's not something overly complicated, but about half-way through writing down this synopsis, I realized this had more potential than as just a fan-fic story. Alter a few key facts, such as ponies being involved... and I may have something I could genuinely turn into a book to one day be published.

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Derp Moment · 2:23pm Apr 24th, 2016

So... I haven't been to bed in roughly... what, thirty hours? I get weird when I'm tired. I start slurring my words, I will trip over every goddamned thing between here and the bathroom, including invisible turtles... and I forget important information.

I finished Chapter Twelve already and am awaiting the final green light from Cyberfire, but while I was waiting I figured I would start working on some more Character Sheets. I use them to help keep track of what I'm doing with the characters. Anyways, I got to work on Shining Armor's sheet, and finished about seven hundred words of his bio when I realized I was making the sheet as if he would have John Stewart, the Green Lantern, as a Hero Soul. I mean, if he got creative with those shields he could do pretty much anything a Green Lantern could do, right? Right.

Problem is, I completely forgot the most obvious part. John Stewart, and the Green Lantern Corp itself, are part of DC... which I already used.

Ugh... now I have to do his bio all over again... but first, I'm gonna go pass out so this doesn't happen again... today... Please?

Nos Non Facimus Normalis.

Comments ( 20 )

I cast go to sleepus. Did it work?

Someone who can handle a few actal shielding effect? Lelouche from Code Geass would fit the bill. His mech used a near impenetrable shield oft made of smaller plates that he could rearrange as needed. Using them for other purposes could be interesting and he'd be a bitpretty weird character to bring in. More so if he still had his Geass ability too.

Does it really matter if he's also from the DC universe. I think it's seems appropriate that Shining Armours hero soul is also from the DC universe like his sister.

Wait, does it have to not be anything from the DC Universe? I mean, the colors of the Lantern Corps are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, black (death), and white (life). Each color (aside from black and white represents an emotion. Do you already have the Green Lantern guy? What about someone of the Blue Lantern Corps, or the Indigo Corps? How about Kyle Rayner, creator of the White Lantern Corps (the group which is essentially god-like)?

I have yet to finish reading the second chapter of your story at this point, but I'm wondering: will you end up using Eragon and Sapphira? What about someone from Rick Riordan's books? Or from the Gatekeeper series by Anthony Horowitz? Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, Halo, Undertale... any of those?

And I've now read chapter 3. Anyway, possibly one of the aforementioned series/franchises? What about someone from Full Metal Alchemist, or Fairy Tail?

Well, I'm half tempted to say Orihime, but I know you already chose someone else from Bleach. And you keep it for an omake.
Well, if you are up to do some reading, there is Harry Dresden from the books The Dresden Files that I mentioned in another thread that is more than descent with shields. They saved his life too often to count. Heck, he even had a problem once when he tried to use his shield to stop fire. It worked, but not for the heat and his arm got quite... cooked. It got better, but that made him improve his shield. Also, he is Wizard with quite a lot of magic knowledge, though Bob is quite helpful. Though there is his spirit daughter to consider. To give you an example of his talent, he made an actual replica of Chicago to use to track and spy others. And serve as a breaker should he get attacked through the use of Little Chicago. Oh, and he just keep putting his life in danger to protect the innocents. That is kind of fitting for a captain of the Guards. After all, he is a Warden, who is kind of the Wizard equivalent of guards.

Completely ignoring my earlier comment, I have read halfway through chapter four, and I was pretty much just binge-watching Steven Universe for about 28 episodes straight, and I'm about to watch 29. Anyways, I think you should have Shining be Steven Universe, or possibly another gem, like Rose Quartz, Steven's Mother, Founder and previous head of the Crystal Gems (Earth group), and protector of Earth.

I had a nice idea earlier tonight but just cannot get it to fully work. So here is the basic idea. Shining Armor is Shinji Ikari and his shield is actually an AT field. The only issue is is he good enough to be a hero soul or is he a regular reincarnation?

3892824 Considering I'm just now responding to this, I'd say so.

3892964 Well, no, it's not vital that I adhere to that rule... but I made the rule as a challenge to myself. If I get to the point where the rule is interfering with getting the story done, then I'll stop following it. For now though, it's not doing that.

3893199 Have a look at this and this, then get back to me.

3893222 Sad to say I'm not well versed on the Dresden Files. Sorry, can't use it.

3894302 I wouldn't know. I've never seen the show.

3894452 I looked at the Harmony League Soul List earlier before I wrote the second comment which disregards the first and each edit I made to it and pretty much just gives my actual suggestion. I think you should have Shining Armor be either Steven Quartz Universe or Rose Quartz of the show Steven Universe.
Just 2 questions: why Frisk? I think that half of the entire world agrees that Sans is more like Pinkie than the silent, calm, expressionless Frisk. Also, why "We do not do normal"?

I got about 4 hours of sleep, again. Like normal. I'll take a nap in like, 11 hours.

3894735 I feel your pain. sleep is a very elusive animal.

Anyways, I didn't pick the souls based on personality similarities, but rather personality differences. Half of this story is about the various characters struggling to accept who and what they are. The only reason Twilight didn't get a real big issue was because she was the introductory character, and I have other kinds of struggles in mind for her.

And Pinkie... well, she's a unique case when it comes to Hero Souls. Unfortunately, I haven't published the chapter that explains it, so I can't say why she's unique.

3894771 Will you use anyone's suggestions? The shield of Rose Quartz and Steven is rather versatile, though I'm not sure how different the personalities are. Rose is a gem, and Gems are gender-less. Well actually, she mutated a womb so that Steven could be created, so... having to remember that and the thousands of years Rose has lived would be rather interesting for Shining. And by that I mean traumatizing.

3894452 It's never too late to begin reading -wink-

Actually, it would help to know a bit more about the universes you do know that aren't in the list of confirmed universes.

Hmm, what about Commander Shepard from Mass Effect, the biotic version? He/she (I like the female voice actor personally) is a rather flexible character with quite a lot of stuff that happens to him/her.

It could be some kind of Summoner from a Final Fantasy that still have a pact with Summons and he is able to call upon Carbuncles.

There is the guy and the girl from Folklore who can use spirits they capture. I'm pretty sure one was a shield. It's been so long since I played.


Yea Eva is a show where nothing ever turns out good for the main character Shinji. I just figured that the universe was throwing him a nice juicy bone after all the crap that he had gotten in his previous life. Like a living mom, a sane and caring father, a love interest who actually is nice and straight forward with her feelings for him, and the world doesn't rely on him saving it from eldric horrors.

Maybe you could use Buzz Lightyear ("Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" version, NOT Toy Story version); Buzz is similar enough to Green Lantern for it to work (both are the most respected officers in their universes' respective top law enforcement agencies, both have pretty strong moral codes and both have former friends who became among their worst enemies)

Or, if the "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" version of Buzz is too obscure for you, maybe you could use Space Ghost (classic version; NOT "Coast to Coast" version). After all, in many ways, Space Ghost IS basically a cross between Batman and Green Lantern.

Or if THAT's also too obscure for you, maybe you could use Bob Parr/Mister Incredible (the Incredibles). Okay, admittedly, force fields aren't among Mister Incredible's power set (actually, his only actual powers are super-strength and super-toughness), but if his memories allowed him to recall some of the stuff his daughter Violet has done with force fields, he could probably get the hang of it pretty quickly.

Or, if you don't like any of these ideas, I profusely apologize for wasting your time.

3894794 If I use Steven Universe, you need to remember that this all happens after the characters die and reincarnate. I just can't bring myself to try and think up a scene where the kid kicks the bucket. That's also why I won't use KND. Besides, his power comes from his physical body, being half gem and all, and that's not something that can translate over in a reincarnation. The only thing I could reliably let him keep after reincarnation is any skill he developed in the use of a shield.

I'm aware that a Unicorn could probably replicate that power to some degree, but there's one final thing to consider. I've seen a fair amount of the Steven Universe episodes, certainly enough to get a basic idea of what's going on, but not enough to be comfortable with characterization for any character. Heck, the only knowledge I have on Rose Quartz is that she's Steven's mother, Pearl is fanatically devoted to her, and her powers were apparently passed on to Steven.

Thank you for the suggestion. Please, feel free to make other suggestions, but Steven Universe is off the table. I just don't think I can do it justice.

3895563 Wow... I still remember staying up late as a kid to watch Space Ghost and Coast to Coast. Been a long time since I saw either. I'm not sure I could reliably characterize any of the characters... though, granted, cartoons back then were very stereotypical, so I could probably make a damn good go of it with nothing but Classic-Batman tropes.

Regardless, I have next to no reliable memory of the show, so I probably shouldn't mess with it. The same goes for Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. I remember the show and some of the details, but nothing usable.

I am seriously tempted with Mr. Incredible. I'll think about it.

3895821 Thanks very much. :-D

3895679 What about someone from the Summoner series written by Taran Matharu? Actually, that wouldn't work for Shining due to the nature of his magic and hold on a second.

I just can't bring myself to try and think up a scene where the kid kicks the bucket.

What about Frisk? He's a child, yet you're using them.

Hey, maybe you could give a gryphon powers with the Summoner series.

Anyways, Shining's a protector. Maybe give him a hero soul at odds to that that has a shield or ward power like, for example, the Dovahkiin, or perhaps the Halo people? I don't know, the only characters I can even think of are of the table.

WAIT A MINUTE WHAT About one of the people or AI's of Red Vs. Blue, Rooster Teeth's thing, the one in the Halo universe, a freelancer like Washington or someone. Watch it on Netflix or Youtube.

3896468 What about Frisk? He's a child, yet you're using them.

Well, in all fairness, SvenBjorn didn't necessarily say Frisk was a kid when he died for the last time. It's entirely possible he lived a long life following his adventures in the monsters' kingdom and just died of natural causes at a rather old age.


What about Frisk? He's a child, yet you're using them.

Yes, but you're forgetting that Frisk is quite literately as old as anyone wants him/her to be. Toby never elaborated on his/her age or gender, and then there's the fact that resetting is nothing more than blatant time travel in Undertale, meaning Frisk is mentally anywhere from a child to older than dirt. I have my own head-canon to introduce that should neatly tie it up... hopefully.

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